Objectives of the Problem

C. Objectives of the Problem

In accordance to the formulation of the problem, this research is aimed to describe and analyze figures of speech by contrast performed in Sherlock Holmes TV Series the Final Problem Episode. The objectives of this research are: 1. to describe the types of figures of speech by contrast that are employed in Sherlock Holmes TV-Series the Final Problem Episode; 2. to explain the functions of figures of speech by contrast employed in Sherlock Holmes TV-Series the Final Problem Episode; and 3. to explain what themes are reflected through the use of figures of speech by contrast in Sherlock Holmes TV-Series the Final Problem Episode. D. Significance of the Research This research hopefully can give some contributions in the field of linguistics, and especially stylistics. The significance of the research is presented in the following. 1. This research is expected to become a source of the next relevant research. 2. This research hopefully can enrich the knowledge in linguistics field that opens up the mind of the lecturers and students, especially in stylistic approach in the form of figures of speech by contrast in television series. 3. This research can convey a better comprehension of figures of speech by contrast analysis in non-literary works, especially in television series to the learners. 4. It is also expected that this study will stimulate another researcher to study figures of speech by contrast further. It also can be a reference for other researchers in conducting figures of speech analysis. 5. The readers can take the inspiration to create their own works creatively. After reading this research, they will understand why television series are putting language style to give an effect to audience‘s imagination and how the creator uses language style as a medium to deliver purposes and effects and persuade the audience in order to shape the pattern of thinking of human beings as the audience of their works. 9 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW In the first part of this chapter, there are some descriptions of all theories related to figures of speech by contrast which include stylistics and style, figures of speech, types of figures of speech, types of figures of speech by contrast, functions of figures of speech by contrast, and the use of figures of speech by contrast that reflects the themes in television series. In addition, there are also previous studies and conceptual framework and also analytical construct.

A. Theoretical Description