Definition of Intelligence Quotient IQ

multiplying by number of 100. Then, people need to have a set of test in certain institution in order to get their IQ score.

3. Classification of IQ

As the expl anation before, the result of the IQ test may show someone’s capability or intelligence which cannot be equal each other. The table below describes the descriptive classifications of Intelligence Quotient: 23 Table 2.2 Classification of IQ Classification IQ Near genius or genius 140 and above Very superior 130 – 139 Superior 120 – 129 Above average 110 – 119 Normal or average 90 – 109 Below average 80 – 89 Dull or borderline 70 – 79 Feeble-minded: moron 50 – 69 Imbecile, idiot 49 and below Adopted from Standford-Binet Scale.

4. Types of IQ Test

Based on the implementation side, the IQ test divided into two types, they are individual test and group test. Then, there are some familiar individual tests, as explained below. a The Standford – Binet The Standford – Binet Intelligence Test includes several basic categories of test items. Naturally, the items themselves vary – at age six the child may be asked to add 2 and 3, whereas at age ten he may be asked to add 37, 95, and 18. 23 Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow, Educational Psychology, New York: American Book Company, 1958, p. 156. For younger, preschool children, the scale involves nonverbal items, such as placing simple blocks properly in a three-hole form board, but the tests for older children emphasize verbal skills. In general, test items fall into these categories: Word definitions An easy word may be curtain; difficult one, ubiquiotous. Verbal analogy problems “What is the similarity between hail and snow?” Adaptive problems “What would you do if the lawn mower you were using to mow the grass broke down?” Arithmetic problems “How many 5¢ candy bars can be bought for 30¢?” Memory “Repeat this series of numbers: 1, 3, 8, 5, 2.” General information “Who wrote Robinson Crusoe?” Absurdity detection “What is silly about this sentence?: A boy says to his brother, ‘If I get home first, I’ll write my name on the door but, if you get there first, you erase it.’ ” Missing-parts pictures A child is shown a picture in which a part is left out a number on a clock, the ear of a donkey and asked what is missing. Spatial problems A child is asked to draw a path through a maze. Comprehension “What should you say in a strange city when someone asks you how to find a certain address?” 24 b The Wechsler Scale 24 Jerome Kagan and Cynthia Lang, Psychology and Education, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1978, pp. 317 – 319. The measurement of adult IQ was greatly advanced by the development of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS. Then, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children WISC-R designed for children aged 6 – 16. The various Wechsler Scales, although designated for different age groups, are very much alike in their basic form and types of content. They are all substantially correlated with the Stanford-Binet, with which they have much in common, but from which they differ in some important ways. The Wechsler Scales differ from the Standford-Binet by breaking down the total IQ into two separate components – a verbal IQ and a performance IQ. The Stanford-Binet contains many different kinds of testing material mixed together, and provides a single “global” IQ score. The WAIS, however, separates its material into eleven different subscales, which are: 1. Verbal scale Information What is steam made of? What is pepper? Comprehension Why do some people save sales receipts? Arithmetic It takes 3 people 9 days to paint a house. How many would it take to do it in 3 days? Digit repetition Repeat the following numbers in order: 1, 3, 7. 2, 5, 4 Similarities In what way are a circle and a triangle alike? Vocabulary What is a hippopotamus? 2. Performance scale Picture arrangement A story is told in 3 or more cartoon panels placed in incorrect order: put them together to tell the story. Picture completion P oint out what’s missing from each picture Block design After looking at a pattern or design, try to arrange small colored cubes in the same pattern.