Partial Equivalence Types of Meaning Equivalence 1. Full Equivalence

Decrease meaning happens when the translator omits some information that found in the source language SL text so the information content in the TL decreases. 2 Non Equivalent Meaning Non-equivalent meaning is the meaning of the translation that does not convey the original writing. Non equivalent meaning consists of fully different meaning and fully no meaning. a Fully Different Meaning A translation of the source expression e.g. a clause is categorized into different meaning when there is a lexical item which meaning is different from that source expression, so that the meaning is fully different b Fully No Meaning The category appears when a clause of the source expression has no meaning in the target expression because there is no translation at all.

4. Memorandum of Understanding MOU

Memorandum of understanding comes from the words memorandum and understanding. Memorandum itself means a written proposal or a reminder or note. And understanding means the statement oral or written of an exchange of promises or an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion. So memorandum of understanding can be defined as a memorandum of understanding made by the two sides that will conduct cooperation as the basis for the early formation of a valuable agreement that legally binding. According to Cambridge Dictionary, memorandum of understanding is a document that records the details of an agreement between two companies or organizations, which has not yet been legally approved. Based on Collins English Dictionary, memorandum of understanding is a noun which means a document that describes the general principles of an agreement between parties, but does not amount to a substantive contract. Memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills on behalf of the Government and Devolved Administrations of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Cooperation in the Field of Education selected as the data of this thesis. It signed in London, on 13 th June 2002. The objective of this cooperation is to strengthen mutual cooperation in education on a reciprocal basis for the advancement of knowledge and intellectual development. This memorandum of understanding contains of twelve articles. There are objective, scopes of cooperation, implementation, funding, participation of other institutions, and limitation of personnel activities, joint working group, confidentiality and intellectual property rights, traditional knowledge, settlement of dispute, amendment and entry into force, duration, and termination.