Respondent’s Identity Put a tick mark √ in the provided space Evaluator’s Questionnaire

115 115 Appendix H.1 EVALUATION SHEET FOR TEACHERS This evaluation sheet is aimed at evaluating the design of computer game- based instructional materials. The activities are focused on the memorizing and listening to the pronunciation of the vocabulary in the tutorial part and applying the vocabulary in the game part for the second grade students of SD Kanisius Sengkan. As the evaluator, there are there are two kinds of data that you should fulfill. First, please fulfill the respondent‟s identity. Second, please state your opinion honestly in the respondent‟s questionnaire based on my and your teaching experiences toward the designed tutorial and games.

A. Respondent’s Identity Put a tick mark √ in the provided space

Name : Sex : male female Educational Background : Diploma D1, D2, D3 S1 S2 S3 Others: Teaching Experiences : years

B. Evaluator’s Questionnaire

Part1. Close-ended questions Please choose one answer for each number and explain the reason. No Question Yes No Reason 1. Are the students enthusiastic learning English by playing “Magic English” game? 2. Can they accept the materials well through learning the 116 116 game-tutorial and playing the games? 3. Is the game appropriate with the standard competences? 4. Do the students achieve the indicators and the goals of the learning? 5. Are the instructions in the designed game clear and understandable for children? 6. Is the designed game effective and efficient to be implemented for the students to improve their vocabulary skill? 7. Is the designed-game appropriate with the second grade materials? 8. Is the designed-game challenging for the students so they will retry to play repeatedly? 9. Is the designed-game easy to be accessed by the students independently? 10. Are the pictures, sound, and color given big and clear enough? 11. Do the students become easier 117 117 to memorize English vocabulary through this game? 12. Do the students enjoy joining the learning activities using this designed game? Part2.Open-ended questions Please write the answers on the provided lines. 1. What are the strengths of the designed game? 2. What are the weaknesses of the designed game? 3. What are your suggestions to improve this designed game? -Thank You- 118 118 Appendix H.2 LEMBAR EVALUASI UNTUK GURU Lembar evaluasi ini ditujukan untuk mengevaluasi desain dari permainan kkomputer berbasis materi instruksional. Kegiatan –kegiatan dalm permainan ini difokuskan pada kemampuan menghapal dan mendengarkan pada pelafalan kosakata tersebut dimana terdapat dalam menu tutorial dan pengaplikasian kosa kata di dalam menu permainan bagi siswa-siswi kelas 2 SD Kanisius Sengkan. Sebagai pihak yang mengevaluasi, anda diwajibkan untuk mengisi dua jenis data. Pertama, Anda dipersilahkan mengisi data identitas responden. Kedua, Anda dipersilahkan mengungkapkan pendapat Anda dengan jujur dalam kuesioner responden berdasarkan pengalman mengajar saya dan Anda di kelas terhadap desain tutoroial dan permainan..

A. Identitas Responden Bubuhkan tanda √ di dalam kolom yang disediakan