Topic Switch Data 13 K Disc 1 IF I-Ref T-C Postponement Data 07 K Disc 1 IF I-Ref T-C

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D. Topic Switch Data 13 K Disc 1 IF I-Ref T-C

 The participants of the dialogue below are Ted, the father and Caleb, the son. The relationship between them is close. This conversation occurs in Ted’s home and runs in non formal situation. In this scene, Ted feels horrible after facing the truth of Lucinda’s letter. He is shock and can not think anything since his mind is focused on the disaster victim’s. When he arrives at home Caleb approaches him to find out what has happened. But Ted refuses to discuss it by switching the topic. The genre of this dialogue is daily conversation. Caleb : What happened Dad? What’s going on? Ted : The truck broke down on the freeway. Sorry I couldn’t pick you up Caleb : It is more than that isn’t it? Why won’t you tell me what’s going on? Ted : I’m going to bed. Get your homework done, and you should go to bed, too. No TV tonight. commit to user 57 Data Interpretation In the dialogue above, we can see that Ted is employing indirect refusal namely topic switch. It can be seen when he says I’m going to bed. This sentence delivers a message that Ted does not want to discuss anything. In this context of situation, Ted prefers to use indirect refusal because he wants to hide the fact about the disaster which has happened. Moreover, the indirect refusal is also used to soften the refusal utterance.

E. Postponement Data 07 K Disc 1 IF I-Ref T-C

 The participants of the dialogue below are Ted and Caleb. Ted as father and Caleb as son. They have a close relationship. This conversation takes place in home and runs in non formal situation. In this scene, Caleb tries to ask permission of having holiday with his friend, but Ted refuses Caleb’s request by saying I’ll think about it. The genre of this dialogue is daily conversation. Caleb : Hey Dad, you know that Kid Jason from soccer practice? Ted : Sure. I think I’ve met Jason before Caleb : He’s having a sleep over this weekend with some of our friends from school. He wants to know if I can go… Ted : Sounds like fun commit to user 58 Caleb : They have a boat…Jason dad might take us out on the lake Ted : I’ll think about it Caleb : That means no Ted : It means I’ll think about it Data Interpretation In the conversation above, Ted uses indirect refusal in the form of postponement to say no toward Caleb’s request. Ted says I’ll think about it as indirect strategy in refusing because he does not want to hurt Caleb’s feeling directly. Thus, he employs indirect strategy rather than direct strategy. Moreover, the indirect refusal namely postponement can refuse Caleb’s request appropriately because Ted will have time to think longer in deciding the answer for Caleb’s request.

F. Hedging Data 05 K Disc 1 IF I-Ref T-P