The types of refusal strategy expressed by the characters in the film entitled Knowing.

commit to user 65 d. To keep distance It deals to the relationship between the speakers and hearers whether it is distant or not since the relationship can affect the selection of refusal’s strategy. It can be seen when speakers who do not have close relationship employ the direct refusal to keep distance.

C. Discussion

From the analysis of data, this research comes to the discussion. The discussion is compiled based on the problem statements of the research covering the types of refusal, how each type is expressed and why each type of refusal is applied. The findings from the data analysis are as the following.

1. The types of refusal strategy expressed by the characters in the film entitled Knowing.

Based on the analysis of data, there are three main types of refusal employed by the characters in the film entitled Knowing. The three main types of refusal are direct refusal, indirect refusal and adjuncts to refusal. There are 6 data of direct refusal, 13 data of indirect refusal which are divided into 7 data of Excuse reason explanation, 1 datum of Physical departure, 2 data of Silence, 1 datum of Topic switch, 1 datum of Postponement, 1 datum of Hedging. While for adjuncts to refusal, there are 3 data of Gratitude appreciation. The detail information can be seen in the table below. commit to user 66 Table 4.1 Refusal Types of Refusal Frequency Percentage Direct Refusal Non Performative Statement 6 27.27 Indirect Refusal Excuse reason explanation Physical departure Silence Topic switch Postponement Hedging 7 1 2 1 1 1 31.81 4.55 9.09 4.55 4.55 4.55 Adjuncts to Refusal Gratitude appreciation 3 13.63 Total 22 100 It can be seen from the table that there are eight strategies of refusal employed by the characters in the film entitled Knowing. The eight types of refusal strategy are refusal which uses non performative statement 27.27 , refusal which uses excuse reason explanation 31.81 , refusal which uses physical departure 4.55 , refusal which uses silence 9.09 , refusal which uses topic switch 4.55 , refusal which uses postponement 4.55 , refusal which uses hedging 4.55 , refusal which uses gratitude appreciation 13.63 . commit to user 67 The refusal strategy which uses non performative statement can be found in data 3, 9, 16, 14, 22, and 19. The refusal strategy which uses excuse reason explanation can be found in data 4, 6, 8, 11, 17, 20, and 21. The refusal strategy which uses physical departure can be found in data 15. The refusal strategy which uses silence can be found in data 1 and 2. The refusal strategy which uses topic switch can be found in data 13. The refusal strategy which uses postponement can be found in data 7. The refusal strategy which uses hedging can be found in data 5. The refusal strategy which uses gratitude appreciation can be found in data 12, 18 and 10. 2. How each refusal strategy is expressed by the characters in the film entitled Knowing. From the analysis of data, it is found that the most preferred strategy uttered by the characters in the film Knowing is indirect refusal. Indirect refusal can be found in data 4, 6, 8, 11, 17, 20, 21, 15, 1, 2, 13, 7, 5 while direct refusal can be found in data 3, 9, 16, 14, 22, 19 and the rest 12, 18, 10 are expressed using adjuncts to refusal. The detail information can be seen in the table 4.2 commit to user 68 Table 4.2 The Distribution of Refusal Types of refusal Frequency Percentage Direct Refusal 6 27.27 Indirect Refusal 13 59.10 Adjuncts to Refusal 3 13.63 Total 100 It can be seen from the table that the indirect refusal dominated the use of refusal expression with 59.10 . Meanwhile, the percentage of direct refusal is about 27.27 and the fewest percentage is adjunct to refusal with 13.63 .

3. Why is each type of refusal expression employed by the characters in the film entitled