Four steps of B IB TEXing

16.2.3 Four steps of B IB TEXing

The following steps produce a typeset bibliography in your L A TEX document. We use the sampartb.tex sample article as an example.

Step 1 Check that B IB TEX, your L A TEX document, and the bib files are placed in the appropriate folders.

Step 2 Typeset sampartb.tex to get a fresh aux file. This step is illustrated in Fig- ure 16.1.

L TEX sampartb.aux


the source file the aux file


Figure 16.1: Using B IB TEX, step 2.

sampartb.aux sampartb.bbl

the aux file

bibliography file


the log file

Figure 16.2: Using B IB TEX, step 3.

16.2 Using B IB TEX 441

Step 3 Run B IB TEX on the sampartb.aux file in one of the following three ways: by invoking it with the argument sampartb

by starting the application and then opening sampartb.aux by running it by choosing it as a menu option of your editor or GUI front end

or by clicking on an icon If B IB TEX cannot find a crucial file, for example, the bst file, it stops. The

reason it stopped is shown in the log window and also written to a blg (bibli- ography log) file, sampartb.blg. Correct the error(s) and go back to step 2. A successful run creates a bbl (bibliography) file, sampartb.bbl, in addition to sampartb.blg. This step is illustrated in Figure 16.2.

Step 4 Typeset the L A TEX document sampartb.tex twice.

B IB TEX uses and creates a number of files when it is run. To illustrate this process, complete the four steps using sampartb.tex.

Step 1 Start fresh by deleting the aux, blg, and bbl files, if they are present. Step 2 Typeset the article sampartb.tex to get an aux file (see Figure 16.1). Notice

that the log file contains warnings about missing references and a number of other lines not relevant to the current discussion. The lines in the aux file con- taining bibliographic information are

\citation{fR82} \citation{gM68} \citation{eM57} \citation{sF90} \citation{eM57a} \bibstyle{amsplain} \bibdata{sampartb}

Each \citation command in this file corresponds to a \cite or \nocite com- mand in the article. The lines

\bibliographystyle{amsplain} \bibliography{sampartb}

in sampartb.tex are written as \bibstyle{amsplain}

\bibdata{sampartb} in the sampartb.aux file.

442 Chapter 16 B IB TEX Step 3 Now run B IB TEX on the sampartb.aux file (see Figure 16.2). How we do this,

depends on the L A TEX installation you have. In UNIX installations, you type bibtex intrarti at the command line. In newer user interfaces, B IB TEX is represented by an icon,

and you drop intrarti.aux into it. In modern installations, your editor also runs B IB TEX. In WinEdt (see Section A.1.2), run B IB TEX by clicking on the

B IB TEX button. In TeXShop (see Section A.2.1), change the LaTeX button to BibTeX and click on the Typeset button. Now change the BibTeX button back to LaTeX. Click on the Typeset button, and you have the typeset article with the bibliography.

B IB TEX generates two new files: sampartb.blg and sampartb.bbl. Look at sampartb.blg:

This is BibTeX, C Version 0.99c The top-level auxiliary file: sampartb.aux The style: amsplain.bst Database file #1: sampartb.bib

On some systems, this file may be much longer than the one I show here. At present, this blg file does not contain much important information. If there were any warnings or errors, they would be listed in this file.

The sampartb.bbl file, in which B IB TEX created a thebibliography envi- ronment (see Section 10.5.1) is more interesting:

\providecommand{\bysame}{\leavevmode% \hbox to3em {\hrulefill}\thinspace} \begin{thebibliography}{1}

\bibitem{sF90} Soo-Key Foo, \emph{Lattice constructions}, Ph.D. thesis, University of Winnebago, Winnebago, MN, December 1990.

\bibitem{gM68} George~A. Menuhin, \emph{Universal algebra}, D.~Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1968.

\bibitem{eM57a} Ernest~T. Moynahan, \emph{Ideals and congruence relations in lattices.~\textup{II}}, Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Fiz. Oszt. K{\"{o}}zl. \textbf{7} (1957), 417-434 (Hungarian).

16.2 Using B IB TEX 443

\bibitem{eM57} \bysame, \emph{On a problem of {M. Stone}}, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. \textbf{8} (1957), 455-460.

\bibitem{fR82} Ferenc~R. Richardson, \emph{General lattice theory}, expanded and revised ed., Mir, Moscow, 1982 (Russian).

\end{thebibliography} Observe that the nonbreakable spaces (ties) and the \bysame command have

been provided in the author fields. Step 4 Now typeset sampartb.tex again. The typeset version now has a Refer-

ences section, constructed from the bbl file, but the new log file has warnings about missing entries. The new aux file contains five interesting new lines:

\bibcite{sF90}{1} \bibcite{gM68}{2} \bibcite{eM57a}{3} \bibcite{eM57}{4} \bibcite{fR82}{5}

These lines identify the cross-reference label sF90 (see the first line shown—the symbol designates Foo’s thesis in sampartb.bib) with the number 1, and so on. Now typeset sampartb.tex again, and all the citations are correctly placed in the typeset article.


1. The crucial step 3, running the B IB TEX application, gives different error messages and obeys different rules from L A TEX—see Section 16.2.4.

2. The sampartb.bbl file was created by B IB TEX. It is not changed by running L A TEX.

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