Analysis of the Linearity of Tests Analysis of the Correlation Coefficient

Participants Y X XY Y2 X2 Student 10 131 76 9956 17161 5776 Student 11 119 85 10115 14161 7225 Student 12 121 80 9680 14641 6400 Student 13 109 87 9483 11881 7569 Student 14 116 85 9860 13456 7225 Student 15 109 89 9701 11881 7921 Student 16 113 73 8249 12769 5329 Student 17 121 87 10527 14641 7569 Student 18 113 85 9605 12769 7225 Student 19 113 77 8701 12769 5929 Student 20 121 84 10164 14641 7056 Student 21 106 90 9540 11236 8100 Student 22 113 71 8023 12769 5041 Student 23 113 85 9605 12769 7225 Student 24 121 86 10406 14641 7396 Student 25 116 85 9860 13456 7225 Student 26 133 84 11172 17689 7056 Student 27 109 85 9265 11881 7225 Student 28 91 70 6370 8281 4900 Student 29 131 80 10480 17161 6400 Student 30 116 80 9280 13456 6400 Student 31 116 72 8352 13456 5184 Student 32 116 75 8700 13456 5625 Student 33 121 88 10648 14641 7744 Student 34 116 81 9396 13456 6561 Student 35 106 81 8586 11236 6561 Student 36 113 85 9605 12769 7225 Student 36 121 84 10164 14641 7056 Student 38 119 85 10115 14161 7225 Participants Y X XY Y2 X2 Student 39 109 88 9592 11881 7744 Student 40 119 85 10115 14161 7225 Student 41 106 85 9010 11236 7225 Student 42 100 77 7700 10000 5929 Student 43 109 86 9374 11881 7396 Student 44 100 84 8400 10000 7056 Student 45 119 85 10115 14161 7225 N=45 ΣX = 5095 ΣY = 3628 ΣXY = 410913 ΣX 2 = 580787 ΣY 2 = 298118 After getting the result above, the calculation of the data to Pearson Product Moment Formula is presented as follows: Formula: Calculation: N = 45 ΣX = 5095 ΣY = 3268 ΣX 2 = 580787 ΣY 2 = 298118 ΣX 2 = 25959025 ΣY 2 = 13162384 ΣXY = 410913 To make sure the result of the calculation above, the Pearson Product Moment in SPSS statistics program version 24.0 was used to know whether the calculation that has been calculated manually is correct or not and to make sure that there is no mismatching calculation between score that the writer counted. The results of those calculations; manual calculation and calculation using SPSS statistics program version 24.0 are equal, in which the value of r xy or r o are 0.0304. It means that there is no mismatch in the process of calculating the data by calculating manually or using the SPSS formula. Then, the calculation of Pearson Product Moment is described as follows: Table 4.8 Pearson Product Moment Table for the Intelligence Quotient IQ and Achievement of Extensive Reading Correlations IQ Extensive Reading Achievement IQ Pearson Correlation 1 .030 Sig. 2-tailed .843 N 45 45 Extensive Reading Achievement Pearson Correlation .030 1 Sig. 2-tailed .843 N 45 45 The results of those calculations; manual calculation and calculation using SPSS statistics program version 24.00 were equal, in which the value of r xy or r o for IQ and Extensive Reading achievement was 0.030. It means that there was no mismatch in the process of calculating the data by calculating manually or using the SPSS statistics program version 24.00.

3. Analysis of Determination Coefficient

The contribution o f the independent variable x, students’ achievement of Extensive Reading towards the dependent variable y, Intelligence Quotient IQ, are investigated through the determination coefficient r 2 . The result of r 2 can be found through this formula: 4 R = r 2 x 100 = 0.030 2 x 100 = 0.0009 x 100 = 0.09 Note: R : score of determinant coefficient r 2 : score of the squared correlation coefficient Based on the result of determination coefficient, the students’ IQ contribute to students’ achievement of Extensive Reading up to 0.09. The remains 99.91 were given by other variables, for example reader’s knowledge, motivation, reason, strategies, skills, stable characteristics, and physical characteristics. 5

C. Test of Hypothesis

To test the hypotheses, the correlation coefficient from the calculation r xy is compared to correlation coefficient from Product Moment table r t . In the term of the statistics hypotheses, these can be portrayed as follows: 1. If r o r t = H a is accepted. There is a relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement of Extensive Reading. 4 Riduwan and Akdon, Rumus dan Data dalam Analisis Statistika, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013, p.125. 5 J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, Edinburgh: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 33. 2. If r o r t = H a is rejected. There is a no relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement of Extensive Reading. To find r xy or r o , the degree of freedom must be determined with the formula: d f = N –nr = 45 – 2 = 43 Note : d f : degree of freedom n : number of cases respondents nr : number of variables In the table of significance see appendix 5, it is shown that the r t of a two tailed test in the significance of 5 and d f of 43 is found to be 0.301. Based on the score of r o 0.030, it is indicated that the score of r o is lower than r t , in which 0.030 0.301. It means that H a is rejected; or in other words there is no relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement of Extensive Reading. Moreover, the result of t count is compared to t table in order to find the significance of variables. The formula of getting t count is presented as follows: Description of the formula: t count = t value r = 0.030 n = 45 Calculation: The formulation of test: a. If t o t table , it means that the null hypothesis is rejected and there is significant relationship between the two variables. b. If t o t table , the null hypothesis is accepted and there is no significant relationship between the two variables. From the table of significance see appendix 6, it is obtained that t table of 5 and d f = 43 is 2.01669. It indicates that t o is lower than t table , in which 0.1968 2.01669. Therefore, the null hypothesis H o is accepted. In other words, there is no significant relationship between the Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement of Extensive Reading. According to the result of the calculation of Pearson Product Moment above, the score of correlation coefficient r o is 0.030. To interpret the gravity of 0.030, the table of “r” product moment shows that the correlation value is on the very weaklow level, in which between 0.00 – 0-19. The very weak or low correlation means that the relationship tends to the negative relationship. The table of “r” interpretation was adopted from J.P. Guilford’s theory. 6 Table 4.9 The Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient Interpretation 0.00 – 0.20 Slight: almost negligible relationship. 6 J.P. Guilford, Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education, New York: Mc-Graw Hill Book Company Inc., 1950, p. 145.