Planning Action Action 1 First meeting

commit to user

a. Planning Action

The researcher and the collaborator prepared for the action. The preparation included: designing lesson plans, preparing assessment, preparing Play School DVD, preparing pictures and preparing observation list. The lesson plans were designed for four meetings. It consisted: 1 General Instructional Goals; 2 Specific Instructional Goals; 3 Learning Source; 4 Material; 5 Teaching and Learning Activities; and 6 Assessment. The vocabulary material for the first meeting was “Animal”, for the second meeting was “Dinosaur’s Parts of the Body”, for the third meeting was “Fruits and Vegetable”, and for the fourth meeting was “Color”. All the materials were taken from Play School DVD. After designing lesson plan, the researcher and the collaborator prepared the assessment. The assessments were in the form of multiple choice and essay with 16 questions that covered the instructional objectives in the lesson plan. The next activity was preparing Play School DVD. The researcher chose suitable sequence from Play School DVD. She then searched the pictures that were suitable with the play. After that, the researcher and the collaborator prepared observation instrument. The collaborator and the researcher would use field note in observing the teaching and learning process done by the researcher and the students. commit to user

b. Action 1 First meeting

The first meeting was on Wednesday, March 2 nd , 2011. The researcher and the collaborator entered the class at 10.55 A.M. The class was so noisy. The students had just finished having their break. It needed about 10 minutes to calm down the students and made them ready to have a lesson. The researcher then greeted the students. The researcher prepared all the media and learning sources. She turned on the LCD and plugged in to her note book. In pre-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the Play School DVD. When she played the Play School DVD, the students were so happy. They sat on their seat and watched it enthusiastically. When the researcher stopped the play in order to go to the next step on her research, some of the students said,” Lho miss, jangan dimatikan ”. The students loved watching Play School DVD. After playing the DVD, the researcher showed some animal’s pictures to the students. She asked the students to pay attention to the pictures. The researcher wanted the students to recognize the picture when they saw it on the DVD. So, on this step, the researcher did not allow them to speak out what picture it was. In whilst-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the Play School DVD again. The researcher then asked the students to raise their hand every time they heard or saw some kind of animals mentioned in the DVD. At first the children did not give any responses. They did not raise their hands even though they heard commit to user or saw any kind of animals mentioned on the DVD. So, the researcher paused the DVD and gave the model to the students. Having been sure that the students understood what to do, the researcher played the DVD again. When she played the DVD, some students then raised their hands. The researcher then paused the DVD, asked the students what they had heard. She continued the DVD and did the same steps until all animals had been mentioned by the students. The researcher then stuck the pictures on the board and asked the students to spell the word. But, only some students did the spelling. The researcher then encouraged the other students to do the spelling. She asked the passive students to spell the word. The researcher corrected the students when they misspelled the words. She then wrote the word on the board, below the picture. The researcher played the DVD again and asked the students to repeat after the native speaker on the DVD saying the name of every animal in the pictures. Then the researcher showed the pictures to the students one by one. First she showed the picture of a lion, and then asked the students by saying, “What picture is it?” The students answered it by only saying, ”lion”. Then the researcher gave the model. She said, “It is a lion.” The researcher showed another picture and asked the students to answer it as the model she gave. In post-reading activity, the researcher gave the assessment to the students and they were given 10 minutes to finish it. Next, the researcher showed the picture to the students and asked them to say the names of the animals in the picture. The class ended at 12.10 A.M. commit to user 2 Second Meeting It was Monday, March 7 th , 2011. The researcher and the collaborator came to the class at 07.30 A.M. It was the second lesson of the day. The students were still fresh. They were not too noisy today. The researcher then greeted the students and said, “English is easy”. The students answered it by saying, “Yes”. Nobody was absent today. The researcher turned on the LCD, but it did not work well. She tried to overcome the problem with the LCD. While she fixed it, the class became noisy. She asked the students to wait until the LCD could work again. It took 5 minutes to fix the LCD until it could work well. After the LCD was ready, the researcher played the DVD and asked the students to watch it. While they were watching it, they laughed, sang, and moved imitating the person on the DVD. Play School DVD really worked to calm down the students. The researcher then paused the DVD. She showed some pictures and asked the students to look at them. She explained that the topic on that day was dinosaur’s parts of the body. In whilst-reading activity, the researcher played the DVD again. The researcher asked the students to raise their hands when they heard or saw one of the pictures on the DVD. They were so enthusiastic raising their hands. Sometimes they mispronounced the words. The researcher then rewound the DVD, asked the students to listen to it and to imitate what the native speaker said on the DVD. The researcher then stuck the pictures on the board and asked the commit to user students to spell the word. Only half of the students did the spelling. The researcher then pointed some of inactive students to spell the word. It worked. They did the spelling even though sometimes they still made mistake in spelling the letter. In post-vocabulary activity, the researcher gave the students the assessment and they were given 5 minutes to finish it. The researcher checked the students’ work. The class ended at 08.10 A.M.

3 Third Meeting

The third meeting was on Wednesday, March 9 th , 2011. The researcher and the collaborator entered the class at 10.55. The students were not ready for the lesson. They were sweaty and noisy. They had just had their break. The researcher gave them time to wipe their sweat. While waiting for the students’ readiness, the researcher prepared all the media needed for teaching. After all getting ready, the researcher greeted the students and said, “English is easy.” The students responded it by saying, “Yes”. The researcher checked the students’ attendance. There were two students who were absent today, I Putu Elang and Patricia. In pre-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the DVD and asked the students to watch it. Before doing that, the researcher explained to the students the topic that would be learnt that day. The topic of the day was fruit and vegetable. There were two people on the DVD who acted selling and buying in a fruit stall. The students were attracted to watch the DVD. While watching it, the students commit to user moved and sang imitating the native on the DVD. The researcher then paused the DVD and showed some pictures to the students. They paid attention on the pictures and sometimes gave comment by saying the names of fruits and vegetables on the picture. In whilst-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the DVD again and asked the students to raise their hands when they heard or saw the picture. The students enthusiastically raised their hands and mentioned the names of fruit and vegetable on the DVD. The researcher paused the DVD when the students raised their hands and rewound it so that the students could listen to the right pronunciation of the words that mentioned by the native on the DVD and then imitated it. The researcher then asked the students to spell the word and she wrote it on the white board. In post-vocabulary activity, the researcher gave the assessment to the students and they were given 10 minutes to finish it. The class ended at 12.10 P.M. 4 Fourth Meeting The fourth meeting was on Monday, March 14 th , 2011. The researcher entered the class at 7.35 A.M. She greeted the students and checked their attendance. Nobody was absent on that day. The students were in a good condition. They were ready to have the lesson that day. They were calmly sitting commit to user on their chair. The researcher prepared all the media and learning sources. She turned on the LCD and plugged in to her note book. In pre-reading activity, the researcher played the Play School DVD’s sequence. It was about color. The researcher then stuck some fruits and vegetables pictures on the board. She asked the students to pay attention on it. In whilst-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the DVD, and asked the students to raise their hands when they heard or saw the pictures or words related to color mentioned on the DVD. The researcher then paused the DVD, asked the students to say the word. Next, she rewound the DVD, asked the students to listen to the word and to pronounce it imitating the native on the DVD. When all the words had been pronounced well, the researcher then pointed at the picture of a lemon that had been stuck on the board. She asked the students, “What color is the lemon?”. The students answered it by saying, “Yellow”. The researcher then said, “It is yellow”. She asked the students to imitate her. The researcher then pointed to another picture. She pointed to zucchini’s picture and asked the students, “What color is the zucchini?”. Some of the students said, “Green”, but the other said, “It is green”. The researcher did this step until the students mentioned all the colors of the pictures on the board. Next, she wrote the names of the colors below each picture and asked the students to spell it. In post-vocabulary activity, the researcher gave the assessment to the students. She gave 5 minutes to the students to finish the assessment. The class ended at 8.10 A.M. commit to user

c. Observation of Cycle 1