Data Collection Technique Research Instruments

2. Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share TPS

Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share TPS is a learning that is done in pairs by placing students in a study group that consist of two to six students who have the different ability, gender and races. In this model, the teacher gives students a question or problem to be solved, then the teacher gives them the opportunity to think about the answer Think. After that, the teacher asks students to discuss in pairs Pair. Finally, students will share the results of their discussion in front of the class Share.

E. Data Collection Technique

1. Observation Observation is a kind of data collection technique that observes and records both natural and manipulated phenomenon systematically, logically, objectively and rationally Zainal Arifin, 2009: 153. Besides, according to Nana Syaodih 2004: 220, “observation is a technique or a way in gathering data by observing the ongoing activities”. Researcher is using observational methods where she will be directly involved in the observational activities. These observations are intended to observe the implementation of the lesson plan RPP by the teacher during the learning process. In addition, this observation aims to determine and measure students learning outcomes in the affective and psychomotor domains. 2. Test The test is a tool that contains a series of tasks that must be done or the questions that must be answered by students to measure a specific aspect of behavior Zainal Arifin, 2009: 3. Accounting learning outcomes test is the result of the students achievement in accounting learning process that is expressed in the form of numbers, letters or symbols given by the teachers. This test is used to measure the accounting learning outcomes in the cognitive domain. This test was performed before did the action in the form of a pretest and at the end of each cycle in the form of posttest. 3. Field Note Field note used to describe the current situation and condition of learning in the class. This field note used to collect data on the current situation and condition of the implementation process of the class action.

F. Research Instruments

The research instrument is a tool or facility that is used by researcher in collecting data in order to make these activity easier and more systematic Trianto, 2010: 54.The research instrument that will be used by the researcher are: 1. Observation Guideline Observation guideline is a guideline used by the observers to observe the things that will be observed. This research are use the observation sheet with rating scale form, that is an observation sheet contains guidelines that will be used in this observation include a list of all the aspects that will be observed so the observer simply give mark the presence or the absence the observed aspects. Observation sheet in this research is used to measure students learning outcomes in the affective and psychomotor domain. 2. Test The tests used to measure students learning outcomes in the cognitive domain. The type of the tests that will be used in this research is the objective tests multiple-choice. The test that was done to measure students learning outcomes in the cognitive domain was performed before the implementation of the action or can be called as pretest and at the end of the action or called as posttest. In this research, the accounting learning outcomes in cognitive domain that will be measured is the learning outcomes in the standard of competence managing inventory cards. 3. Field Note Field note is a form used to recording the minutes of the implentation of Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share TPS. Field note used to write a various of event related to the research in the classroom.

G. Data Analysis Technique