Background of the Research

evaluation for teachers and institutions that want to adapt the Extensive Reading program. Then, UIN Jakarta is one of the institutions in Indonesia which implements the Extensive Reading program. The Extensive Reading program becomes last stage of reading course after Reading 1, Reading II, Reading III and Reading IV. It is assigned to the fifth semester students. Based on the syllabus, the students need to read 10 appointed English novels, 8 appointed English textbooks and 10 articles from printed English journals within four months a semester. It is a new thing for the students; the students were asked to read more than the previous reading course. So, it becomes a change of the classroom culture for students in learning reading skill. At first, the students felt it is such a burden to finish the Extensive Reading course. They are difficult to adapt the change of the classroom culture to acquire the reading skill. They less motivates to read a lot tasks in a certain amount of time so they do not develop reading habit as well. Jeremy Harmer tells that not all of students get the reading habit in extensive reading. Some do indeed, read more and more, but the others do not. 5 In other words, they may called as the reluctant readers which become a handicap to gain the main goal on Extensive Reading program. Since Extensive Reading is the highest level in reading class, it is not easy to pass this course. As Dewi Sunarni found some factors that cause the Extensive Reading become a difficult subject for students of English Department in Atmajaya University. There are seven factors contributing the successful on Extensive Reading program ; students’ attitude toward the subject, students’ skill, students’ learning habit, the test, the textbook, the lecturer, and the learning environment. 6 So, it is clear that students need to encourage themselves to get best result on this course. 5 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, London: Pearson Longman, 2016, p. 320. 6 Dewi Sunarni, “Some Factors That Cause the Extensive Reading Become a Difficult Subject for Students of English Department,” A Skripsi at English Department, Faculty of Education, Atmajaya University, Jakarta, 2002, p. 15. The result on this course is taken from the score in the end of the course. The score may reflect the students’ reading progress especially in making reading as a habit. It also measures students’ reading comprehension. It is taken from three assessments; formative, mid-semester test, and final-semester test. Yet, based on data scores of students’ Extensive Reading course at the Department of English Education in UIN Jakarta, in the 2012 – 2013 academic year, the writer revealed that most of the students got the decrease of score of the final-semester test. From the observation, the writer found that 91.3 21 of 23 persons students who got A 80 in the mid-semester test score then 66.7 students got B 70, and 19.1 students got C 60 in the final-semester test score. In this case, students may be influenced by some factors in the learning process to gain the achievement. In order to have high reading comprehension and achievement, there are two factors which may affect students. First is internal factor which is divided into two parts; physiological factor included eyes and ears and psychological factor consisting of intelligence, motivation, visual perception ability, vocabulary, attitude to read, and reading interests. Second is an external factor which affect reading ability are teaching methods, available facilities, and environment. 7 One of the factors mentioned is intelligence that is fundamentally different from each student . The measurement of students’ intelligence can be known as intelligence quotient IQ. IQ score is primarily affected by the mental age and chronological age. IQ score can be used for many contexts, for example it can predict students’ academic achievement. Students with high IQ indicate high reading skill and low IQ indicate low reading skill. The students with high reading skill tend to comprehend the text well then able to answer the provided questions as accurate as possible. Whereas students with low reading skill tend to be difficult in understanding then could not answer the questions as well as the students with high achievement. 7 Ratna Wulan, Peranan Inteligensi, Penguasaan Kosakata, Sikap, dan Minat terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Pada Anak, Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, Nomor 2, 2010, p.169. Thus, the writer conducted a research on The Relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and Students’ Achievement on Extensive Reading.

B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the background above, the problems in this study can be identified as follow: 1. Most students as the readers get some difficulties to understand a text. 2. The students see the Extensive Reading course as a difficult course. 3. The students have different internal and external factors in learning reading skill especially to gain high reading comprehension and achievement. 4. Most of the fifth semester students in Department of English Education have not been familiar themselves to read a lot of materials in certain amount of time. 5. Most of the fifth semester students in Department of English Education 85.8 got lower final-test score than mid-test score.

C. Limitation of Problem

The writer limits the problem on number 3 since each student has different internal and external factors in learning reading skill. One of the internal factors is intelligence, in this case described through their Intelligence Quotient IQ. Therefore, the writer would like to conduct a research on the IQ which may have relationship with the students ’ achievement in Extensive Reading course of Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

D. Formulation of Research

Based on the limitation, the writer formulates the question of the research: “Is there any significant relationship between Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement on Extensive Reading of the Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta ?”

E. Objective of Research

This research is conducted in order to find an empirical evidence of whether or not there is significant relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement on Extensive Reading of the Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to give some significances not only theoretically but also practically; 1. For students, this study will realize the importance of intelligence in learning reading so they will encourage themselves to improve and develop their reading comprehension in order to get good or best achievement in Extensive Reading course. 2. For teachers, the result of this study can be useful as a reflection that it is important to know students’ intelligence in order to improve and gain their reading achievement as well. 3. For next researchers, the result of this study hopefully can be useful as reference for them whenever they are interested in conducting a study with similar variables. 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW

A. Reading Achievement on Extensive Reading

1. Definition of Reading Achievement

Reading is a way to get information in a text by understanding the text accurately and effectively. When people do reading, they may get new vocabulary items, broaden their knowledge, and learn certain language – those may be called as an achievement of reading. In learning process, the reading achievement usually measured by a set of certain tests . Students’ reading score reflects their reading achievement. Caldwell states that reading is a process of constructing meaning. Word identification is the key that opens the door to the exciting world of comprehension. 1 Supporting this definition, Fischer states in his book, reading was the simple faculty of extracting visual information from any encoded system and comprehending the respective meaning. 2 So, reading is the process to get information by understanding author’s meaning of a text. Then, Klinger and her associates also emphasize that during reading, students need to know how to monitor their understanding, use fix-up strategies to assist with comprehension, and consider linkages between what they are reading and previous knowledge and experiences. After reading, they should summarize the key ideas they have read and respond to the material in various ways. 3 1 JoAnne Schudt Caldwell, Reading Assessment : A Primer for Teachers and Coaches, New York: The Guilford Press, 2008, p. 132. 2 Steven Roger Fischer, A History of Reading, London: Reaktion Book Ltd, 2003, p.12. 3 Janette K. Klingner, Sharon Vaughn, and Alison Boardman, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties, New York: The Guilford Press, 2007, p.xi.