Article templates

11.4 Article templates

In this section, we create a template you can use for your amsart articles. A template is a read-only file. Open it with a text editor and save it under a different name. You can then start to write your new article using the new file, without having to remember the details governing the preamble and the top matter.

Create the template, which contains a customized preamble and top matter with sample bibliographic items, in several steps.

Step 1 In your text editor, open the amsart.tpl document from the samples folder (see page 4) and save it in your work subfolder as myams.tpl. Alternatively, type in the lines as shown in this section.

The first few lines of the file are % Sample file: amsart.tpl

% Preamble \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{amssymb,latexsym}

Notice the use of commented out lines (lines that start with %) that have been added as comments about the file.

Edit line 1 to read % Template file: myams.tpl The lines \documentclass{amsart}

\usepackage{amssymb,latexsym} specify the amsart document class and the use of the amssymb and latexsym pack-

ages to gain access by name to all the symbols listed in Appendix B. Step 2 After the \usepackage command, there are sets of proclamation definitions

corresponding to the examples in Section 6.4.2. Choose Option 5 for myams.tpl by deleting all the lines related to the other op- tions. You are left with the lines

% Theorems, corollaries, lemmas, and propositions, in the % most emphatic (plain) style. All are numbered separately. % There is a Main Theorem in the most emphatic (plain) % style, unnumbered. There are definitions, in the less % emphatic(definition) style. There are notations, in the % least emphatic (remark) style, unnumbered.

11.4 Article templates 295

\theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{corollary}{Corollary} \newtheorem*{main}{Main Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \newtheorem{proposition}{Proposition}

\theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}

\theoremstyle{remark} \newtheorem*{notation}{Notation}

Step 3 Two more choices are presented. You can have either one or two authors—for more complex situations, see Section 11.2.4. For the myams.tpl template, choose one author by deleting everything between

% Two authors and % End Two authors You are left with \begin{document}

% One author \title[shorttitle]{titleline1\\


\author{name} \address{line1\\

line2\\ line3}

\email{name@address} \urladdr{http://homepage} \thanks{thanks} % End one author

\keywords{keywords} \subjclass[2000]{Primary: subject; Secondary: subject} \date{date}

\begin{abstract} abstract

296 Chapter 11 The AMS article document class

\end{abstract} \maketitle

\begin{thebibliography}{99} \end{thebibliography}

\end{document} In the top matter, fill in your own personal information. For instance, I edited \author{name} to read \author{George~Gr\"{a}tzer}

I also edited \address, \email, \urladdr, and \thanks. After editing, I had the following:

% top matter \title[shorttitle]{titleline1\\


\author{George~Gr\"{a}tzer} \address{University of Manitoba\\

Department of Mathematics\\ Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2\\ Canada}

\email{} \urladdr{} \thanks{Research supported by the NSERC of Canada.}

\keywords{keywords} \subjclass[2000]{Primary: subject; Secondary: subject} \date{date}

\begin{abstract} abstract \end{abstract} \maketitle

\begin{thebibliography}{99} \end{thebibliography}


11.5 Options 297

Since this template is meant to be used for all my future articles, I do not edit the lines that change from article to article (\title, \keywords, and so on).

Remember that the short title is for running heads, the title shown at the top of every odd-numbered page other than the title page. If the title of your article is only one line long, delete the separation mark \\ and the second line, except for the closing brace. If the full title of your article is short, delete [shorttitle].

Now save myams.tpl. I saved my template under the name ggamsart.tpl (in the samples folder, see page 4). You can also make an additional template with two authors to be used as a template for joint articles. Note that at the end of the template, just before the line \end{document}, there are two lines:

\begin{thebibliography}{99} \end{thebibliography}

The argument of \begin{thebibliography} should be 9 if there are fewer than

10 references, 99 with 10–99 references, and so forth. We discuss how to format bibliographic items in Sections 4.2.4 and 10.5.1. The templates for bibliographic items are listed after the \end{document} line.

To make sure that you do not overwrite your template, I recommend that you make it read-only. How you do this depends on your computer’s operating system. You should modify the template you create in this section to the template of the journal you submit your article to. In the samples folder, you find the AMS template for the Proceedings of the AMS, called amsproc.template.

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