What Happens at Runtime: Determining the Size of Menu Bars and Toolbars

15-2 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework configure it so that only the day and week views are available, as shown in Figure 15–2 . Because only day and week views are available, those are the only buttons displayed in the toolbar. Figure 15–2 Calendar Configured to Use Only Week and Day Views By default, the calendar displays dates and times based on the locale set in the trinidad-config.xml file for example, Section A.6, Configuration in trinidad-config.xml . If a locale is not set in that file, then it is based on the locale sent by the browser. For example, in the United States, by default, the start day of the week is Sunday, and 2 p.m. is shown as 2:00 PM. In France, the default start day is Monday, and 2 p.m. is shown as 14:00. The time zone for the calendar is also based on the setting in trinidad-config.xml. You can override the default when you configure the calendar. For more information, see Section 15.3, Configuring the Calendar Component. The calendar uses the CalendarModel class to display the activities for a given time period. You must create your own implementation of the model class for your calendar. If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can create ADF Business Components over your data source that represents the activities, and the model will be created for you. You can then declaratively create the calendar, and it will automatically be bound to that model. For more information, see the Using the ADF Faces Calendar Component section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework. If your application does not use the Fusion technology stack, then you create your own implementation of the CalendarModel class and the associated CalendarActivity and CalendarProvider classes. The classes are abstract classes with abstract methods. You must provide the functionality behind the methods, suitable for your implementation of the calendar. For more information, see Section 15.2, Creating the Calendar. The calendar includes a toolbar with built-in functionality that allows a user to change the view between daily, weekly, monthly, or list, go to the previous or next day, week, or month, and return to today. The toolbar is fully customizable. You can choose which buttons and text to display, and you can also add buttons or other components. For more information, see Section 15.5, Customizing the Toolbar.