How to Add a Subform to a Page

Using Input Components and Defining Forms 9-9 ■ Simple : Set to true if you do not want the label to be displayed.

4. Expand the Behavior section and set the following:

■ Required : Specify whether or not a value is required. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to let the user know a value must be entered. If a value is not entered, an exception will occur and the component will fail validation. ■ ReadOnly : Specify whether the control is displayed as a field whose value can be edited, or as an output-style text control. ■ AutoSubmit : Specify whether or not the component will automatically submit when the value changes. For more information about using the autoSubmit attribute, see Section 4.3, Using the Optimized Lifecycle. ■ AutoTab : Specify whether or not focus will automatically move to the next tab stop when the maximum length for the current component is reached. ■ MaximumLength : Specify the maximum number of characters per line that can be entered into the text control. This includes the characters representing the new line. If set to 0 or less, the maximumLength attribute is ignored. Note that in some browsers such as Internet Explorer, a new line is treated as two characters. ■ Converter : Specify a converter object. For more information, see Section 6.3, Adding Conversion. ■ Validator : Specify a method reference to a validator method using an EL expression. For more information, see Section 6.5, Adding Validation. 5. Expand the Other section and set the following: ■ DimensionsFrom: Determine how you want the inputText component to handle geometry management. Set this attribute to one of the following: – auto: If the parent component to the inputText component allows stretching of its child, then the inputText component will stretch to fill the parent component, as long as the rows attribute is set to a number greater than one and the simple attribute is set to true. If the parent component does not allow stretching, then the inputText component gets its dimensions from the content. – content: The inputText component gets its dimensions from the component content. This is the default. – parent: The inputText component gets its dimensions from the inlineStyle attribute. If no value exists for inlineStyle, then the size is determined by the parent container. ■ Editable : Determine whether you want the component to always appear editable. If so, select always. If you want the value to appear as read-only until the user hovers over it, select onAccess. If you want the value to be inherited from an ancestor component, select inherit. Note: Because the value is being stored in the source of the page in XML, the ampersand character must be escaped, so the value will actually be represented in the source of the page using the characters amp; to represent the ampersand.