In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:x1Title node and choose Insert

24-34 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework Some graphs, such as scatter and bubble graphs, contain a dvt:x1Axis child tag for which the minimum and maximum values can also be set. To specify the starting value on a y1-axis: 1. In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside dvt:typeGraph ADF Data Visualization y1 Axis. 2. In the Property Inspector, for the AxisMinValue field, enter the starting value for the y1-axis.

3. In the AxisMinAutoScaled field, select false from the attribute dropdown list.

You must set this attribute in order for the minimum value to be honored. To establish the starting value on a y2-axis, use a similar procedure, but insert the dvt:y2Axis tag as a child of the graph.

24.6.7 Customizing Graph Legends

Graph components provide child tags for the following kinds of customization for the legend: ■ Specifying the color, border, visibility, positioning, and scrollability of the legend area relative to the graph, dvt:legendArea tag ■ Specifying the font characteristics and positioning of the text that is related to each colored entry in the legend, dvt:legendText tag ■ Specifying an optional title and font characteristics for the legend area, dvt:legendTitle tag To customize the legend area, legend text, and title: 1. In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside dvt:typeGraph ADF Data Visualization Legend Area. 2. Use the Property Inspector to specify values for the attributes of this tag. For example, you can specify the following attributes for the legend area: ■ AutomaticPlacement and Position: Specify automatic positioning of the legend area on the right or the bottom of the graph with the default value of AP_ALWAYS. Setting the value at AP_NEVER requires the value of the position attribute to be used for positioning of the legend area. ■ Scrolling : Specify scrolling in the legend area when required space exceeds available space using the value asNeeded. By default the value is set to off. 3. If you want to customize the legend text, do the following:

a. In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside

dvt:typeGraph ADF Data Visualization Legend Text. b. Use the Property Inspector to enter values for the attributes of this tag.

c. Right-click the dvt:legendText node and choose Insert inside dvt:legendText

Font. d. Use the Property Inspector to specify values for the attributes of the font tag. 4. If you want to enter a title for the legend, do the following:

a. In the Structure window, right-click the graph node and choose Insert inside

dvt:typeGraph ADF Data Visualization, then Legend Title. b. Use the Property Inspector to enter values for the attributes of this tag. Using ADF Graph Components 24-35

c. Right-click the dvt:legendTitle node and choose Insert inside dvt:legendTitle

Font. d. Use the Property Inspector to specify values for the attributes of the font tag.

24.6.8 Customizing Tooltips in Graphs

Tooltips are useful to display identification or detail information for data markers. They can be very useful in smaller graphs without enough space to display markerText. Graphs automatically displays tooltips for components like title, subtitle, footnote, legend text, and annotations when their text is truncated. In most graphs, if you move the cursor over a data marker, then a tooltip is displayed. In a line or area graph, you must move the cursor over a data marker or at the corners of the line or area and not merely over the line or area. You can specify that each graph marker such as bars displays a tooltip with information. The following graph attributes are used together to customize a graph tooltip: ■ MarkerTooltipType : Specifies whether tooltips are displayed for markers such as bars and identifies the kind of information that appears in the tooltips. You have the option to display the following information: text only, values only, or text and values. For specific graph types, options include displaying cumulative data value for each stacked graph marker or displaying percentage data value for each pie slice marker. ■ SeriesTooltipLabel : Specifies whether tooltips are displayed for each set of values that appear in a legend. This attribute also controls the kind of information that appears in a series tooltip. For example, you could choose to display text that identifies a general term for the entire series such as Product or a specific term for a given member of the series such as a specific Product name. ■ GroupTooltipLabelType : Specifies whether tooltip labels are displayed for data groups along an axis. For example, sales for specific products might be grouped by years or quarters. You can choose to display text that identifies a general term for the entire group such as Time or specific terms for each member of the group such as Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 for quarters. You can quickly format all the marker tooltips in a graph by setting the graph’s markerTooltipTemplate attribute to a tokenized String. The attribute accepts a String that may contain any number of a set of predefined tokens. For example: dvt:lineGraph markerTooltipTemplate=Template Based Tooltip NEW_LINE SERIES_LABEL GROUP_LABEL NEW_LINE Value: Y_VALUE The list of supported tokens is described in Table 24–1 . Note: The graph displays series tooltip labels only if the graph’s markerTooltipType attribute has a setting that includes text. Table 24–1 markerTooltipTemplate String Tokens Token Description NEW_LINE Inserts a new line. SERIES_LABEL The series label for the series of this marker. GROUP_LABEL The group label for the group of this marker. 24-36 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework You can use the graph’s customToolTipCallback attribute to specify tooltips that vary on an object by object basis. For example: dvt:graph id=g2 customToolTipCallback={customToolTipCallback.callback}

24.7 Customizing the Appearance of Specific Graph Types

The graph components support more than 50 graph types. Some of the graph attributes and several child tags relate only to specific graph types.

24.7.1 Changing the Appearance of Pie Graphs

You can customize the appearance of pie graphs and you can specify that you want one slice of a pie to be separated from the other slices in the pie. How to Customize the Overall Appearance of Pie Graphs

You can customize the appearance of a pie graph by inserting any of the following child tags within the graph tag: ■ dvt:pieFeeler tag: Specifies the color of a line, called a pie feeler, that extends from a pie slice to a slice label. ■ dvt:slice tag: Specifies the location of a label for a pie slice. ■ dvt:sliceLabel tag: Specifies the characteristics of the labels that describe each slice of a pie or ring graph. Each slice represents a data value. Use the textType attribute of this tag to indicate whether the slice label should show text only, value only, percent only, or text and percent. If you want to format numbers or specify font characteristics, you can add the following tags as a child to the dvt:sliceLabel tag: dvt:graphFont and af:convertNumber. X_VALUE The X value of a scatter or bubble marker or continuous time axis marker. Y_VALUE The Y value of this marker if this marker has a Y value. Z_VALUE The Z value bubble size of a bubble marker. PIE_VALUE The value of a pie slice. PIE_PERCENT The pie slice percentage value. ACTUAL_VALUE The actual value for a funnel slice. TARGET_VALUE The target value for a funnel slice. HIGH_VALUE The high value for a stock marker. LOW_VALUE The low value for a stock marker. CLOSE_VALUE The close value for a stock marker. OPEN_VALUE The open value for a stock marker. VOLUME_VALUE The volume value for a stock volume marker. CUM_VALUE The cumulative stacked value for a stacked graph. CUM_PERCENT The cumulative percentage value for a stacked percent graph or Pareto graph. Table 24–1 Cont. markerTooltipTemplate String Tokens Token Description Using ADF Graph Components 24-37 How to Customize an Exploding Pie Slice

When one slice is separated from the other slices in a pie, this display is referred to as an exploding pie slice. The reason for separating one slice is to highlight that slice possibly as having the highest value of the quantity being measured in the graph. The slices of a pie graph are the sets of data that are represented in the graph legend. As such, the slices are the series items of a pie graph. Before you begin: Follow the procedure in Section, How to Specify the Color and Style for Individual Series Items to create a series set that wraps individual series items. To customize one slice in a pie graph: 1. Follow the procedure in Section, How to Specify the Color and Style for Individual Series Items to create a series set that wraps individual series items. 2. To separate one slice in a pie graph, in the Property Inspector, for the series tag that represents the pie slice that you want to separate from the pie, set the PieSliceExplode attribute between 0 to 100, where 100 is the maximum exploded distance available. 3. To animate the slices in a pie graph, in the Property Inspector, set the InteractiveSliceBehavior attribute on the dvt:pieGraph tag. Valid values are any combination of the following: ■ none: No interactive slice behavior enabled. ■ explode: User can click to explode the slices in a pie graph. ■ explodeAll: Add Explode All and Unite All options to a context menu. For example, you can specify that users can explode the slices in a pie graph, and use a context menu to explode or collapse all the slices in the graph in the code: dvt:pieGraph interactiveSliceBehavior=explode explodeAll

24.7.2 Changing the Appearance of Lines in Graphs

You can use attributes of the dvt:seriesSet child of a graph tag to change the appearance of lines in graphs. How to Display Either Data Lines or Markers in Graphs

You have the option of displaying data lines or data markers in a line, combination, or radar graph. If you display markers rather than data lines, then the markers appear in the legend automatically. In the Property Inspector, set the following attributes of the dvt:seriesSet tag to display data lines or data markers: ■ LineDisplayed : Specifies whether data lines appear in the graph. You can set these values: – True indicates that data lines are displayed in the graph. Note: The interactiveSliceBehavior attribute is only available in a Flash image format, while the pieSliceExplode attribute is available in all image formats.