How to Configure Accessibility Support in trinidad-config.xml

Developing Accessible ADF Faces Pages 22-5 af:commandLink Specify the text property. The text should specify where the link will take the user and make sense when read out of context. For example use go to index instead of click here. Multiple links that go to the same location must use the same text and unique links must have unique text. af:commandMenuItem af:commandNavigationItem af:comandToolbarButton One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or shortDesc. af:dialog af:document Specify the title property. af:goButton One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or shortDesc. The text should specify the action to be taken and make sense when read out of context. For example use go to index instead of click here. af:goLink Specify the text property. The text should specify where the link will take the user and make sense when read out of context. For example use go to index instead of click here. Multiple links that go to the same location must use the same text and unique links must have unique text. af:image Specify the shortDesc property. If the image is only present for decorative purposes and communicates no information, set shortDesc to the empty string. Use the longDescURL property for images where a complex explanation is necessary. For example, charts and graphs require a description file that includes all details that make up the chart. af:inlineFrame Specify the shortDesc property. af:inputColor af:inputComboboxListOfVal ues af:inputDate af:inputFile af:inputListOfValues af:inputNumberSlider af:inputNumberSpinbox af:inputRangeSlider af:inputText Specify the label property. For af:inputComboboxListOfValues and af:inputListOfValues components, the searchDesc must also be specified. af:outputFormatted The value property must specify valid HTML. af:outputLabel When using this component to label an ADF Faces input or select control, the for property must be specified. af:panelBox af:panelHeader Specify the text property. af:panelLabelAndMessage When using this component to label an ADF Faces input or select control, the for property must be specified. af:panelSplitter af:panelStretchLayout Refer to Section 22.4.4, How to Use Page Structures and Navigation. Table 22–1 Cont. ADF Faces Components Accessibility Guidelines Component Guidelines 22-6 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework

22.3.2 Using ADF Faces Table components in Screen Reader mode

If you are using ADF Faces table components in your web application, you must designate a column as the row header for screen reader mode. The row header is used by the screen reader software to announce the row when the end user selects it. Typically, a single column is used as a row header that allows multiple selections, but af:panelWindow Specify the title property. af:poll When using polling to update content, allow end users to control the interval, or to explicitly initiate updates instead of polling. af:query Specify the following properties: ■ headerText ■ addFieldsButtonAccessKey ■ addFieldsButtonText ■ resetButtonAccessKey ■ resetButtonText ■ saveButtonAccessKey ■ saveButtonText ■ searchButtonAccessKey ■ searchButtonText af:quickQuery Specify the searchDesc property. af:richTextEditor Specify the label property. af:selectBooleanCheckbox af:selectBooleanRadio One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or label. af:selectItem Specify the label property. Note that using the for attribute of af:outputLabel and af:panelMessageAndLabel components is not an acceptable alternative. af:selectManyCheckbox af:selectManyChoice af:selectManyListbox af:selectManyShuttle af:selectOneChoice af:selectOneListbox af:selectOneRadio af:selectOrderShuttle Specify the label property. For the af:selectManyShuttle and af:selectOrderShuttle components, the leadingHeader and trailingHeader properties must be specified. af:showDetailHeader Specify the text property. af:showDetailItem One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or shortDesc. af:table af:treeTable Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the table. If the table is used for layout purposes, the summary property must contain an empty string. All table columns must have column headers. Table 22–1 Cont. ADF Faces Components Accessibility Guidelines Component Guidelines