Significance of the Study

Besides, in general, achievement means all things that people gain successfully what he or she doing is. According to Gronlund, achievement is something that students have learnt. 4 It means that students need to learn a certain subject inside or outside classroom, then they may get achievement during the learning itself. In other words, achievement is as a result of evaluation and assessment in learning for a period of time. Teachers usually give students certain of test to measure what they have learnt and mastered of a subject. Teachers make assumption about what motives or facilitate achievement based on what students do in the classroom-their performance, their behavior, how they respond to the teacher and classroom tasks, and so forth. 5 In other words, the student’ achievement is a final result after following learning process which usually determined by doing such a test. Furthermore, reading achievement is how readers comprehend a reading m aterial as well. High reading achievement indicates their high readers’ comprehension. As Carver states in his book, anytime that the reading achievement of students can be increased, then these students will be able to comprehend well all of the text they read more efficiently. 6 So, students need to comprehend a text as well as possible to get best achievement in reading. Since reading comprehension usually correlate to reading achievement, it can be said that the result of reading comprehension forms in the reading achievement itself. Many teachers usually see students’ reading comprehension by distributed a reading test then get the students’ reading achievement of the reading itself. This statement is deal with an investigation by Hacettepe University which administered a reading comprehension test was to measure the participants’ 4 Norman E. Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1976, p.331. 5 Carl A. Grant and Christine E. Sleeter, Doing Multicultural Education for Achievement and Enquity, New York: Routledge, 2007, p. 36. 6 Ronald P. Carver, The Causes of High and Low Reading Achievement, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2000, p. 44. reading achievement. 7 Also, a test designed to determine a students’ mastery of a given academic area as old as formal education itself. 8 To get high reading comprehension and achievement, readers need some of conditions to make a maximum progress in learning to read. These conditions include: a. Physical health Students may have problems with their physical health in school learning. Physical discomfort, languor, a low energy level, and similar symptoms of health problems may often interfere with normal progress in reading. Nervous tension and even ordinary physical fatigue can reduce enjoyment and interest in reading, with consequent decline in efficiency. b. Mental health Among the basic developmental needs of children that affect growth in reading is a feeling of security, of being accepted and loved, and of being adequate to the tasks they are expected to carry out. Everyone performs better in any activity if heshe has self-confidence, a feeling of successful performance, and a strong desire to achieve. One cannot learn well, in reading or anything else, if he is distracted by anxieties, frustrations, and the sense of failure. c. Sight and hearing It has been estimated that about one fourth to one half of elementary school children are in need of visual correction. Quite probably nearly, all readers – slow, normal, and superior – who have visual defects would improve in reading ability if their defects were corrected. Then, a child who suffers from hearing loss is at a distinct advantage. Heshe will, for example, have difficulty in benefiting from the teacher’s oral 7 Hacettepe University, An Investigation into the Relationship Between L2 Reading Motivation and Reading Achievement, Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 2015, p. 600. 8 Julian C. Stanley, Measurement in Today’s School, New Jersey: Practice Hall Inc., 1964 p. 16.