Planning Action Observation of Cycle 2

commit to user

2. Description of Cycle 2

In Cycle 2, the researcher carried out three meetings. It was conducted from March 21 st to March 28 th , 2011. After the third meeting was done, Post test 2 was carried out. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection.

a. Planning Action

The researcher and the collaborator prepared for the action. The preparation included: designing lesson plan, preparing assessment, preparing Play School DVD, preparing pictures and preparing observation list. The lesson plans were designed for three meetings. It consisted: 1 General Instructional Goals; 2 Specific Instructional Goals; 3 Learning Source; 4 Material; 5 Teaching and Learning Activities; and 6 Assessment. The vocabulary material for the first meeting was “Animal”, for the second meeting was “Fruits and Vegetable”, and for the third meeting was “Dinosaur’s Parts of the Body”. All the materials were taken from Play School DVD. After designing lesson plan, the researcher and the collaborator prepared assessment sheet. The assessments were in the form of an essay with 12 questions in Assessment 1, 12 questions in Assessment 2, and 8 questions is Assessment 3. The researcher then prepared the sequence for teaching from Play School DVD. The researcher also prepared the pictures. After that the researcher and the collaborator prepared field note for observation instruments. commit to user

b. Action 1 First Meeting

The first meeting of Cycle 2 was conducted on Monday, March 21 st , 2011. The researcher and the collaborator entered the class at 7.35 A.M. They greeted the students and the researcher checked the attendance list by asking who was absent that day. There was only one student who was absent that day, Sanjaya. He was sick at that time. The researcher then prepared all the media and learning sources. She turned on the LCD and plugged in to her note book. Then, she played the sequence of Play School DVD. In pre-vocabulary activity, the researcher explained the topic that would be learnt on that day. She, then played the Play School DVD. After playing the DVD, the researcher showed some pictures related to animal to the students. The students paid attention to the pictures that were showed to them. In whilst-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the sequence on Play School DVD once more. She asked the students to raise their hands every time they heard the words or saw the pictures of the vocabulary given on the beginning lesson. Everytime they rose their hands, the researcher would pause the DVD. She asked the students to say the word. The researcher then rewound the DVD and asked the students to imitate what the native said on the DVD. She rewound it several times so that the students could pronunce it correctly. The researcher then stuck the pictures on the board and wrote the name of each picture. A little bit different with what she did in Cycle 1, in Cycle 2 the commit to user researcher concentrated on students’ spelling because the students’ achievement in spelling was not so good. She asked the students to spell the word several times. She corrected the misspelling done by the students. She also motivated the passive students to involve in this activity. The researcher showed the picture of an animal and made a simpel sentence by using the names of the animals on the picture. She then asked the students to repeat after her. The researcher then showed another picture and asked the students to make simple sentence like the example given based on the picture. The researcher did it until all the words in the picture had been used. In doing this activity, the students seemed bored, some of them were playing with the friend sitting beside them. So, the researcher divided the students into three groups, based on the place of their seat. The researcher made competition between them. She would give score to the group which could make the sentence. That competition was successfull to light up the students. Next, the researcher wrote the sentence on the board. She asked the students to pay attention to it. In post-vocabulary activity, the researcher gave assessment to the students. She gave the students 5 minutes to finish it. The class ended at 08.15 A.M. 2 Second Meeting The second meeting was conducted on Wednesday, March 23 rd , 2011. The researcher and the collaborator entered the class at 11.00 A.M. The students had a late break so that they were late entering the class. The researcher then greeted the commit to user students, checked the students’ attendance, and turned on the LCD and connected the cable to her note book. There were two students who were absent, Sanjaya and Abigail. Both of them were sick at that time. In pre-vocabulary activity, the researcher explained the topic that would be learnt on that day. The topic was fruits and vegetable. She, then played the sequence of Play School DVD containing the material given. After the students finished watching the DVD, the rearcher showed some pictures related to fruits and vegetable to the students. The students paid attention to the pictures that were showed to them. In whilst-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the sequence on Play School DVD once more. She asked the students to raise their hands every time they heard the words or saw the pictures of the vocabulary given on the beginning of the lesson. Every time they rose their hand, the researcher paused the DVD. She ask the students to say the word. The researcher then rewound the DVD and asked the students to imitate what the native said on the DVD. She rewound it several times so that the students could pronunce it correctly. The researcher then stuck the pictures on the board and wrote the name of each picture. She asked the students to spell the word several times. She corrected the misspelling that was done by the students. She also motivated students to be involved actively in this activity. The researcher showed the pictures of kinds of fruit and vegetable and made a simple sentence by using the names of the fruits and vegetable on the picture. At commit to user first, she took strawberry’s picture. She said, “It is a strawberry”. She then asked the students to repeat after her. The researcher then showed another picture and asked the students to make simple sentence like the example given based on the picture. The researcher did it until all the words in the picture had been used. The researcher also gave questions to the students related to the topic. She picked the banana’s picture and asked, “Is it a banana?” The students replied it by saying, “Yes.” The researcher gave them a model by saying, “Yes, it is.” She asked the students to repeat after her. The researcher showed the banana’s picture once more and asked the students,” Is it banana?” Then the students replied her by saying, “Yes, it is. The researcher then showed a strawberry’s picture and asked the students, “What is it?” Some of the students answered,” Strawberry” but some of them said, “It is a strawberry.” The researcher than gave a model by saying,”It is a strawberry”. Next, she asked the students to imitate her. The researcher then gave another question. She asked, “What color is the Strawberry?” The students answered it by saying, “Red.” The researcher then gave another model. She said, “It is red.” She asked the students to repeat after her. The researcher then showed the pictures one by one and asked the students the questions about it. In doing this activity, the researcher made competition between them by dividing the students into three groups based on the place of their seat. She gave score to the group which could make the sentence. The researcher then wrote the sentence on the board. She asked the students to pay attention to it. In post-vocabulary activity, the researcher gave assessment to the students. She gave the students 5 minutes to finish it. The class ended at 12.10 A.M. commit to user

3. Third Meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Monday, March 28 th , 2011. It was the last meeting of cycle 2. The researcher and the collaborator entered the class at 7.35 A.M. They greeted the students and the researcher checked the students’ attendance. There were two students who were absent. They were Elang and Abigail. Both of them were sick at that time. The researcher prepared all the media and learning sources. She turned on the LCD and plugged in to her note book. In pre-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the sequence of Play School DVD. But before doing that, she explained to the students the topic of that day. The topic was animal’s parts of the body. The researcher stopped the DVD and showed some pictures related to the topic. She asked the students to pay attention to it. In whilst-vocabulary activity, the researcher played the sequence on Play School DVD once more. She asked the students to raise their hands when they heard the words or saw the pictures of the vocabulary given on the beginning of the lesson. Everytime they rose their hands, the researcher paused the DVD. She ask the students to say the word. The researcher then rewound the DVD and asked the students to imitate what the native said on the DVD. She rewound it several times so that the students could pronunce it correctly. The researcher then stuck the pictures on the board and wrote the name of each picture. She asked the students to spell the word several times. She corrected commit to user the misspelling that was done by the students. She also motivated students to be actively involved in this activity. The researcher showed the picture of parts of animal’s body and made a simple sentence by using the names of the parts of animal’s body on the picture. First, she took a tail picture. She said, “It is a tail?”. Almost all of the students answered it by saying, “Yes, it is”. The researcher then showed another picture and asked the same question to the students. The researcher did it until all the words in the picture had been used. The researcher then picked a head picture and asked the students, “What is it?” and the majority of the students said, “It is a head”. The researcher then showed the picture one by one and asked the students the questions about it. In doing this activity, the researcher made competition between them by dividing the students into three groups based on the place of their seat. She gave score to the group which could make the sentence. The researcher then wrote the sentence on the board. She asked the students to pay attention to it. In post-vocabulary activity, the researcher gave assessment to the students. She gave the students 5 minutes to finish it. The class ended at 8.10 A.M.

c. Observation of Cycle 2

The observation was conducted by the researcher and the collaborator. Just like in the previous cycle, it was held during the teaching and learning process. The focuses of the observation were the teaching and learning process which included the researcher and the students, and the learning progress. The result of commit to user the observation is used to see the progress in the teaching and learning process, especially to see if there is any improvement from Cycle 1 or not. 1 The Teaching and Learning Process of Cycle 2 Compared to the Cycle 1, the teaching and learning process in Cycle 2 was improved. In this cycle, the researcher tried to do all the plans that had been revised to cover the bad points of Cycle 1. The researcher did her parts very well. She did her parts as a controller, a resource, an observer, and an assessor. As a controller, the researcher made sure that everything was ready before starting the teaching learning process. She checked the students’ attendance, prepared all the media, and learning sources. When everything was ready, the teaching learning process was begun. She also succeded in managing the class so that the students could actively involve in the teaching-learning process. As a resource, the researcher was always ready to answer all the students’ questions. As an assessor, the researcher gave correction and feed back to the students. In brief, the researcher had done her part very well and run the procedures needed. In this cycle, the students can be considered as good participants. They did all the things that the researcher told them to do. They were actively involved in the teaching-learning process. They got more enthusiastic with the teaching-learning process, especially when the researcher made a competition between them by dividing them into commit to user group and giving score to the group which could answer the researcher’s question correctly. Almost all of the students participated in the teaching-learning process. 2 The Learning Progress of Cycle 2 In Cycle 2, the students showed a very good improvement in learning. They were also actively involved in the learning process. They were braver either to pronounce or spell the word. They could pronounce the word well. They could also spell the word well too. Their understanding of the meaning of word was getting better too. In constructing the word into a very simple sentence, the students showed a very good progress. They could construct the word well, they even could write it. The result of Post test 2 showed that the students’ vocabulary mastery, especially in aspects of spelling and using word improved.

d. Reflection of Cycle 2