Mature and Independent Tough

31 narcotic addict and an arsonist. These attitudes create the situation of the family is going to worst. Nevertheless, Anna is the one who brings brightness for the family. She creates joy for the family through her behaviors that entertain the other family members. Moreover, her actions lighten the family’s burden. Anna creates a condition that makes her family look likes like a normal family, although inside it does not. It is proved when Brian, Anna’s father, gives his opinion about Anna. I am used to struggling with Jesse, to lightening Kate’s load; but Anna is our family’s constant. Anna comes in with smile. Anna tells us about the robin she found with a broken wing and a blush on its cheek; or about the mother she saw at Wal-Mart with not one but two sets of twins 37. Based on the exploration on Anna’s behavior, which is seen from her father’s view, it can be derived that Anna is a cheerful girl. She brings brightness for her family. She lightens the family’s burden through her entertaining behavior.

c. Mature and Independent

Anna is a mature girl if it is compared with other children in the same ages. Many conditions influence Anna’s maturity. The condition that is experienced by Anna since she is child shapes her maturity. Those unfortunate conditions lead Anna to grow up faster than other children. Her father believes that Anna can take care of herself. Staying in the house for some days without the parents’ present does not frighten Anna at all. Anna is accustomed to that condition. The bad situation she had experienced shaped her to be a mature girl. That is as what Anna’s GAL thought, “Anna is only thirteen – is that too young to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 stay alone in a house? Social service might say so, but Anna is different. Anna grew up a year ago.” 143. Anna’s maturity leads her to be an independent person. It is proved when she hires a professional lawyer, she collects money by herself. She sells her lovely worthy necklace that was given by her father as the appreciation after she finishes her first bone marrow’s donation. Her sense of responsibility is very high. It is proved when the money that she earns from her saving and the necklace selling is not enough to pay the lawyer’s service, as a result she offers herself to work in the lawyer’s office by polishing his doorknobs. The lawyer does not expect her to do so, but she does not want to employ the lawyer’s service freely. From Anna’s reactions in facing problem, it shows that Anna is mature and independent. She grows up faster than other children do in the same age. The factor that leads her to be mature and independent is influenced by the condition that she had experienced since she was child.

d. Tough

Being a member of Fitzgerald’s family is not as simple as other family. Life in a family that full of dramatic problem will be hard to be accepted. The family’s condition turns out to be so complicated since Kate was coming down with APL. The mother had to keep an eye on Kate, every time and everywhere. She spends most of her time and energy working with Kate. On the other hand, the existence of motherhood in a family is very important. The mother is in charge of the household such as taking care the children, doing the house works, giving PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 the education for the children and keeping the harmonically of the family. However, in Fitz’s family, the absence of the mother’s care causes an imbalance condition. This brings negative influence, particularly for the children. Both Jesse and Anna become the victims of their mother’s careless. For Jesse, being ignored and neglected turn out to be his daily consumption. Unlike Jesse, Anna is getting extra attention because she is required to help Kate every time she gets relapse. Outwardly, Anna looks little bit lucky than Jesse, but in fact she does not. She suffers more than Jesse does. She is born to save Kate’s life. Knowing that reason is truly hurt her. Previously, she knows about her background why she is existed in this world, but she never complains. She never asks her role in her life. She is tough and strong. She keeps enjoy her living in that terrible family. Even, she could create a good atmosphere by behaving like stay in a normal family. She stumbles upon many problems when she decides to file a lawsuit. She knows that the lawsuit will cause much complicated-problem for the family as well as for her. She has to face the mother’s irritation, she has to face people that will insult her action, and she may lose her beloved sister. However, she never supposes that the lawsuit will separate her with her mother. It is a legal requirement given by the court. She does not want to let her mother move from her own house, although the law requires so. That will be difficult for a thirteen- year-old girl to be separated from her mother. However, she prefers to move from the house for some times and lets her mother to keep staying in the house. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 In her new residence, in a firefighter’s office, she stays with her father. Of course, it is not a comfortable and homey place to live. Frequently, she is unaccompanied because emergency calls force her father to do his duty as a rescuer. Loneliness and desperate feeling does not let her to give up. She keeps struggle because she has a dream to reach. It is a mission that she does not want to do but she has to do. Thousands problems may come into her head. However, she keeps a stiff upper lip throughout the ordeal of the family. Her burdens may too heavy for a very young girl like Anna. However, her way to encounter such problem and to handle all of her problems shows that she is a strong and tough child. She is tough because she is motivated to reach her goal; a goal that will change everything in her life. From Anna’s action in encountering every problem shows that Anna is strong and tough. She never gives up with her condition because she is strong motivated to reach a goal that will change everything in her life. Moreover, she does not want to show her weakness in front of others.

B. Anna’s Motivation to Stop Her Organ Donation