Right-click the dvt:thresholdSet node and choose Insert inside dvt:thresholdSet

25-16 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework 2. In the Property Inspector, specify values for the desired attributes. 3. If you want to customize the fill attributes of the inner bar on a status meter gauge, in the Structure window, right-click the gauge node and choose Insert inside dvt:gauge ADF Data Visualization Indicator Bar. 4. In the Property Inspector, specify values for the desired attributes. 5. If you want to customize the circular base of a line style indicator on a dial gauge, in the Structure window, right-click the gauge node and choose Insert inside dvt:gauge ADF Data Visualization Indicator Base. 6. In the Property Inspector, specify values for the desired attributes. Specifying Tick Marks and Labels

The following gauge child tags are available to customize tick marks and tick labels for a gauge: ■ dvt:tickMark: Specifies the display, spacing, and color of major and minor tick marks. Only major tick marks can include value labels. Includes the following attributes: – majorIncrement and minorIncrement: Sets the distance between two major tick marks and two minor tick marks, respectively. If the value is less than zero for either attribute, the tick marks are not displayed. – majorTickColor and minorTickColor: Sets the hexidecimal color of major tick marks and minor tick marks, respectively. – content: Specifies where tick marks occur within a gauge set. Valid values are any combination separated by spaces or commas including: TC_INCREMENTS: Display tick marks in increments. TC_MAJOR_TICK: Display tick marks for minimum, maximum, and incremental values. TC_MIN_MAX: Display tick marks for minimum and maximum values. TC_METRIC: Display tick marks for actual metric values. TC_NONE: Display no tick marks. TC_THRESHOLD: Display tick marks for threshold values. ■ dvt:tickLabel: Identifies major tick marks that will have labels, the location of the labels interior or exterior of the gauge, and the format for numbers displayed in the tick labels. To customize the tick marks and tick labels of a gauge: 1. In the Structure window, right-click the gauge node and choose Insert inside dvt:gauge ADF Data Visualization Tick Mark. 2. In the Property Inspector, specify values for the desired attributes.

3. In the Structure window, right-click the gauge node and choose Insert inside

dvt:gauge ADF Data Visualization Tick Label. 4. In the Property Inspector, specify values for the desired attributes. Creating Exterior Tick Labels

By default, the dial gauge displays interior tick labels to provide a cleaner look when the gauge is contained entirely within the gauge frame. Because the tick labels lie