How to Set Visibility Using JavaScript

3-18 Web User Interface Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework component will be displayed, but if the isVisible function is run against the outputText component, it will return true. For this reason, the RCF provides the isShowing function. This function will return false if the component’s visible attribute is set to false, or if any parent of that component has visible set to false. 4 Using the JSF Lifecycle with ADF Faces 4-1 4 Using the JSF Lifecycle with ADF Faces This chapter describes the JSF page request lifecycle and the additions to the lifecycle from ADF Faces, and how to use the lifecycle properly in your application. This chapter includes the following sections: ■ Section 4.1, Introduction to the JSF Lifecycle and ADF Faces ■ Section 4.2, Using the Immediate Attribute ■ Section 4.3, Using the Optimized Lifecycle ■ Section 4.4, Using the Client-Side Lifecycle ■ Section 4.5, Using Subforms to Create Regions on a Page ■ Section 4.6, Object Scope Lifecycles ■ Section 4.7, Passing Values Between Pages

4.1 Introduction to the JSF Lifecycle and ADF Faces

Because the ADF Faces rich client framework RCF extends the JSF framework, any application built using the ADF Faces rich client framework uses the standard JSF page request lifecycle. However, the ADF Faces framework extends that lifecycle, providing additional functionality, such as a client-side value lifecycle, a subform component that allows you to create independent submittable regions on a page without the drawbacks for example, lost user edits of using multiple forms on a single page, and additional scopes. To better understand the lifecycle enhancements that the RCF delivers, it is important that you understand the standard JSF lifecycle. This section provides only an overview. For a more detailed explanation, refer to the JSF specification at . When a JSF page is submitted and a new page is requested, the JSF page request lifecycle is invoked. This lifecycle handles the submission of values on the page, validation for components on the current page, navigation to and display of the components on the resulting page, as well as saving and restoring state. The JSF lifecycle phases use a UI component tree to manage the display of the faces components. This tree is a runtime representation of a JSF page: each UI component tag in a page corresponds to a UI component instance in the tree. The FacesServlet object manages the page request lifecycle in JSF applications. The FacesServlet object creates an object called FacesContext, which contains the information necessary for request processing, and invokes an object that executes the lifecycle. Figure 4–1 shows the JSF lifecycle of a page request. As shown, events are processed before and after each phase.