In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside

Using ADF Graph Components 24-33 ■ TickLabelSkipMode : Use to specify if and how tick labels will be displayed on the ordinal axis. When you set the value at TLS_MANUAL, you can optionally use the tickLabelSkipCount to set the number of tick labels to display between tick labels and tickLabelSkipFirst to set the index of the first tick label to be skipped.

3. Optionally, in the Property Inspector, click the Configure Font button to set

properties for the child dvt:graphFont tag. To control the appearance of tick marks and labels on an x-axis: 1. In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside dvt:typeGraph ADF Data Visualization X1 Major Tick. 2. In the Property Inspector, enter desired values for the attributes of this tag and click the Configure Tick Label button to add an X1 Tick Label tag to the graph.

3. In the Property Inspector, enter desired values for the X1 Tick Label and if desired,

click the Configure Font button to specify font characteristics for the tick label. 4. If you want to specify minor ticks in the graph, do the following:

a. In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside

dvt:typeGraph ADF Data Visualization X1 Minor Tick. b. In the Property Inspector, enter desired values for the characteristics of the font. The procedure for controlling the appearance of tick marks on any graph axis is similar to the procedure for the x-axis. However, you customize the major tick and label tags and insert the minor ticks related to the specific axis that you want to customize. How to Format Numbers on an Axis

The dvt:markerText tag lets you to control the format of numbers on an axis. The following dvt:markerText child tags wrap the number format for specific axes: dvt:x1Format, dvt:y1Format, and dvt:y2Format. To format numbers on these axes, insert child tags for the appropriate axis as shown in Section 24.6.2, Formatting Data Values in Graphs. How to Set Minimum and Maximum Values on a Data Axis

The Y-axes have the following graph child tags to support the starting value of the axis: dvt:y1Axis, and dvt:y2Axis. You have the option of specifying different scaling on each y-axis in a dual y-axis graph. For example, the y1-axis might represent units in hundreds while the y2-axis might represent sales in thousands of dollars. Note: Use rotation angles that are multiples of 90 degrees to achieve best results. For Flash image types, embedded fonts are required to support rotated text in non-90 degree angles, and embedded fonts are not available for all locales. Note: For the tickStyle attribute you must specify a value other than GS_NONE or GS_AUTOMATIC. 24-34 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework Some graphs, such as scatter and bubble graphs, contain a dvt:x1Axis child tag for which the minimum and maximum values can also be set. To specify the starting value on a y1-axis: 1. In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside dvt:typeGraph