What Happens When You Add a Toolbar to a Map

28-4 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework Figure 28–4 Sample Menu Bar for a Gantt Chart – Toolbar buttons: The right section of the toolbar displays a set of action buttons for working with the Gantt chart. Each Gantt chart type has a set of default options. Figure 28–5 shows a sample toolbar for a project Gantt chart. Figure 28–5 Sample Toolbar for a Project Gantt Chart You can customize toolbar buttons by using the toolbar facet. ■ Context menu: Right-clicking in the Gantt chart table or chart regions provides a popup context menu with a standard set of menu items. You can provide your own set of menu items by using the tablePopupMenu or chartPopupMenu facet. ■ Printing service: The Gantt chart provides printing capability in conjunction with XML Publisher by generating PDF files. For more information, see Section 28.9, Printing a Gantt Chart .

28.1.3 Description of Gantt Chart Tasks

Project and scheduling Gantt charts use predefined tasks with a set of formatting properties that describe how the tasks will be rendered in the chart area. All supported tasks must have a unique identifier. The following describes the supported tasks and how they appear in a Gantt chart: ■ Normal: The basic task type. It is a plain horizontal bar that shows the start time, end time, and duration of the task. ■ Summary: The start and end date for a group of subtasks. A summary task cannot be moved or extended. Instead, it is the responsibility of the application to execute code to recalculate the start and end date for a summary task when the date of a subtask changes. Summary tasks are available only for the project Gantt chart. ■ Milestone: A specific date in the Gantt chart. There is only one date associated with a milestone task. A milestone task cannot be extended but it can be moved. A milestone task is available only for the project Gantt chart. ■ Recurring: A task that is repeated in a Gantt chart, each instance with its own start and end date. Individual recurring tasks can optionally contain a subtype. All other properties of the individual recurring tasks come from the task which they are part of. However, if an individual recurring task has a subtype, this subtype overrides the task type. ■ Split: A task that is split into two horizontal bars, usually linked by a line. The time between the bars represents idle time due to traveling or down time. ■ Scheduled: The basic task type for a scheduling Gantt chart. This task type shows the starting time, ending time, and duration of a task, as well as startup time if one is specified. For normal, summary, and milestone tasks, additional attributes are supported that would change the appearance and activity of a task. These style attributes include: Using ADF Gantt Chart Components 28-5 ■ percentComplete, completedThrough: An extra bar would be drawn to indicate how far the task is completed. This is applicable to normal and summary task types. ■ critical: The color of the bar would be changed to red to mark it as critical. This is applicable to normal, summary, and milestone task types. ■ actualStart and actualEnd: When these attributes are specified, instead of drawing one bar, two bars are drawn. One bar indicates the base start and end date, the other bar indicates the actual start and end date. This is applicable to normal and milestone task types. Figure 28–6 displays a legend that shows common task types in a project Gantt chart. Figure 28–6 Project Gantt Chart Legend for Task Types

28.2 Understanding Gantt Chart Tags and Facets

The three Gantt chart components beginning with the prefix dvt: for each Gantt chart tag name indicates that the tag belongs to the ADF Data Visualization Tools DVT tag library: ■ dvt:projectGantt ■ dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt ■ dvt:schedulingGantt All Gantt chart components support the child tag dvt:ganttLegend to provide an optional legend in the information panel of a Gantt chart. Some menu bar and toolbar functions may or may not be available depending on whether the Gantt legend is specified. In the Gantt chart table region, the ADF Faces af:column tag is used to specify the header text, icons and alignment for the data, the width of the column, and the data bound to the column. To display data in hierarchical form, a nodeStamp facet specifies the primary identifier of an element in the hierarchy. For example, the Task Name column might be used as the nodeStamp facet for a project Gantt chart. Example 28–1 shows sample code for a project Gantt chart with Task Name as the nodeStamp facet, with columns for Resource, Start Date, and End Date. Example 28–1 Sample Code for Project Gantt Chart Columns dvt:projectGantt startTime=2008-04-12 endTime=2009-04-12 value={project.model} var=task f:facet name=major dvt:timeAxis scale=months f:facet f:facet name=minor dvt:timeAxis scale=weeks f:facet f:facet name=nodeStamp af:column headerText=Task Name af:outputText value={task.taskName} af:column