Crime The Reflection of Figures of Speech by Contrast to the Themes in

puzzle is triggered as the theme of mystery. Furthermore, the use of paradox also reflects the theme of mystery. The example is presented in the following datum. MYCROFT : ―Why don‘t you come out and show yourself? I don‟t have time for this.” CHILD : “We have time, brother dear. All the times in the world. ” Datum 01 The contradiction in the dialogue in datum 01 is identified as paradox. It is used to describe Mycroft‘s condition when he is tricked by Sherlock. In the scene, Mycroft feels shock with the sudden appearance of the child while he is watching a movie. He does not realize what happen to him and he tries to reveal the child‘s identity and the purpose of the trick. Thus, in that context, the condition of Mycroft is identified as the theme of mystery.

b. Crime

Besides elaborating the theme of mystery, the theme of crime is also found since the genre of this television is a crime television series. By the use of figures of speech of paradox, irony, litotes, and hyperbole, the theme of crime is highlighted in this television series. An example of how paradox is used to reflect the theme of crime is presented as follows. JOHN: “I know that you‟re scared, but you should also be very proud.” Datum 41 The use of paradox is to contradict the condition of the Governor by contradicting the word scared and proud. It reflects the theme of crime since it deals with the murder as the puzzle given by Eurus. Eurus commands Sherlock to choose either John or Mycroft to kill the Governor in order to finish her puzzle. The Governor must be killed to save his wife‘s life. The following example of the theme of crime is presented in the datum 38. MYCROFT : “I cannot do this. Can‟t. It‟s murder.” GOVERNOR : “This is not murder. This is saving my wife.” Datum 38 The dialogue in datum 38 contains an irony situation since it contradicts two statements. In that context, the Governor chooses to be killed in order to save his wife. It is an ironical context where the Governor sacrifices his life to show his love for his wife and to save her life. Hence, the use of irony reflects the theme of crime since the characters in the scene deal with the murder in order to finish Eurus‘s puzzle. Moreover, the theme of crime is also reflected by the use of litotes which is presented in datum 37. MYCROFT : ―How long?‖ EURUS : “No, no, no. The countdown is for me.” Datum 37 This example of litotes is used to underscore the intended meaning of Eurus‘s statement in order to emphasize the truth. In the scene, the intended meaning of Eurus‘s personal argument is the one who has power to make a command. It is her authority and everyone must obey her command. In that context, the use of litotes is triggered to convey the theme of crime. In the scene, it shows that Sherlock must be quick to choose someone to kill the Governor. In addition, datum 47 reflects the theme of crime by the use of hyperbole. MYCROFT: “That certainly narrows it down to half the planet.” Datum 47 The expression that certainly narrows it down to half the planet is the exaggeration statement to describe the existence of the girl on the plane. Mycroft intends to say that Sherlock, Mycroft, and John obviously do not know where the plane is because they have no idea where the place is. Thus, in that context, the effort to find the girl on the plane is useless and they must stop to search the girl. By stopping it, they can stop Eurus‘s puzzle, so they stop the crime too. The use of hyperbole while reflecting the theme of crime is to raise the tension the plot of the television series.

c. Friendship