The strengths when Play School DVD is applied in teaching vocabulary.

commit to user c. Iya, karena cuma nonton, tidak dijelaskan Ms. Arsidi Student’s interview. d. Ms. Arsidi jadi jarang menerangkan Student’s interview. e. Teachers have to be careful when using the DVD because they can be passive and leave all their parts to the DVD Collaborator’s interview Having those categories, the researcher analyzed and made a conclusion about the strength and weaknesses of Play School DVD when it is applied in teaching vocabulary. The results are as follows:

a. The strengths when Play School DVD is applied in teaching vocabulary.

The strengths are: 1 Play School DVD can attract the students’ attention to make them concentrate on the lesson. Play School DVD contains a story, some songs and a variety of play ideas with things to make and do in which can attract students’ attention. It really help the teacher to get the students’ attention, because sometimes the children at their age are so active and so busy with their own activity instead of paying attention to the lesson; 2 Play School DVD can trigger the students’ curiosity and interest. From the result of data analysis, it was found that all the students seem interested in watching the play. The play was so attractive that made the students watched it with great enthusiasm. Sometimes they laughed, sometimes they sang when they watched the play. When the students asked why did they like being taught by Play School DVD, one of the commit to user student answered it, “ Karena bisa belajar sambil bermain .” In line with that, the collaborator said that, “The play can trigger the students’ curiosity that can make them active in the lesson”; 3 Play school DVD can motivate the students to learn English. Based on the result of the questionnaire, after giving the treatment, only 2 students 8.33 said that learning English is difficult, while the rest, 22 students 91.6 said that learning English is not difficult. It also showed that that all the students like being taught by using Play School DVD when they learnt English; 4 Play School DVD is an effective media to teach vocabulary. The result of data analysis showed that Play School DVD could help the students to understand the meaning of word, the spelling, the pronunciation, and construct or use the word into a very simple sentence. One of the students gave the reason why Play School DVD helped her to learn vocabulary. She said, “ Karena ada filmnya dan bisa mengerti.” From the result of questionnaire, it can be seen that 21 students 87.5 agreed that Play School DVD can help them understand the meaning of word, 24 students 100 agreed that Play School DVD can help them to pronounce certain word correctly, 19 students 79.1 agreed that Play School DVD can help them in spelling the words, and 22 students 91.6 agreed that Play School DVD can help them to make a simple sentence; 5 Play school DVD helps the students to get or learn “Real English”. It enables the students to hear the words pronounced by the native. It also enables the students to know how the words are used in a sentence. The collaborator said,” Play School DVD helps the students to get a clear picture of real English in the term of meaning, commit to user spelling, pronunciation, and the use of word because they get a model from the native speakers. For more complete information about the result of questionnaire can be seen in the following table: Table 4.23 The Result of Questionnaire No Questionnaire Yes No Amount Percentage Amount Percentage 1 Belajar bahasa Inggris itu susah. 2 8.33 22 91.6 2 Saya suka dan tertarik belajar bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan Play school DVD. 24 100 3 Play school DVD menolong saya dalam memahami arti kata. 21 87.5 3 12.5 4 Play school DVD menolong saya dalam pengucapan suatu kata. 24 100 5 Dengan Play School DVD saya lebih tahu bagaimana spellingmengeja suatu kata. 19 79.1 5 20.8 6 Play School DVD menolong saya untuk membuat kalimat sederhana. 22 91.6 2 8.3 7 Play school DVD membuat saya lebih mengerti apa yang sedang diajarkan. 21 87.5 3 12.5 8 Saya berharap ibu guru terus menggunakan Play School DVD ketika sedang mengajar. 18 75 6 25 commit to user

b. The Weaknesses when Play School DVD Is Applied in Teaching Vocabulary