Discussion The Relationship Between Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Students' Achievement on Extensive Reading

be made and distributed by the professional psychologists or an institution. The writer could not arrange and distribute a set of IQ test by herself. Then, the writer thought to use IQ test online, but the research advisor did not recommend it. Later, the writer tried to ask some psychologists and institutions. As a result, the writer cooperate with Psychology Service Centre of UIN Jakarta —usually called Pusat Layanan Psikologi PLP to hold IQ test for the students. Second, the number of sample in this research was smaller than the writer had expected. The writer got a little difficulties to gather samples of research in order to have the IQ test. Actually, the samples of research need to have the IQ test in one-time and also come to the PLP institution. It was rather difficult to adjust their schedule in order to have the IQ test itself. In this case, the writer need to contact them one by one. As a result, the writer could schedule the IQ test in one-time. However, in the day of implementation of IQ test, there were some students who canceled to be the sample of research because of some reasons. There were students who were sick and also having some urgent things that obstruct them to come to the PLP institution. 55


A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings in the previous chapter, the correlation between the two variables is found at the 95 level of confidence p 0.05 with the value of r = 0.030. The finding reveals that the relationship between the variables is in the weak or low level. Similarly, the significance t contribution reveals that the result was not significant. The score of t count is smaller than t table . The score of significance t count was 0.1968. Meanwhile, the df = 43 indicates significant score of 5 is 2.01669. It means H a is rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was no significant relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ an d students’ achievement of Extensive Reading of the seventh semester students of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State University of Jakarta.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, it can be conveyed some suggestions that go to: 1. Teachers For teachers, it is suggested to know students Intelligence Quotient IQ in order to implement the appropriate technique in learning reading in order to achieve the learning objectives. Besides, the teachers are not expected to classify the students as smart or dull students, but the teachers are suggested to guide and give attention more to the students with low IQ in order to gain good achievement. 2. Students For students especially as English language learners, it is suggested to know their I Q as a representation of their knowledge’s depth. Shortly, the students’ need to broaden their knowledge in English, especially for reading skill. The students may broaden their knowledge from many English sources like books, magazines,