Increasing emotional intensity Stating the Meaning in Brief Compass

b. Creating additional imagery

The next function of using figures of speech in works is to create additional imagery which appears the visual effects among the audiences. It transforms the idea to the audiences to wider their perception. Perrine stated that figures of speech is a way of creating additional imagery into verse, of making the abstract concrete, and of making poetry more sensuous 1977: 69. It indicates that figure of speech is a powerful way of multiplying imagery to evoke sense of such kind of work. For instance, the expression her heart is pure even like a newborns baby contains simile since it compares two different things by applying ‗like‘ in the expression. Furthermore, it gives the idea to bring additional imagery since the audience ‘s mind will transform and build an image on the mind to imagine that her heart is pure as a newborn baby. It visualizes the image on the mind that makes an abst ract concept to become concrete. Also, it shapes the audience‘s imagination.

c. Increasing emotional intensity

The use of figures of speech can increase emotional intensity to merely informative expression or statements and of elaborating attitudes and thoughts with information Perrine, 1977: 69. A figure of speech somehow is used to express idea that increases emotional nuance through extra ordinary words or phrases. It helps to add such an aesthetic and emotional intensity. Moreover, the emotional intensity increases when the audience‘s imagination perceive the idea as effects of imagination. When the expression my longing is tearing me up, as a knife finds meat appears to the audience‘s mind, their heart will automatically be filled with sadness and melancholic situation since the meaning of the expression is much emotional. The situation draws an exact visual image of sadness that the longing is very hurt as hurt as when a knife cuts the human body. Hence, it also conjures up the feeling of despondency through the visual comparison of the expression.

d. Stating the Meaning in Brief Compass

The last function of figures of speech defined by Perrine is stating the meaning in brief compass. In other words, it is a way of simplifying something to state ideas or arguments without explaining in details. It needs less word to convey something, Perrine 1977: 69. It uses multidimensional words to illustrate the meaning in brief compass. In addition, Perrine 1977: 70 gives an example through the statement taken from Shakespeare‘s play Macbeth; “life is like a candle”. The statement is a comparison between life and candle by using metaphorical description which conjures imagination and suggest certain truth about life. On other hand, it requires a dozen words to describe life in literal words. Another example is in the statement marriage is a roller-coaster. The statement contains a metaphorical expression to state about marriage which reduces the use of words when it states in literal statement. It also describes that the life of marriage is like a roller-coaster. It can be high or low, it can be fast or slow, and so on. Thus, it can be seen that the use of metaphor as figurative language can convey a message to be delivered briefly.

4. Themes and Their Reflection in Creative Works