Thinking Framework The Relationship Between Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Students' Achievement on Extensive Reading

E. Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on the literature review and the previous study above, it can be proposed theoretical hypothesis that there is relationship between the intelligence which described through Intelligence Quotient IQ and students’ achievement on Extensive Reading. 30


A. Place and Time of the Research

The writer conducted the research for two months, from November to December 2016. The place of the study was at Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. It was located at Jalan Ir. Juanda No.95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan.

B. Method of the Research

The method of this study was quantitative method. Meanwhile the research design of this study was correlational study with analysis of Product Moment according to Karl Pearson. It is usually used to correlate one variable to another variable based on its correlation coefficient value. It is useful to find out and describe the significance of the correlation between two variables, variable X and variable Y . 1 In this study, the variable X was “Intelligence Quotient IQ” which was known as independent variable. Then, the Y variable was “reading achievement of Extens ive Reading” which was known as dependent variable.

C. Population and Sample

The population in this research is the seventh semester students of Department of English Education at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta in the 2013 – 2014 academic year. There were 3 classes; 7A, 7B, and 7C which each class consisted of 22, 21, 18 students. The total numbers of 3 classes were 61 students. Then, to choose the sample, the writer used purposive sampling technique. One of the consideration to choose the sample was the students who have already passed or learned the Extensive Reading course. Therefore, the study was considered to take large sample for collecting data consisted of 45 students. 1 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT Grafindo Persada, 2000, pp. 177 – 178.

D. Technique of Data Collection

To get the data for the variable Y, the writer cooperated with an institution that is Psychology Service Centre of UIN Jakarta — usually called Pusat Layanan Psikologi PLP to hold an IQ test program. The Culture Fair Intelligence Test CFIT is used to measure the IQ score which would utilize only elements common to all cultures. The Culture Fair tests consist of three scales with non-verbal visual puzzles. Scale I includes eight subtests of mazes, copying symbols, identifying similar drawings and other non- verbal tasks. Both Scales II and III consists of four subtests that include completing a sequence of drawings, a classification subtest where respondents pick a drawing that is different from other drawings, a matrix subtests that involves completing a matrix of patterns and conditions subtests which involve which out of several geometric designs fulfill a specific given condition. 2 The CFIT test is a test which measure cognitive ability and devoid of sociocultural and environmental influences. Since the cognitive ability may affect a learning process, it considers to conduct such a kind of test. Besides, the CFIT test is usually used to measure IQ of people who will enroll the higher education level. Besides, t he students’ achievement of Extensive Reading course variable is taken from documentation score that the reading lecturer has.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

After getting those data, the writer has to analyze the data and correlate between the students’ IQ score and the score of Extensive Reading course. The writer did description analysis to describe the data statistically. Then, the study used formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation: 3 2 George Domino and Marla L. Domino, Psychological Testing: An Introduction, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006, p.282. 3 Riduwan and Akdon, Rumus dan Data dalam Analisis Statistika, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013, .124.