Teaching Writing for Elementary School Students Enhancing Students’ Writing Skills


b. Teaching Writing for Elementary School Students

Teaching writing in elementary grades can be tricky but is important. Improving writing skills will help students succeed both in and out of school. As a result, teaching writing should be an important part of the class activity. Other evidence also states that learning to write also will help students improve their reading, comprehension, and ability to express themselves. We have discussed the theory of writing process. Mostly, there are some differences in process between adult and children writing. The differences may come from the content and also the structure of the writing itself. For elementary students, it is simply suitable in context of Indonesia which has English as a foreign language, the type of the text should be simple in organization and sentence structure. Therefore, a descriptive text may match this criterion. The descriptive text is simple because the students only use Verb 1. Besides, in describing something, they mostly use adjective words and simple sentences, such as “my dog is big, my bag is black, my Cupang is small and cute, etc.” After the process is taken into account, the next one is how to evaluate the students’ writing. This way, a teacher should not only bother about the students’ final result but also the process in producing the writing. Therefore, some aspects which the teacher should take into account are the response, motivation, interest, cooperation, and confidence of the students in the writing process. Erna Febru 2008 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 conveyed that the assessment could be conducted in terms of students’ enthusiasm and motivation, writing ideas, organizing ideas, and dictions.

c. Enhancing Students’ Writing Skills

This research used a terminology of “enhancing”. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 1995, to enhance means to increase or improve further the good quality, value or status of somebody or something. Therefore, in this research to enhance students’ writing skills was to increase the further good quality of the students’ writing skills. As stated in the previous sub topic that writing skills here covered some skills, such as organizing ideas, sentence structure, etc. Since it was to improve the students’ writing skills, the indicators of to enhance are the students’ motivation, participations, and also progress of their writing skills. It means that the better improvement of the students’ writing skills was the main goal of this research. From the title, the researcher derived two terminologies dealing with writing, which were to enhance and skills. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 1995, to enhance means to increase or improve further the good quality of something. Then, in that dictionary, skill is meant as an ability to do something well or refers to a specific skill or a particular type of skill. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28

4. Cooperative Language Learning