Author information

11.2.2 Author information

There are seven pieces of information about yourself.

276 Chapter 11 The AMS article document class


Author Command: \author

Optional argument: Short form of the name for the running head

The typeset author is placed on the front page of the typeset article. Examples: An author:

\author{George~A. Menuhin}

An author with a short form of the name for the running head: \author[G.\,A. Menuhin]{George~A. Menuhin}

Section 11.2.4 discusses how to specify multiple authors.


Contributor Command: \contrib

Optional argument: Describing the contribution

The typeset contributor’s name is placed on the front page of the typeset article. This command is very recent. It was introduced in amsart version 2.20. Examples:

A contributor authoring an appendix: \contrib[with an appendix by]{John Blaise}

If this appendix has two authors: \contrib[with an appendix by]{J. Blaise}

\contrib[]{W. Blaise} This typesets (with author G. A. Menuhin) the author line as


Contributors can have addresses, current addresses, etc., just like authors.

11.2 The top matter 277


Address Command: \address Separate lines with \\ Optional argument: Name of author

The typeset address is placed at the end of the typeset article. Example:


which is typed as \address{Department of Applied Mathematics\\

University of Winnebago\\ Winnebago, MN 53714}

Notice that L A TEX replaces the \\ line separators with commas. If there are several authors, you can use the author’s name as an optional argument of \address to avoid ambiguity. See Example 4 in Section 11.2.5 (page 283) for a complete example.


Current address Command: \curraddr Separate lines with \\ Optional argument: name of author

The typeset current address is placed at the end of the typeset article. Example:

Current address: Department of Mathematics, University of York, Heslington, York, England

is typed as \curraddr{Department of Mathematics\\

University of York\\ Heslington, York, England}

278 Chapter 11 The AMS article document class

If there are several authors, you can use the author’s name as an optional argument of \curraddr to avoid ambiguity; for some examples, see Section 11.2.5.


E-mail address Command: \email

Optional argument: Name of author

The typeset e-mail address is placed at the end of the typeset article. Example:


Tip Some e-mail addresses contain the special underscore character ( _ ). Recall (see Sec- tion 5.4.4) that you have to type \_ to get _.

Example: \email{George\}

Tip Some older e-mail addresses contain the percent symbol (%); recall that you have to type \% to get % (see Section 5.4.4).

Example: \email{h1175moy\}


Web (home) page ( URL ) Command: \urladdr

Optional argument: Name of author

11.2 The top matter 279

The typeset Web (home) page is placed at the end of the typeset article. Example:


Tip Many Internet addresses contain the tilde (~), indicating the home directory of the user. Type ~ to get ~ and not \~, as recommended in Section 5.4.4. $\sim$ is also unacceptable.

Example: \urladdr{}


Research support or other acknowledgments Command: \thanks

Do not specify linebreaks. Terminate the sentence with a period.

The typeset research support or other acknowledgments is placed on the front page of the typeset article as an unmarked footnote. Example:

\thanks{Supported in part by NSF grant PAL-90-2466.}

A \thanks{} command is ignored in typesetting.

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