The Background of Task-Based Language Learning Task-Based Methodology Framework


a. The Background of Task-Based Language Learning

In TBLL, learning fostered through performing a series of activities as steps towards successful task realization. By working towards task realization, the language is used immediately in the real- world context of the learner, making learning authentic. In TBLL, then, students are prepared for the task so that they will be aware of the language they need in order to carry it out successfully. In fact, the focus of the attention is upon a final task.

b. Task-Based Methodology Framework

According to Jane Willis 1996 there are four stages in Task- Based learning, which are pre-task, task preparation, task realization, and post-task. 1 Pre-Task: it is the stage where the chosen material will need relate to the task. Exploring the topic to the group can be by exploitation of the picture, by watching a video clip, looking at a text, seeing the real situation, brainstorming words connected to the topic, sharing experiences, and comparing ideas. 2 Task Preparation: this stage involves students in a discussion of their attitudes to it and preparing their arguments for the following topics. Students prepare own input for tasks by planning a report and writing the ideas to find. 3 Task Realization: this stage prepares students both ideologically and linguistically for the task. Here the students PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 produce or present their tasks by producing a writing, leaflet or poster, performing a role-play, or giving presentation. 4 Post Task: while the task is being carried out, the teacher may wish to make notes on the language such as error correction on the vocabulary, structure, phrases, etc. Besides, the teacher also may conduct a feedback session to discuss the success of the task and consider suggestion for improving it. Evaluation of the task will provide useful information for teachers when planning further tasks.

B. Theoretical Framework

This theoretical framework presents the theories used in this research. They are class room action research, reflective pedagogy, and writing process. The method of this research is class action research. The theory of class action research used in this research belongs to Kemmis and McTaggart. They divide the procedure of the class action research into four steps which are planning, action taking, observation and evaluation, and reflection. In order to conduct the writing process of the students, the researcher used the combination of the theories of Christopher Tribble and Erna Febru. Here the Erna Febru’s theories were important since the subject of the research were elementary students especially sixth-grade. The teaching strategies PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI