How to Add a Toolbar to a Map

28-4 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework Figure 28–4 Sample Menu Bar for a Gantt Chart – Toolbar buttons: The right section of the toolbar displays a set of action buttons for working with the Gantt chart. Each Gantt chart type has a set of default options. Figure 28–5 shows a sample toolbar for a project Gantt chart. Figure 28–5 Sample Toolbar for a Project Gantt Chart You can customize toolbar buttons by using the toolbar facet. ■ Context menu: Right-clicking in the Gantt chart table or chart regions provides a popup context menu with a standard set of menu items. You can provide your own set of menu items by using the tablePopupMenu or chartPopupMenu facet. ■ Printing service: The Gantt chart provides printing capability in conjunction with XML Publisher by generating PDF files. For more information, see Section 28.9, Printing a Gantt Chart .

28.1.3 Description of Gantt Chart Tasks

Project and scheduling Gantt charts use predefined tasks with a set of formatting properties that describe how the tasks will be rendered in the chart area. All supported tasks must have a unique identifier. The following describes the supported tasks and how they appear in a Gantt chart: ■ Normal: The basic task type. It is a plain horizontal bar that shows the start time, end time, and duration of the task. ■ Summary: The start and end date for a group of subtasks. A summary task cannot be moved or extended. Instead, it is the responsibility of the application to execute code to recalculate the start and end date for a summary task when the date of a subtask changes. Summary tasks are available only for the project Gantt chart. ■ Milestone: A specific date in the Gantt chart. There is only one date associated with a milestone task. A milestone task cannot be extended but it can be moved. A milestone task is available only for the project Gantt chart. ■ Recurring: A task that is repeated in a Gantt chart, each instance with its own start and end date. Individual recurring tasks can optionally contain a subtype. All other properties of the individual recurring tasks come from the task which they are part of. However, if an individual recurring task has a subtype, this subtype overrides the task type. ■ Split: A task that is split into two horizontal bars, usually linked by a line. The time between the bars represents idle time due to traveling or down time. ■ Scheduled: The basic task type for a scheduling Gantt chart. This task type shows the starting time, ending time, and duration of a task, as well as startup time if one is specified. For normal, summary, and milestone tasks, additional attributes are supported that would change the appearance and activity of a task. These style attributes include: