Smart and Well-developed Anna’s Personality Traits


2. Anna’s Personality Traits

a. Smart and Well-developed

Someone’s intellectual growth is influenced by many conditions. As what is stated by Hurlock, there are many important conditions that affect someone’s intellectual development such as the physical condition, the use of intellectual capacities, education, motivation, early experiences, emotional states and personality pattern 178. Anna’s intelligent development is mostly affected by her motivation, her early experience and her emotional states. Anna is considered smarter than other children in her age. Her ability to think about everything is well developed. She is often questioning about something in detail and further. Other children in that age commonly do not have that way of thinking. If being compared with other common children, Anna is different. She is very critical and she has big curiosity. When her friends are trying to find out what is meant by penis and vagina, she is paying attention into different details like why some mothers only have one child, while other families seem to multiply before your eyes 7. She looks beneath the surface on what she is curious about. “When I was little, the great mystery to me wasn’t how babies were made, but why. The mechanics I understood, ….” 7. This kind of intellectual growth is affected by emotional states that Anna has. Anna’s critical thought and curiosity is the expression of her question of her role in this world. Since Anna is very young, she has experienced so many medical treatments. She is very familiar with medical utensils and medicines. Her sister is a constant hospital’s patient that is why Anna also often gets medical treatments to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 donate her parts of the body. She is capable to recognize the parts of human body, even the detailed one. She knows the parts and the functions of human’s organs. Her medical vocabulary is amazing. She learns it from her own experience. It can be seen through Anna’s speech when she explains her medical treatments experience to her lawyer, Mr. Campbell. “The first time I gave something to my sister, it was cord blood, and I was new born. She has leukemia – APL – and my cells put her into remission. The next time she relapsed, I was five and I had lymphocytes drawn from me, three times over, because the doctors never seemed to get enough of them in the first time around. When that stopped working, they took bone marrow for a transplant. When Kate got infection, I had to donate granulocytes. When she relapsed again, I had to donate peripheral blood stem cells.” 20. Those explanations amaze Mr. Campbell much. He admits that Anna’s medical vocabulary is much better than he is. This intellectual growth is affected by her early experiences. Her medical experience that she has experienced more than 13 years old is quite a lot to build her understanding on human’s organ. Moreover, Anna is considered as a smart child because she can think further how to reach her goal to be medically emancipated. She has a brilliant plan dealing with that case. She understands the procedure how to file a lawsuit, by hiring a professional lawyer. She is capable to decide what kind of lawyer she needs. Although at first, she finds difficulties how to make the lawyer helps her but she is smart enough to persuade the lawyer to work with her. Anna’s smartness is affected by her motivation. She is motivated to be medically emancipated. Therefore, she searches information from the newspaper how to hire a lawyer and what kind of lawyer she needs. It is like what is stated by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 Hurlock 197 that motivation affects how and how much one uses his intellectual capacities. In conclusion, from Anna’s thought, like her critical thought on why baby is born, from her speech when she explains about the medical treatments she had experienced, and from the attorney’s comment, Anna is considered as a smart girl. Besides, Anna’s mental development is also well developed. She knows how to work with lawsuit. However, Anna’s mental development is not instantly formed. It is affected by many conditions such as her motivation, her emotional states and her early experience.

b. Cheerful