Stating the Meaning in Brief Compass

she feels lonely every time, and she has no friends or families to share with. So, she does not want to be blamed because she is the one who kills Sherlock‘s best friend. In that context, the emotional context is increased by using hyperbole in the statement. It draws the sadness life of Eurus which perceives the idea as the effects of i magination. Thus, the audiences‘ imagination will be filled with melancholic situation since the meaning of the statement is much emotional.

d. Stating the Meaning in Brief Compass

The last function of figures of speech is stating the meaning in brief compass. In short, it is intended as a way to simplify the idea or the argument using less-words to convey the meaning. Through this way, the author does not require dozen words while illustrating the ideas. Yet, it needs a comprehensive observation to comprehend the idea because somehow it uses multidimensional words. In Sherlock Holmes TV-Series the Final Problem Episode, three types of figures of speech are served to state the meaning in brief compass. They are paradox, irony, and litotes which are used to avoid monotony in the television series as presented follows. SHERLOCK: “You‟re going to tell the truth, Mycroft, pure and simple.” MYCROFT : “Who was it said, “Truth is rarely pure and never simple?” Datum 12 The scene is the dialogue between Sherlock and Mycroft, which occurs when Sherlock asks Mycroft to reveal the true identity of their sister, Eurus. The dialogue is considered as a paradoxical statement because there is a contradiction that is used to offend each other. Sherlock intends to make Mycroft speaks the truth while Mycroft contradicts the condition to refuse telling the truth. In that context, it avoids the long and detailed explanation by using paradox to show that the relation between Sherlock and Mycroft is not good. It can be seen from their conversation. Another example of stating the meaning in brief compass is portrayed in datum 29 by the use of irony. SHERLOCK : ―So clearly you remember me.‖ EURUS : ―I remember everything; every single thing. You just need a big enough hard drive.” Datum 29 The dialogue in datum 29 occurs when Sherlock and Eurus are in the same scene and they argue each other. Eurus‘s statement in the dialogue applies a verbal irony which intends to offend Sherlock. By using a verbal irony, the statement avoids a long explanation which is considered to state the meaning in brief compass. In that context, it can be seen the intended meaning of Eurus‘s statement is to mock Sherlock because she is better than him in remembering everything. The last example of stating the meaning in brief compass is presented in datum 28 by the use of litotes. MYCROFT: “Anyone who spends time with her is automatically compromised.” Datum 28 The use of litotes in the statement in datum 28 occurs when Mycroft warns the Governor about Eurus. The statement intends to warn the Governor about the danger of Eurus. In that context, the use of litotes is considered to state the meaning in brief compass. By stating a short statement, it can be understood that the intended meaning of the statement is used to give a warning about the danger of Eurus and no one have no permission to speak with her alone. It does not require dozen words to describe Eurus‘s condition. Clearly, the use of figures of speech is played as excessive in brief or as efficient way.

3. The Reflection of Figures of Speech by Contrast to the Themes in