In the Property Inspector, for the Name attribute, enter Hiredate as the name of In the Property Inspector, for the Pattern attribute, enter the formatting pattern for

24-26 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework ■ af|dvt-markerText ■ af|dvt-o1TickLabel ■ af|dvt-x1TickLabel ■ af|dvt-y1TickLabel ■ af|dvt-y2TickLabel ■ af|dvt-annotation ■ af|dvt-sliceLabel ■ af|dvt-tooltips You can also use ADF Data Visualization Tools global skin selectors to define the font attributes across multiple graph components. Global skin selector names end in the :alias pseudo-class, and affect the skin for more than one component. Global graph skin selectors include the following: ■ .AFDvtGraphFont:alias: Specifies the font attributes for all graph components. ■ .AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias: Specifies the font attributes for all graph title components. ■ .AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias: Specifies the font attributes for all graph label components. To use a custom skin to set graph fonts: 1. Add a custom skin to your application containing the defined skin style selectors for the graph subcomponents. You can specify values for the following attributes: ■ -tr-font-family: Specifies the font family name. It may not contain more than one font. If multiple fonts are specified, the first font will be used. ■ -tr-font-size: Specifies the size of the font. Units of absolute size are defined as: – pt: Points - the standard font size used by CSS2, where 1 point equals 172nd of an inch. – in: Inches, where 1 inch equals 72 points. – cm: Centimeters, where 1 centimeter equals approximately 28 points. – mm: Millimeters, where 1 millimeter equals approximately 2.8 points. – pc: Picas, where 1 pica equals 12 points. You can also use font size names for this attribute, including the following: – xx-small: 8 points – x-small: 9 points – small: 10 points – medium: 12 points – large: 14 points – x-large: 16 points – xx-large: 18 points Using ADF Graph Components 24-27 ■ -tr-font-style: Specifies the style of the font. Valid values are normal or italic. ■ -tr-font-weight: Specifies the weight of the font. Valid values are normal or bold. ■ -tr-text-decoration: Specifies whether or not the underline emphasis is rendered. Valid values are none or underline. ■ -tr-color: Specifies the color of the font. Valid values are color names for HTML and CSS. The World Wide Consortium lists 17 valid color names including aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange CSS 2.1, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. You can also use 3, 6, or 8 digits HEX alpha channel is first 2 digit in 8 digit HEX, RGB, or RGBA. For example, specify the font family for all graph titles in a mySkin.css file as follows: af|dvt-graphTitle, { -tr-font-family: Comic Sans MS: } 2. Register the custom skin with the application in the trinidad-skins.xml file. For example, mySkin.css extends the default blafplus-rich.desktop style sheet: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1? skins xmlns=http:myfaces.apache.orgtrinidadskin skin idmySkinExtends.desktopid familymySkinExtendsfamily extendsblafplus-rich.desktopextends render-kit-idorg.apache.myfaces.trinidad.desktoprender-kit-id style-sheet-nameskinsmySkin.cssstyle-sheet-name skin skins 3. Configure the application to use the custom skin in the trinidad-config.xml file. For example: trinidad-config xmlns=http:myfaces.apache.orgtrinidadconfig skin-familymySkinskin-family trinidad-config 4. Package the custom skin into a jar file to deploy with the application. The trinidad-skins.xml file that defines the skin and that references the CSS file must be within the META-INF directory. For detailed information about applying a custom skin to applications, see Chapter 20, Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins.

24.6.4 Changing Graph Size and Style

You can customize the width and height of a graph and you can allow for dynamic resizing of a graph based on changes to the size of its container. You can also control the style sheet used by a graph. These two aspects of a graph are interrelated in that they share the use of the graph inlineStyle attribute.