20 melodrama begins when 13-year-old Anna Fitzgerald walks into a lawyers office with 136.87, her lifes savings, asking to be medically emancipated from her parents” 2004. Meanwhile, the study on Anna’s motivation to stop her organ donation to her sister is different from those previous works. This study focuses on the exploration of Anna’s character and Anna’s motivation in stopping her organ donation. In the previous study, the characters of the novel have been explored briefly in general view. However, this study will be more focusing in exploring Anna’s character in detailed way. The study on Anna’s motivation in discontinuing her organ donation to her sister is a new study.

C. Theoretical Framework

This part presents the theories will be used to answer and analyze the two formulated problems stated in the problem formulation. Firstly, the writer will use theory of critical approach by Rohrberger Woods to select the best approach to analyze this study. This study, then, applies psychological approach because this study deals with psychological problem which is personality and motivation. Secondly, this study employs character and characterization theory and personality theory to explore Anna’s personality as questioned in the problem formulation. Then, theory of human motivation and human needs by Maslow also help the writer gets the understading of Anna’s motivation and Anna’s personal needs, in the matter of she behaves that way. Those theories can be used for answering the second problem. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21


This chapter discusses the methodology, which are used to conduct this study. Those are object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study. Object of the study contains the description of the work that is going to be analyzed along with its physical description. Approach of the study deals with approaches, which are employed in the analysis. Meanwhile, method of the study explains the procedures and steps being used to analyze the study.

A. Object of The Study

The object of the study in this work is a novel entitled My Sister’s Keeper, written by Jodi Picoult in 2004. My Sister’s Keeper is one of Jodi’s famous works in spite of her other great works such as Mercy, The Pact, Keeping Faith, Plain Truth, Salem Falls, Perfect Match, Second Glance, Vanishing Acts and The Tenth Circle . Jodi Picoult, who is the New York Times bestselling author, is known for writing controversial and ethical issue novels. The first edition of My Sister’s Keeper was published in Great Britain in 2004 by Hodder and Stoughton. This novel consists of 407 pages. It is written in first person by all characters. My Sister’s Keeper traces the story of a thirteen-year old girl named Anna who sues her parents to get medical emancipation. The main problem of this novel is whether Anna should be medically emancipated for rights towards her own body. The root of the problem begins when her elder sister, Kate, suffers from 21 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI