If you want to specify font characteristics for the title, do the following:

Using ADF Graph Components 24-35

c. Right-click the dvt:legendTitle node and choose Insert inside dvt:legendTitle

Font. d. Use the Property Inspector to specify values for the attributes of the font tag.

24.6.8 Customizing Tooltips in Graphs

Tooltips are useful to display identification or detail information for data markers. They can be very useful in smaller graphs without enough space to display markerText. Graphs automatically displays tooltips for components like title, subtitle, footnote, legend text, and annotations when their text is truncated. In most graphs, if you move the cursor over a data marker, then a tooltip is displayed. In a line or area graph, you must move the cursor over a data marker or at the corners of the line or area and not merely over the line or area. You can specify that each graph marker such as bars displays a tooltip with information. The following graph attributes are used together to customize a graph tooltip: ■ MarkerTooltipType : Specifies whether tooltips are displayed for markers such as bars and identifies the kind of information that appears in the tooltips. You have the option to display the following information: text only, values only, or text and values. For specific graph types, options include displaying cumulative data value for each stacked graph marker or displaying percentage data value for each pie slice marker. ■ SeriesTooltipLabel : Specifies whether tooltips are displayed for each set of values that appear in a legend. This attribute also controls the kind of information that appears in a series tooltip. For example, you could choose to display text that identifies a general term for the entire series such as Product or a specific term for a given member of the series such as a specific Product name. ■ GroupTooltipLabelType : Specifies whether tooltip labels are displayed for data groups along an axis. For example, sales for specific products might be grouped by years or quarters. You can choose to display text that identifies a general term for the entire group such as Time or specific terms for each member of the group such as Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 for quarters. You can quickly format all the marker tooltips in a graph by setting the graph’s markerTooltipTemplate attribute to a tokenized String. The attribute accepts a String that may contain any number of a set of predefined tokens. For example: dvt:lineGraph markerTooltipTemplate=Template Based Tooltip NEW_LINE SERIES_LABEL GROUP_LABEL NEW_LINE Value: Y_VALUE The list of supported tokens is described in Table 24–1 . Note: The graph displays series tooltip labels only if the graph’s markerTooltipType attribute has a setting that includes text. Table 24–1 markerTooltipTemplate String Tokens Token Description NEW_LINE Inserts a new line. SERIES_LABEL The series label for the series of this marker. GROUP_LABEL The group label for the group of this marker.