Definitions of Motivation Theory of Motivation

13 determinants and family determinants 143-351. Meanwhile, Anderson as cited in Hurlock, points out three major factors in determining the development of personality. They are the individual’s hereditary endowment, early experience with the family and important events in later life outside the home environment 19.

4. Theory of Motivation

This study is related to psychology study that is human motivation. Everyone is motivated to achieve hisher goal. Motivation drives people to reach their goal. This study is about Anna’s motivation in stopping her organ donation for her sister. In addition, to get the answer of her motivation, the understanding of motivation should be broardened. Moreover, this part will present the definitions and kinds of motivation.

a. Definitions of Motivation

Many psychologists have defined the meaning of motivation. Petri defines motivation as “the concept we use when we describe the forces acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior” 3. Petri explains that concept of motivation can be use as parameter to see the different of intensity behavior. Moreover, it can be used to initiate the direction of behavior. For instance, when people feel sleepy, they will direct their behavior to close their eyes then get to sleep. Another definition is also suggested by Beck. “Motivation is broadly concerned with the contemporary determinants of choice direction, persistence PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 and vigor of goal directed behavior” 24. Kasschau adds that motivation cannot be studied directly. It only can be concluded by seeing the goal directed behavior. “Since motivation cannot be observed directly, psychologists, like the rest of us, infer motivation from goal-directed behavior” 134. Discussing about motivation, it will also talk about behavior because motivation underlies the basic cause of behavior. Worchel and Shebilkse explain that motivation explains the reason why an organism acts in certain way at certain time 374. Kasschau states although all psychology is concerned with what people do and how they do it, research on motivation and emotion focuses on the underlying why of behavior 133. According to Worchel and Shebilske, there are two different perceptions of human behavior. Based on the doctrine of determinism, human behavior is influenced by internal and external factors and it is unplanned and uncontrol. An extreme view of this doctrine holds that human, like other living creatures, react automatically to internal and external forces; there is no planning or control exercised over behavior 374. However, the doctrine of rationalism has opposite argument from the doctrine of determinism. This doctrine believes that human can determine how will they behave. In other word, their actions are controlled by reasoning and planning 374. Other expert, Beck, stated that “Behavior, however, is affected by many conditions variables and to the extent that we do not know what conditions are prevailing at given time, we will predict with greater or les accuracy” 8. Stanton adds that motivation is the reason why people behave as they do. “A character’s reason for behaving as he does is his motivation.” 17. Motivation PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 appears when people have goal to be achieved or needs to be fulfilled. Motivation leads people to fulfill their needs. If someone’s need is fulfilled, heshe will get satisfaction. If people have needs to be fulfilled, they will do something for achieving their needs behavior. Consequently, if they could achieve their needs, they will satisfy themselves.

b. Kinds of Motivation