Planning Acting Observing Research Method

40 pedagogy enhanced students’ writing skills and to what extents it worked. Then by conducting those phases, the researcher got the description on the students’ progress on their writing skills. Here are the phases:

1. Planning

First of all, the researcher prepared the classroom activity involving the teaching-learning methods and materials related to SK- KD. The activity also conducted in the same order as what reflective pedagogy stated; there must be a real context for students to experience, the reflection to strengthen the knowledge, and conducting a real action.

2. Acting

In accordance with the nature of the reflective pedagogy, the activities, firstly, were held outside of the class. It spontaneously looked like a field trip approach, in which the students go to the real field in order to learn certain object or theory. During the students experienced the topic materials, they took note on what they were experiencing. According to Tribble 1996, it is called prewriting level. After they finished experiencing the materials, they came in to the class that saw what they had written in the field. Then, as this a part of the reflective pedagogy, they reflected what they had experienced. Here, probably what they had written was as a product of their reflection. So, what they needed to do was to see their own note more carefully. From the note they had written and their reflection, they PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 should re-write it in a good composition of writing. Here the researcher gave instruction to make the writing process go well. The next step was the researcher, as their teacher, saw their rough writing and made correction or comment. Then, the researcher gave it back to the students and had them revise it into final writing before submission. This phase was called as revising. After that, the students submitted their writing and shared what they had experienced orally during their activity; here was about how they feel.

3. Observing

When the action was conducted, the observing process was also conducted as well. The observation was limited only on the data based on the plan and the action. In doing the step, the researcher used field notes and assessment sheets. The observing was intended to understand and to record the changes happened as the effects of planned actions. After the process of the class teaching-learning, the researcher evaluate their writing and made adjustment in some components of writing assessment, such as students’ writing and arranging the ideas, diction and grammar, and enthusiasm and motivation see the format of the instrument.

4. Reflecting