Problem Statement The Objectives of the Study The Benefit of the Study

commit to user Based on the background above, it is believed that the use of Play School DVD as the media in teaching English is an effective solution to overcome the problem of improving students’ vocabulary mastery. Play School DVD consists of some interesting sequences that can attract the students’ attention and make them interesting to learn English. The DVD has colorful and clear pictures of the words that are going to be learnt. It helps the students to have clear understanding about the meaning of the words that are going to be learnt and also helps the students easier in memorizing the word. The players in the DVD are native speakers. They will help the students in having a good and correct pronunciation and spelling. The students also learn how the words are constructed into sentences through the conversation in the DVD. Therefore, the writer would like to conduct a research about teaching vocabulary by using Play School DVD in Kalam Kudus Christian Primary School under the title “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Play School DVD A Classroom Action Research to the First Grader of Kalam Kudus Christian Primary School in the 20102011 Academic Year”.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study, the writer wanted to identify whether the use of “Play School DVD” can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The problems can be formulated as follows: 1. Can “Play School DVD” improve the students’ vocabulary mastery? 2. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of the implementation of Play School DVD in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery? commit to user

C. The Objectives of the Study

Based on the background of the study and the formulation above, there are some objectives to be achieved in this study, namely: 1. Identifying whether “Play School DVD” improves the students’ vocabulary mastery. 2. Identifying the strength and the weaknesses of the implementation of “Play School DVD” in improving students’ vocabulary mastery in the first grader of Kalam Kudus Primary School.

D. The Benefit of the Study

The result of the research is expected to be able to give some benefits to the students, the teachers, and other researchers. 1. To the researcher The result of this research can be used to improve the teaching and learning vocabulary in her class. By doing the research, the researcher will know whether or not Play School DVD is an effective media to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. 2. To the students It can help the students to learn vocabulary in an interesting way. By using Play School DVD as the media in learning English especially in learning vocabulary, the students will learn a real model of English in terms of pronunciation, spelling, word meaning, and the use of word in a sentence. commit to user 3. To the English teachers It is hoped that by understanding the result of the study, English teachers will enrich their techniques in teaching vocabulary. They will get knowledge about teaching vocabulary using Play School DVD and use it as the alternative media to help the students improve their vocabulary mastery. 4. To other researchers The result of the study helps other researchers in developing the techniques in teaching vocabulary. It can be used as a reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching process, especially in teaching vocabulary to young learners. Other researchers can also use it as a comparative resource to conduct another research about vocabulary mastery. The writer hopes that other researchers can use this study on a bigger scope in a similar research. commit to user