The Setting and Time of the Research The Subject of the Research The Method of the Research

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In this chapter, the researcher elaborates a research methodology including setting of place and time of the research, the subject of the research, the method of the research, the procedure of research, technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing data. They would be explained in the following parts:

A. The Setting and Time of the Research

This research was carried out at Kalam Kudus Christian Primary School Surakarta, Central Java. This school is located at two different places. The first until the fifth grade is located at Jl. S. Parman 42, Surakarta. The sixth grade is located at Jl. R.M Sangaji 24, Surakarta in the same place with Kalam Kudus Christian Junior High School. Kalam Kudus Christian Primary School which is located at Jl. S. Parman 40 has 20 classes which are divided into Grade 1 until Grade 5. Each grade has 5 classes. Each class consists of 28 to 30 students. Because of lack of class, the first and the second grade go to school in shift. The first grade’s lessons are from 07.00 until 10.10 and the second grade’s lessons are from 10.15 until 13.30. The period will be changed every month. commit to user This classroom action research was conducted from November 2010 up to April 2011. Below is the time table. Table 3.1 The Time Table of the Research NO ACTIVITIES MONTHYEAR Nov 2010 Dec 2010 Jan 2011 Feb 2011 Mar 2011 April 2011 1. Doing pre-research V 2. Writing a proposal V 3. Preparing the instruments V 4. Conducting the research V V 5. Collecting the data V V 6. Analysing the data V V 7. Writing a report V

B. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was the students of class 1 E of Kalam Kudus Christian Primary School. They were 24 students. They came from almost the same social and economic status. Almost all of their parents were entrepreneurs and almost all of the students were Chinese. commit to user

C. The Method of the Research

In this research, the researcher used action research method. Related to the action research method, there are some definitions of action research. Wallace 1998:4 explains that action research is “done by systematically collecting data on your teachers everyday practice and analyzing it in order to make some decisions about what your practice should be. While McKernan 2003:5 defines action research as a systematic self-reflective scientific inquiry that is done by practitioners to improve practice. The researcher used action research because the researcher wanted to solve problems in teaching vocabulary as well as the attempt to know the students improvement in mastering vocabulary by using Play School DVD.

D. The Procedure of Action Research