The AMS packages

11.6 The AMS packages

If you follow the recommendation of this book and begin each article with \documentclass{amsart}

\usepackage{amssymb,latexsym} then you can safely ignore most of the information in this section. There are two minor

exceptions, the packages amsxtra and upref. However, if you use a document class that does not load the same packages that amsart loads, then you have to load the packages needed for your work. Typically, you have

\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} \usepackage{amssymb,latexsym}

as a minimum. The AMS distribution contains many packages that can be loaded together or by themselves.

11.6 The AMS packages 301

Math enhancements amsmath The primary math enhancement package, which loads the four packages,

amsgen, amsbsy, amsopn, and amstext. amsbsy Provides two commands for the use of bold math symbols, \boldsymbol and

\pmb (see Section 8.3.3). amscd Commands for creating simple commutative diagrams (see Section 9.8). amsgen An auxiliary package that is never invoked directly. It is loaded by all the

AMS math packages (except for upref). amsopn Provides operator names and also the \DeclareMathOperator command for

defining new ones (see Section 7.6). amstext Defines the \text command and redefines commands such as \textrm and

\textbf to behave like the \text command (see Section 7.4.6). amsxtra Provides the “sp” math accents (see Sections 7.7 and B.8) and loads the

amsmath package. upref Ensures that the \ref command always produces upright numbers.

AMSFonts amsfonts Contains the basic commands needed to utilize the AMSFonts. It also de-

fines the \mathfrak command which makes the Euler Fraktur math alphabet available (see Section 8.3.2). If you use the PostScript AMSFonts font set, you should load this package with the option

\usepackage[psamsfonts]{amsfonts} In addition, if you want to use the 12pt document class option, then you must

also load the exscale package (see Section 12.3): \usepackage{exscale}

amssymb Defines the symbol names for amsfonts. It loads amsfonts. eucal Replaces the calligraphic math alphabet with the Euler Script math alphabet

(see Section 8.3.2). If you load it with the option mathscr, as in \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} then both the \mathscr and the \mathcal commands are available, so you can

have both CE and CE, typed as

302 Chapter 11 The AMS article document class

$\mathcal{C}\mathcal{E}$ and $\mathscr{C}\mathscr{E}$ eufrak Defines the Euler Fraktur math alphabet (see Section 8.3.2).

Loading packages amsart contains code to provide more flexible formatting of proclamations and the

proof environment (see Sections 6.4.2 and 6.5). By loading the amsthm package you can add this functionality to a non-AMS document class. The amsthm package loads the amsgen package.

amsart loads four packages from the math enhancements group, the amsmath, amsbsy, amstext, amsopn, and amsgen packages, and the amsfonts package from the AMSFonts group.

A typical article using the legacy article document class (see Section 12.1) and the AMS enhancements would normally have

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath}% math enhancements \usepackage{amssymb,latexsym}% AMSFonts and LaTeX symbol names \usepackage{amsthm}% proclamations with style

and perhaps the following: \usepackage{eucal}% Euler Script

Note that it is not critical for you to remember which packages load others. No harm is done if you type

\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsbsy}

The amsbsy package is loaded by the amsmath package, and the \usepackage{amsbsy}

line is ignored by L A TEX.

All the math related options of amsart (see Section 11.5) are also options of the amsmath package. So, for instance, if you want the equation numbers on the right, load amsmath with the reqno option:


Multiple indices The AMS distribution also contains the package amsmidx for creating multiple indices.

This package is discussed in Section 17.5.


Legacy document classes

Even though the AMS spent a few decades refining the amsart document class, some of the legacy document classes of L A TEX are still around. If you want to whip up a quick report or write up a research note, the legacy article or report document classes may serve you well.

In this chapter, we discuss some of the legacy L A TEX document classes. We take up the book document class in Chapter 18. We do not discuss the slides document class for preparing slides. It is now considered obsolete. Use instead the beamer class which we discuss in Chapter 14 or the FoilTEX class discussed in Section 4.4.

We conclude this chapter with a description of the components of the standard L A TEX distribution.

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