Family The Reflection of Figures of Speech by Contrast to the Themes in

MYCROFT: “Well done, Doctor Watson. How useful you are. Do you have a suspicion we‟re being made to compete?” Datum 50 It elaborates the theme of friendship as it describes how Mycroft is being jealous with Doctor Watson. Mycroft feels that he and John compete to show their ability t o help Sherlock in finishing Eurus‘s puzzle. By asking that question, Mycroft shows his jealously and his pride because he feels that he is more capable than Doctor Watson. In that context, the statement illuminates the relationship of Mycroft as Sherlock‘s brother and Doctor Watson as Sherlock‘s friend. Thus, when illuminating the theme of friendship in this television series, irony is used to convey and to describe the relationship of the characters. Irony is an efficient way of reflecting the theme of friendship because it can convey the close relationship of the characters.

d. Family

In Sherlock Holmes TV-Series the Final Problem Episode, the theme of family also becomes the major theme as the theme of crime. This is due to the fact that mostly conflict in this television series deals with the family as the internal conflict. The theme of family can be shown through the characters and characterization, the plot, and also the setting which are reflected by the use of figures of speech. The datum 16 reflects the family theme by the use of paradox. SHERLOCK : “This is a lie.” MYCROFT : “Yes. It is also a kindness. This is the story I told our parents to spare them further pain, and to account for the absence of an identifiable body.‖ Datum 16 The use of paradox in the dialogue in datum 16 is used to point out the action of Mycroft toward Eurus as his sister. A paradoxical statement is shown by contradicting lie with kindness. In the scene, Mycroft tells a lie about Eurus to Sherlock and their parents, yet Mycroft has a reason why he lies to Sherlock and also their parents. On the other hands, there is a common fact that there is no kindness in a lie. A lie will be lie and no excuses on it. Thus, in that context, the use of paradox obviously shows the family relationship between Mycroft, Sherlock, Eurus as a brother and sister and also their parents. It describes the internal conflict in their family which is caused by Eurus. The following example is presented to make a better understanding of the theme of family. MYCROFT : ―You realize I‘m the smart one?‖ SHERLOCK : “As you never cease to announce?” Datum 13 The statement in the dialogue in datum 13 contains the use of irony which reflects the theme of family. Sherlock intends to hurt Mycroft because of his arrogance. Sherlock intends to state that Mycroft is not supposed to explain about his cleverness. In that context, the use of irony reflects the theme of family since it describes the relationship between Mycroft and Sherlock as brothers. There is a gap between them because of their arrogance, yet it is also the way they show their care to one another. EURUS : ―You think it is a trick. You look so unsure. You‟re not used to being unsure, are you?” SHERLOCK: ―It‘s more common than you‘d think.‖ Datum 30 Another example of the use of irony which reflects the theme of family is presented in the datum 30. It s hows that the intended meaning of Eurus‘s statement is she enjoys Sherlock‘s confusion, so she mocks him with sarcasm. The context which happens in the dialogue describes the conflict between Eurus and Sherlock which makes them hates each other. Besides using paradox and irony, litotes also reflects the theme of family as the datum 27. MYCROFT: “Eurus doesn‟t talk to people. She reprograms them.” Datum 27 It is an example of litotes to illuminate the theme of family. In the scene, Mycroft shows his personal arguments of Eurus by negating his statement. The intended meaning of his statement Eurus does not talk to people is not merely about Eurus that cannot speak. Yet, it means that everyone who speaks with her will be influenced by her since her brain is d escribed as beyond Newton‘s. Thus, in that context, Mycroft intends to give a warning about the danger of Eurus. Moreover, his argument about Eurus reflects the theme of family since it shows his relationship between him and Eurus as brother and sister. It also shows the internal conflict which causes a chaos. Another example of the theme of family is presented as follows. SHERLOCK: “Look how brilliant you are. Your mind has created the perfect metaphor. You‟re high above us, all alone in the sky, and you understand everything except how to land. Now, I‟m just an idiot, but I‟m on the ground. I can bring you home”. Datum 62 A hyperbole is used to describe the relationship between Eurus and Sherlock. In the scene, Sherlock tries to persuade Eurus by describing her characters with the exaggeration statement. Sherlock respects and loves her as his brother and he wants to bring Eurus to home. It is the climax of the story in this television series which shows the reality about the family conflict.

e. Scandal