Technique of Data Collection Technique of Data Analysis

t : t value r :value of correlation coefficient n : number of sample With that formula, the writer got r coefficient that can describe the correlation between X variable and Y variable, as below: 6 Table 3.1 The Interpretation of Correlation Interpretation 0.00 – 0.20 Slight: almost negligible relationship. 0.20 – 0.40 Low correlation; definite but small relationship. 0.40 – 0.70 Moderate correlation; substantial relationship. 0.70 – 0.90 High correlation; marked relationship. 0.90 – 1.00 Very high correlation; very dependable relationship. Adopted from Guilford, 1956.

F. Statistical Hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis with significance level 5 was formulated as follow: 1. If r r t = H a is accepted and H o is rejected. It means that there is a relationship between the Intell igence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement of Extensive Reading. 2. If r r t = H a is rejected and H o is accepted. It means that there is no relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement of Extensive Reading. 6 J.P. Guilford, Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education, New York: Mc-Graw Hill Book Company Inc., 1950, p. 145. 34


A. Data Description

The research was conducted at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in which the seventh semester students of Department of English Education were involved as the participants of the research. As mentioned before in previous chapter, the writer cooperated with Psychology Service Centre of UIN Jakarta — usually called Pusat Layanan Psikologi PLP to hold a test IQ in order to get the IQ score. The Culture Fair Intelligence Test CFIT is used to measure the IQ score which would utilize only elements common to all cultures. The Culture Fair tests consist of three scales with non-verbal visual puzzles. Scale I includes eight subtests of mazes, copying symbols, identifying similar drawings and other non-verbal tasks. Both Scales II and III consists of four subtests that include completing a sequence of drawings, a classification subtest where respondents pick a drawing that is different from other drawings, a matrix subtests that involves completing a matrix of patterns and conditions subtests which involve which out of several geometric designs fulfill a specific given condition. 1 In short, the PLP made and distributed a set of test IQ then the writer got the list of IQ’s score. In Extensive Reading score, the writer got it from the Extensive Reading lecturer, Mrs. Nida Husna. The score is consisted of formative, mid-test, and final-test that was combined to be a final score. Finally, the writer analyzed the data to know the relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement of Extensive Reading. Then, the data was described as follows: 1 George Domino and Marla L. Domino, Psychological Testing: An Introduction, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006, p.282.

1. Intelligence Quotient IQ

These are the score of IQ gotten from the IQ test conducted by the PLP institution. Table 4.1 The Result of IQ Test Students’ Number Intelligence Quotient X Classification Student 1 116 High Average Student 2 81 Low Average Student 3 109 Average Student 4 113 High Average Student 5 113 High Average Student 6 100 Average Student 7 113 High Average Student 8 116 High Average Student 9 109 Average Student 10 131 Superior Student 11 119 High Average Student 12 121 Superior Student 13 109 Average Student 14 116 High Average Student 15 109 Average Student 16 113 High Average Student 17 121 Superior Student 18 113 High Average Student 19 113 High Average Student 20 121 Superior Student 21 106 Average Student 22 113 High Average Student 23 113 High Average Student 24 121 Superior