A set of computer game-based instructional materials to teach vocabulary to second grade students in SD Kanisius Sengkan.



Vindyawati, Rosalia. (2015). A Set of Computer Game-Based Instructional Materials to Teach Vocabulary to Second Grade Students of SD Kanisius Sengkan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Realizing the fact that English vocabulary is very needed as a basic knowledge in the real communication, people are demanded to know English well. Indonesian children in their very young age learn English as the modal to be communicative in the future life. However, along with the era development, technology has developed as well. Children are in the gadget era. They like playing games on their gadget. Besides, the need to learn new thing are increasing especially English. To connect those two problems, the students need to be facilitated by fun and enjoyable English learning activities. Students will learn English by playing game in their gadget.

There was only one problem formulation in this research. It was „what does the design of a set of a computer game-based instructional material to teach vocabulary for the second grade students of elementary school in SD Kanisius Sengkan look like?‟. It produced an educational product in a form of a game.

To help the researcher solved the problem, the researcher adapted the nine steps of Instructional designing model from Research and Development (R&D) method of Kemp (2011). The steps were (1) stating the instructional problems, (2) stating the learner characteristics, (3) stating the task analysis, (4) stating the instructional objectives, (5) stating the content sequencing, (6) making instructional strategies, (7) designing the message, (8) developing the instruction, and (9) evaluating.

The designed game was made using Macromedia Flash Software and adapted from Rainbow 2a, (Kristiyani, Emilya, Sinaga, & Maharani, 2014). The game was named “Magic English”. The provided materials in the designed game consisted of eight topics. The topics of the materials in the game were arranged based on the Standard Competence and Basic Competence of SD Kanisius Sengkan. Each topic was divided into four sections in two different menuS. Those were Tutorial menu which contained of „What is it?‟ which was used to recognize the pictures, „Listen and Repeat!‟ which was used to listen to the vocabulary, and „Let‟s Practice!‟ to practice speaking through the pictures; while in the Game menu, it consisted of „Let‟s Have Fun!‟ which was used for the students to learn independently by playing computer game. Those sections contain the identification of the pictures, pictures with vocabulary and listening section, questions, and exercises through the games. This order of the game has been arranged to make the students easier in acquiring new vocabulary.



Vindyawati, Rosalia. (2015). A Set of Computer Game-Based Instructional Materials to Teach Vocabulary to Second Grade Students of SD Kanisius Sengkan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Menyadari fakta bahwa kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat dibutuhkan sebagai pengetahuan dasar dalam komunikasi secara nyata, orang-orang dituntut untuk memahami bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Anak-anak Indonesia di usia mudanya diajarkan bahasa Inggris sebagai modal agar menjadi komunikatif di masa depan. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, teknologi juga berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Anak-anak ada dalam zaman „gadget‟. Mereka suka bermain menggunakan gadget mereka. Padahal, disisi lain kebutuhan untuk mempelajari pengetahuan baru juga sedang meningkat khususnya bahasa Inggris. Untuk menghubungkan kedua masalah tersebut, para siswa perlu belajar bahasa Inggris dengan sesuatu atau media yang mereka sukai untuk membuat mereka nyaman dan senang belajar. Para siswa akan belajar bahasa Inggris dengan bermain permainan di gadget mereka.

Terdapat satu rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu „seperti apa rancangan susunan permainan komputer berbasis instruksi materi untuk mengajarkan kosa kata bagi siswa kelas dua SD Kanisius Sengkan? Peneliti memproduksi sebuah produk dalam bentuk permainan berbasis komputer.

Untuk membantu peneliti mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah yang terdapat dalam teori R&D oleh Jerrold E. Kemp (2011), yaitu (1) menentukan tujuan masalah, (2) memahami karakteristik pelajar, (3) menentukan analisa, (4) menentukan tujuan instruksi, (5) menentukan pemisahan isi, (6) menyusun strategi pembelajaran, (7) mendesain pembelajaran, (8) mengembangkan, dan (9) mengevaluasi.

Desain game ini dibuat menggunakan Macromedia Flash Software dan diadaptasi dari buku Rainbow 2 (Kristiyani, Emilya, Sinaga, & Maharani, 2014). Permainan ini dinamai “Magic English”. Materi yang tersedia di dalam desain permainan ini terdiri dari delapan topik. Topik tersebut disusun berdasarkan adaptasi buku Rainbow 2 dan Kurikulum SD Kanisius Sengkan. Setiap topik dibagi dalam empat bagian yang dipisahkan dalam dua menu yang berbeda, yaitu: menu Tutorial yang terdiri dari „What is it?‟ untuk mengenal gambar-gambar, „Listen and Repeat!‟ untuk sesi mendengarkan kosakata, dan „Let‟s Practice!‟ untuk praktik berbicara melalui kosakata tersebut; sedangkan dalam menu Game terdiri dari „Let‟s Have Fun!‟ untuk belajar secara mandiri dengan bermain di komputer. Pembagian tersebut berisi identifikasi dari gambar, gambar dan kosakata, rekaman pelafalan, pertanyaan dan latihan yang tersedia dalam permainan.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Rosalia Vindyawati Student Number: 111214128









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Rosalia Vindyawati Student Number: 111214128








I would like to dedicate my thesis to:

My Beloved Mother and Father





Vindyawati, Rosalia. (2015). A Set of Computer Game-Based Instructional Materials to Teach Vocabulary to Second Grade Students of SD Kanisius Sengkan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Realizing the fact that English vocabulary is very needed as a basic knowledge in the real communication, people are demanded to know English well. Indonesian children in their very young age learn English as the modal to be communicative in the future life. However, along with the era development, technology has developed as well. Children are in the gadget era. They like playing games on their gadget. Besides, the need to learn new thing are increasing especially English. To connect those two problems, the students need to be facilitated by fun and enjoyable English learning activities. Students will learn English by playing game in their gadget.

There was only one problem formulation in this research. It was „what does the design of a set of a computer game-based instructional material to teach vocabulary for the second grade students of elementary school in SD Kanisius Sengkan look like?‟. It produced an educational product in a form of a game.

To help the researcher solved the problem, the researcher adapted the nine steps of Instructional designing model from Research and Development (R&D) method of Kemp (2011). The steps were (1) stating the instructional problems, (2) stating the learner characteristics, (3) stating the task analysis, (4) stating the instructional objectives, (5) stating the content sequencing, (6) making instructional strategies, (7) designing the message, (8) developing the instruction, and (9) evaluating.

The designed game was made using Macromedia Flash Software and adapted from Rainbow 2a, (Kristiyani, Emilya, Sinaga, & Maharani, 2014). The

game was named “Magic English”. The provided materials in the designed game

consisted of eight topics. The topics of the materials in the game were arranged based on the Standard Competence and Basic Competence of SD Kanisius Sengkan. Each topic was divided into four sections in two different menuS. Those were Tutorial menu which contained of „What is it?‟ which was used to recognize the pictures, „Listen and Repeat!‟ which was used to listen to the vocabulary, and „Let‟s Practice!‟ to practice speaking through the pictures; while in the Game menu, it consisted of „Let‟s Have Fun!‟ which was used for the students to learn independently by playing computer game. Those sections contain the identification of the pictures, pictures with vocabulary and listening section, questions, and exercises through the games. This order of the game has been arranged to make the students easier in acquiring new vocabulary.



Vindyawati, Rosalia. (2015). A Set of Computer Game-Based Instructional Materials to Teach Vocabulary to Second Grade Students of SD Kanisius Sengkan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Menyadari fakta bahwa kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat dibutuhkan sebagai pengetahuan dasar dalam komunikasi secara nyata, orang-orang dituntut untuk memahami bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Anak-anak Indonesia di usia mudanya diajarkan bahasa Inggris sebagai modal agar menjadi komunikatif di masa depan. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, teknologi juga berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Anak-anak ada dalam zaman „gadget‟. Mereka suka bermain menggunakan gadget mereka. Padahal, disisi lain kebutuhan untuk mempelajari pengetahuan baru juga sedang meningkat khususnya bahasa Inggris. Untuk menghubungkan kedua masalah tersebut, para siswa perlu belajar bahasa Inggris dengan sesuatu atau media yang mereka sukai untuk membuat mereka nyaman dan senang belajar. Para siswa akan belajar bahasa Inggris dengan bermain permainan di gadget mereka.

Terdapat satu rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu „seperti apa rancangan susunan permainan komputer berbasis instruksi materi untuk mengajarkan kosa kata bagi siswa kelas dua SD Kanisius Sengkan? Peneliti memproduksi sebuah produk dalam bentuk permainan berbasis komputer.

Untuk membantu peneliti mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah yang terdapat dalam teori R&D oleh Jerrold E. Kemp (2011), yaitu (1) menentukan tujuan masalah, (2) memahami karakteristik pelajar, (3) menentukan analisa, (4) menentukan tujuan instruksi, (5) menentukan pemisahan isi, (6) menyusun strategi pembelajaran, (7) mendesain pembelajaran, (8) mengembangkan, dan (9) mengevaluasi.

Desain game ini dibuat menggunakan Macromedia Flash Software dan diadaptasi dari buku Rainbow 2 (Kristiyani, Emilya, Sinaga, & Maharani, 2014). Permainan ini dinamai “Magic English”. Materi yang tersedia di dalam desain permainan ini terdiri dari delapan topik. Topik tersebut disusun berdasarkan adaptasi buku Rainbow 2 dan Kurikulum SD Kanisius Sengkan. Setiap topik dibagi dalam empat bagian yang dipisahkan dalam dua menu yang berbeda,

yaitu: menu Tutorial yang terdiri dari „What is it?‟ untuk mengenal gambar

-gambar, „Listen and Repeat!‟ untuk sesi mendengarkan kosakata, dan „Let‟s Practice!‟ untuk praktik berbicara melalui kosakata tersebut; sedangkan dalam menu Game terdiri dari „Let‟s Have Fun!‟ untuk belajar secara mandiri dengan bermain di komputer. Pembagian tersebut berisi identifikasi dari gambar, gambar dan kosakata, rekaman pelafalan, pertanyaan dan latihan yang tersedia dalam permainan.




At first, my deepest thanks go to The Almighty Jesus Christ and Mother Mary, who have blessed my way on completing my thesis. There are many obstacles in the process of arranging this thesis. However, Jesus and Mother Mary‟s hugs always raise me up from the down and sickness even though sometimes I cannot feel that. Believing on Them that They are close to me in every pain and joy is the greatest faith I have.

The second, my sincere gratitude goes to my advisor Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. for the time, support, patience, encouragement, and contribution of the ideas in guiding me by reading and giving suggestion for my thesis. Without her help, I cannot finish my thesis at that time. In addition, I would like to thank to all my lecturers in the ELESP of Sanata Dharma University the unforgettable chances to learn English and life values in around four years, especially Chosa Kastuhandani, S.Pd., M. Hum., for the willingness to evaluate my designed game. I also thank Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. as my academic advisor which helped me a lot in giving me support, Mbak Danik and also Mas Yudo for not being bored helping me with the administrative matters.

My deep gratitude also goes to SD Kanisius Sengkan Yogyakarta for giving me the opportunity and permission to conduct my research around three weeks, especially to the headmaster of SD Kanisius Sengkan, Sri Wartini, S.Pd. and the English teacher, Hubertus Hari Listyanto, S.Pd. and the IT teacher,



Yusita Rahayu. My gratitude also goes to the second grade students of SD Kanisius Sengkan class A, B, and C for being very cooperative during the research and information collecting for this research.

I would also like to show my deepest gratitude to my parents, Yohanes Suwito and F.D. Endang for giving me support, love, and caring even though sometimes it sounds so embarrassing. I addressed my gratitude to the one and only sister in my life, Ellysabeth Vindy Mawarti, S.T. who helps me make the design for my thesis. I thank her for giving life and soul to the pictures in the design so that the pictures can move around. It is just so gorgeous.









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 5

C. Problem Limitation ... 5

D. Research Objectives ... 7

E. Research Benefits ... 7

F. Definition of Terms ... 8


A. Theoretical Description ... 11

1. Vocabulary ... 11

2. Children as the L2 Learners ... 16

3. Media of Teaching Aids ... 20

4. Computer-Game ... 24



6. SD Kanisius Sengkan Curriculum... 27

B. Theoretical Framework ... 28


A. Research Method... 32

B. Research Setting ... 39

C. Research Participants ... 40

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques ... 43

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 47

F. Research Procedure ... 49


A. The Description of Instructional Goal ... 52

B. The Description of the Task Components ... 53

C. The Description of Instructional Materials ... 58

D. The Instructional Strategies ... 64


A. Conclusions... 72

B. Recommendations ... 74





A.Permission Letter ... 80

B.The Questionnaire of the Need Survey ... 82

C.Results of the Questionnaire for Need Analysis ... 93

D.The List of Questions for Classroom Observation ... 101

E.The Result of Classroom Observation ... 105

F. The Blueprint of the Post-Design Interview to the Students ... 109

G.The Result of the Post-Design Interview to the Students ... 111

H.Questionnaire of Material Evaluation ... 114

I. The Result from the Questionnaire of Material Evaluation ... 127

J. Lesson Plan ... 138





3.1The Description of the Survey Analysis from Respondents ... 42

3.2 The Researcher‟s Data Collection... 45

4.1The Standard Competence and Basic Competences ... 53

4.2The Learning Topics of the Materials ... 55

4.3General Purposes... 57

4.4The Description of Learning Indicators and Selected Materials . 58 4.5The Organization of Subject Content ... 64





2.1 Steps in Conducting Study ... 31

3.1 Kemp‟s Instructional Design Model ... 34

4.1 The Layout of the Game ... 66

4.2 The Example of “What Is It?” section... 67

4.3 The Example of “Listen and Repeat!” section... 69

4.4 The Example of “Let‟s Practice!” section ... 70



The first chapter of this research discusses six major issues which are the research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and the definition of terms of the research conducted by the writer.

A. Research Background

Vocabulary mastery becomes the foundation for human being to communicate with other people. It can be the foundation because as stated by Alatis (2014), vocabulary is the core of any other skills of communication. People use vocabulary to understand the main four skills of language which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Without vocabulary mastery, it will be difficult for people to master those four basic skills. Dewey (1910 in Bintz, 2011:1) stated that vocabulary is critically important because a word is an instrument for thinking about the meanings which it expresses. In human growth phases, children acquire language since they are in their very young age. According to Pinker (1994), children acquire lexical items as rapidly as they build grammatical structure. By age 6, the vocabulary of a monolingual child contains between 8,000-14,000 words. They learn language unconsciously. Those numbers are for vocabulary of monolingual. In six years, children can master thousands words without facing some big problems.


Based on Korpela (2014), English is the universal language; the reasons for the position of English are the imperialism and economical-political importance of English-speaking countries. This condition forms English as an International Language. The social environments are accustomed to showing ads or news in English. Social environments here mean the social life or communication and social media that are used by common people around the world. The change of using English in social media and social communication is also influenced by this widely use of English. This situation in the reality helps the children become easier to be introduced to English by the affect of environment and the information media. Children read and listen to many sources that use English. Now, children are introduced to English because it gives many good impacts. They can communicate well with foreign people using L2. Besides, learning an L2 develops respect for cultural identity, rights, and values, and leads to understanding, patience, and tolerance (Hurley, 2010). It may not burden the children to learn two languages at once because they acquire the L2 unconsciously which is called silent period as cited in Brice (2014).

Children may also manifest a common second-language acquisition phenomenon called the silent period. When children are first exposed to a second language, frequently they focus on listening and comprehension. These children are often very quiet, speaking little as they focus on understanding the new language-much.

It shows that there might be a big possibility to teach children the second language (L2). They become bilingual and those languages are learnt in the same time. By considering the theory above, it can be concluded that the best time to teach vocabulary is when they are still young.



Because of the demand of acquiring English, the need of learning second language (L2) is raising highly. Children in their young age should acquire at least two languages in his or her life, those are: their mother tongue and international language that is English. Vocabulary acquisition is chosen as the starting point to build the understandings in the wider usage such as in sentences in reading texts or books. Second grade students of elementary school whose ages are around 6-8 are given an English subject in the class. They acquire new vocabulary slowly step by step. It is needed for their international communication in the future life. Learning two languages is not easy, even for adults. Enriching vocabulary is done by reading English book or listening to English stories. Surprisingly, children have bigger capacity to absorb information from their environment than adults. According to Nadia (1993), by 4, a child‟s brain is more than twice as active as an adult‟s brain. They can recognize the new vocabulary and put it in their long-term memory.

However, one problem is rising in this era. Most children in this era have been busy with the activities based technology. They are introduced to many technologies. In their spare time, children are given tab, laptop, computer, or smart phone to refresh their mind. Mostly, they play games on those devices. For boys, they will play fighting games or sport games and for the girls, they will play cooking or making up a doll. Then, they will spend their time to play these games. It is proved by a research from UNICEF in 2014. The result is explained by



Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia (2014) into some facts, those are:

According to the newest data, at least 30 million children and teens in Indonesia are internet users, and digital media recently becomes the main choice of communication media they use. The study result found that 80% respondents are internet users with the strong digital gap evidences among them, who live in the city area and more prosperous in Indonesia and who live in the village. In Yogyakarta, Jakarta, and Banten, almost all respondents are internet users. While in Maluku Utara and West Papua, less than one-third of the respondents use internet. Most of them who have been surveyed have used online media for more than a year, and almost a half of them confess that they learn about internet from friends for the first time. This study shows that 69% respondents use computers to access the internet. Around one-third (34%) respondents use laptop, and 2% respondents are connected through video games. More than half respondents (52%) use hand phone to access internet, but less than one-forth (21%) respondents use smart phone and 4% for tablets.

Playing kind of video games actually can enhance their psychomotor in responding something. Besides, they can make a good decision because they have experiences in solving the problem in the games. However, it cannot increase their language mastery because those games have no connection to the verbal intelligence. Moreover, the students do not have much time to learn L2 outside the classroom. Actually, English is taught in the classroom, but learning L2 in the classroom only is not enough to master the language. They need to learn L2 outside the classroom.

To connect the needs of learning L2 and the development of technology for children, education practitioners should take advantages from those two things to be a learning strategy for students (children). The teachers and parents should be open-minded with the era development. It might be difficult for children to



stop playing games because game nowadays is one of the refreshment activities of this era. This is the challenge that teacher and parents should face in the reality. They should connect what children like with the L2 learning. By understanding this era‟s demand, teacher and parents should follow the children‟s styles and interests to make the better learning strategy. Using a game as a media to learn language is supposed to be a good alternative of learning activities for children. They do not only play a game but also learn the second language. At once, they can play while learning and vice versa.

B. Research Problem

As the starting point of designing a set of computer game-based instructional, the writer formulated a research question to be revealed. Therefore, the aim of this study is to answer the question as follows.

What does the design of a set of a computer game-based instructional material to teach vocabulary to second grade of elementary school in SD Kanisius Sengkan look like?

C. Problem Limitation

Looking at the discussion in the background above, the writer tries to design a set of computer game-based instructional materials for the second grade students in SD Kanisius Sengkan. There are some reasons why the writer chooses SD Kanisius Sengkan. SD Kanisius Sengkan is chosen because it has enough



computers for all students in a classroom since not all elementary schools in Jogjakarta have enough computers for every student in a classroom. Besides, SD Kanisius Sengkan has taught English subject to the second grade students.

The writer limits the study for children in the second grade of elementary school in SD Kanisius Sengkan in all classes (class A, class B, and class C). The writer, helped by an IT Programmer, designs a new educative flash game (a game that using flash program) that has not been existed yet because after looking for the educative game in the internet, there are no appropriate English educative games for Indonesian children. Most of the games in the internet are too difficult for the beginners.

Knowing that vocabulary is very rich and various, the writer also limits the kinds of vocabulary that is used in the game by adapting Rainbow 2A book as the basic of designing the game. Because the game is aimed to be used as alternatives in teaching and learning activities, the topics and vocabulary are made similarly to the students‟ handbook (Rainbow 2A) in SD Kanisius Sengkan. The writer realizes that she needs some times to make the most appropriate activities for the second grade of elementary school students because there is no English subject according to the both Curriculum 2013 and Curriculum 2006. English in school is used as an extracurricular subject or compulsory subject. Therefore, the material and activities in the game do not deviate from the course outline.


7 D. Research Objectives

The objective of this study is to provide a new design of learning vocabulary to teach children of the second grade of SD Kanisius Sengkan which is supposed to be easier, more fun, and enjoyable. The students are supposed to have a better understanding of English vocabulary through this game. This instructional materials design which uses computer game as the media to teach English vocabulary can also give variation to the teaching learning activities. This study also discusses the design that is constructed and the result of the application of this game to the students.

E. Research Benefits

By fulfilling the objectives, there are many parties who get the benefits. There are some benefits for children, teacher, parents, and the writer.

1. For the children as the L2 Learners

Children as second language learners are easier to learn because it can be done everywhere. This game is fun and interesting. It can attract children to play this game. The children also can get two benefits in one-time playing. They can get the knowledge and also the happiness.

2. For the teachers as the facilitators

Teachers as the model for the students to learn also get the benefit. They can understand their children‟s need by upgrading their teaching strategy using



games. The teaching strategy can be more various. They can use a modern media also to teach vocabulary for children.

3. For the parents as the control-taker

Parents as the control-taker do not need to worry because even though they are busy with their gadgets, parents still can control their children games on their gadgets. Parents can lead their children about how to play this game. Parents can do their business, while their children can play an educative game without disturbing their business.

4. Writer as the researcher

The writer also gets the benefit by doing this study. The writer can develop this game into the better and appropriate game for children by accepting the inputs from teachers and children. Hopefully, by having the better game, students will be easier and interested in learning English deeply. Writers can also have the better understanding about the children‟s needs.

F. Definition of Terms

In this study, there are some terms that can be interpreted differently. It may cause a misunderstanding perception about the term. Therefore, in this part the writer explains about the terms that appear in this research. These are the terms:



According to Huizinga (1950), “Game is a free activity standing quite consciously outside ”ordinary” life as being ”not serious”, but at the same time absorbing the player intensely and utterly. It is an activity connected with no material interest, and no profit can be gained by it.” Thus, it is an activity that can be used to release the player‟s stresses or pressures because it is free and not serious. Therefore, game is one of free activity about interesting materials.

2. Computer Game

According to Smed & Hakonen(2003), “Computer games are subset of games; everything people can say about games in general applies also to them. Nevertheless, computer games are also computer programs, and, therefore, lessons learnt in software construction can be applied to them.” The game that is designed is supported by the computer software. Most games are a kind of video game. They are the games that use an electronic media (computer). The games are like a video which contains sounds and moving pictures.

3. Instructional Materials

According to Young, Reiser, & Dick (1998), instructional materials are the materials planned or designed by the teacher for the teaching instructions. Materials that have been arranged before are used in the learning activities. It is done by giving instructions to the students to master the materials like what have been planned in the teaching strategy.



4. Computer Game-Based Instructional Materials

Combining what have been found by Smed & Hakonen (2003) about Computer Game and Young, Reiser, & Dick (1998) about Instructional Materials above, computer game-based instructional materials in my study is the game that is supported by the computer technologies which is used as instructional materials to arrange or design learning activities in the classroom. The instruction is given through that computer-game.

5. Vocabulary

According to Alatis (2014), vocabulary can be defined as the words of a language, including single items and phrases or chunks of several words which convey a particular meaning, the way individual words do.

Wilkins (1972) wrote that “… while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp. 111-112). By those two definitions, the writer can conclude that vocabulary is a list of words that contains meaning that is used to communicate with other. Vocabulary decides the one‟s ability to convey their messages or not.

6. SD Kanisius Sengkan

SD Kanisius Sengkan is a Catholic Private School under Canisius Foundation. Canisius Foundation has school institutions from kindergartens until high schools. SD Kanisius Sengkan is one of some schools from Canisius Foundation which is located in Sengkan, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.




In this section, the writer discusses the theoretical description which describes about the literature or theories used to support this research. The second, the writer discuss the theoretical framework which shows the steps that are taken by the writer.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the writer discusses further vocabulary, children, media, game, and also the school curriculum. Vocabulary is explained first because the focus of this study is on the vocabulary development. Second, children are explained because children are the targets of the study. They also have many aspects that lead the writer to move on the media, the nature of game and the curriculum. 1. Vocabulary

Children‟s vocabularies are limited. They cannot acquire all vocabularies easily because there are many kinds of vocabularies seen from the part of speech or the meaning. This makes the writer should master what vocabulary is, the importance of vocabulary, and the kinds of vocabulary especially for children. a. Meaning of Vocabulary

Vocabulary according to Alatis (2014) can be defined as the words of a language, including single items and phrases or chunks of several words which convey a particular meaning, the way individual words do. Therefore, vocabulary


is the core of any other skills in communication. This becomes important because people always use vocabulary of a language to convey their thoughts. Without vocabulary, people cannot communicate with other or in other words, there is no verbal language.

Burton (1974:95) also stated that vocabulary is a stock of words in a language that can support the learners to learn the skills of the language. It means that vocabulary is the fundamental factor to learn. If the stocks of the words are rich, the learners have various constructions of words to be conveyed.

b. The Importance of Vocabulary

According to McKeown & Curtis (1984), individual who knows many words meanings, knows much about the world. It means that someone know and recognize something new through the vocabulary. They get new information from other people by communicating the vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary is important.

Since the writer knows that vocabulary is important for communication and learning activities, the writer should also know what kind or what type of vocabulary that is appropriate for children. Therefore, the writer can design the most appropriate vocabulary game for children.

c. Kinds of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is rich. Not all words can be absorbed easily by children age 6-8 years. Teacher should select the most appropriate words to learn. The words



should be something that is concrete such as „car‟ or „flower‟. Giving them the correct vocabulary can lead them to learn the words in higher level. Selecting the correct vocabulary for children is not easy. There are five criteria to select the best types of vocabulary according to Sumardi (1974) which is explained below. 1) Frequency

Frequency is the probability of how often a word can appear in the daily communication. It is a list of words that frequently used in a language and arranged based the frequency use. If the words are often to be used, the children will be easier to learn. If the words rarely appear, then the children will feel difficult to memorize them. For example, children remember the word ‟cat‟ because cat is around them. They know physically and people often pronounce it. The use of repeated words in the daily activity can shape the understanding and it remains in the children‟s mind.

2) Range

Range is the width of the words usage. The words that are used everywhere are more important than the words that are not used everywhere even though the frequency is not high. The words that have wide range are called structure words. Structure words are words that have no lexical meaning but have important function in the sentence structure grammatically. For example is „have‟. The word „have‟ is used everywhere and it is important. Or in other words, the importance of a word is based on the width of the range.


14 3) Availability

The availability of a word should have the connection with another word and suitable in certain condition. For example, the word „blackboard‟ and „board marker‟ have close connection to the word „classroom‟. Those three words have connection to each other. This makes the children easier to learn those words at once. The words that are grouped in availability can be low frequency and low range. However, these words cannot be separated from each other because it has the possibility to appear. This makes the words are chosen.

4) Coverage

The word that is taught should cover the general understanding or meaning. This is more effective for children to learn because in their stage, they are just able to understand the general definition, not in the specific or detailed definition. For example is bag; bag can cover the detailed vocabulary such as suitcase, valise, handbag, and sack. The words which have general understanding are mostly chosen.

5) Learnable

The vocabulary that is taught should be learnable. The teacher should be careful in selecting the words because there are some confusing words such as „can‟. The word „can‟ is translated into „to be able to‟ and „a metal container to place food or liquids‟. It means that there are some words that share the terms in some meanings. Teacher should be clear when teaching this word in order to



make the learners are not confused in learning vocabularies. Besides, the selected words should be considered because of the length of the words and constructions. People are easier to memorize short words than the longer words.

d. Teaching Vocabulary

According to Harmer (2007:93-94), at beginner levels, teacher frequently uses „explain‟ and „practice‟ procedures. As the students learn more words, we conduct a cue-response drill. Students are facilitated by the teacher to recognize and memorize the vocabulary. For example, the teacher teaches using flashcard. There are some pictures and words there. Besides, learning vocabulary can be done also by doing drills. Teacher spells and pronounces the words then the students repeat. By spelling the words, the students are involved in the teaching and learning process. The teacher is on hand to explain and practice the words.

Besides, according to Suyanto (2007:48), vocabulary learning for the lower classes mostly is given by using „listen and repeat‟ or ‟listen and point to …‟ techniques. Vocabulary learning is simply done using four steps that can be applied in the classroom. Those four steps will be explained below.

1) Introducing

In this step, the teacher introduces new words with the correct pronunciation. Teacher can use media such as pictures or the real things, for examples are apples or oranges. To introduce the English term of the thing,



teachers can easily bring apples or oranges in the classroom or teachers can bring some pictures of apples or oranges.

2) Modeling

In this stage, the teacher gives the examples by acting as the model. Teacher can be model of how to pronounce the words. Besides, if the things are alive, teacher can act like the things, for example is elephant. Teacher can act like and elephant. Therefore, the students have the clear image of the things that they learn.

3) Practicing

The teacher trains the students how to spell the words correctly. In this step, the students are given chances to practice the new words. Students are helped to make sentence. Teacher helps the students to practice and spelling the words. 4) Applying

Students apply the words in the real context with the teacher‟s help. Students are prompted to practice the new words. Teacher controls the students‟ development by letting the students apply the words.

2. Children as the L2 Learners

Since the target of this study is for the children, it is important for the writer to know many things about children. It includes their natural characteristics, their cognitive ability, and their way of learning L2.


17 a. Characteristics of Children

Characteristics of children that the knowledge is adapted from Mentoring Partnership of Long Island, Virginia Mentoring Partnership, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Child Development Seminar (1990), children characteristics are divided into five characteristics; those are: general characteristics, physical characteristics, social characteristics, emotional characteristics, and mental characteristics.

In general characteristics, eight-years-old children are having prolonged interests, big enthusiasm to try and make errors, very active, and critical. In the physical characteristics, children are energetic and very active until they get in some accidents. In social characteristics, children are competitive and finding good friends for themselves.

In emotional characteristics, children are very sensitive so they can be so emotional, easily get angry or crying, even it is with their close friends. The last is mental characteristics. Here children are very curious about something new, they want their independence but parents and teachers cannot let them do what all they want because children in this phase need guidance. Knowing these characteristics of children, writer can use this as a supporting tool to give them a game because they can make trial and errors, they can have their independence, and they can solve their curiosity.

Children, especially for those who are under 8 years old, are really like pictures. Generally, all people in all age-level prefer to use pictures than writing.



However, adults are assumed able to catch knowledge only by some writing and it is different with children whose brains do not develop yet. Their ability to identify something is better than to read something. Ryan (1993) found that using pictures as the visual imagery are really effective.

The purpose is to enhance and hone the visual perception of children. Without the „critical looking‟ and „educated seeing‟ that children develop when visuals are used to support their Art program (e.g., in the art history, art appreciation, and aesthetic components of art programs) then children's creative art production capabilities will be significantly impaired and retarded. (Ryan, 1993)

The children‟s ability increase a lot if their understanding is supported by some pictures that they can associate with the meaning given.

b. Children’s Thinking Ability

According to Chudler (2011), “Each hemisphere of the brain is dominant for other behaviors. For example, it appears that the right brain is dominant for spatial abilities, face recognition, visual imagery and music. The left brain may be more dominant for calculations, math and logical abilities.” This language learning is studied using a game which contains many pictures and colors. The language is learnt in left brain, while the media used to learn English take parts or activates the right brain. It means all part of brains work well. Those brains work in balance; the result is the way of remembering something are easier too because the brain which store those vocabulary is used perfectly.



In addition, the brain that can work in balance can help children in their future. If they are accustomed to use those left and right brain, they can use this way to learn another subjects.

A person who is „left-brained‟ has specialties in language skills, skilled movement, and analytical time sequence processing, while a person who is „right-brained‟ has specialties in copying of design, understanding geometric properties, reading faces, music, understanding of metaphors, expressing and reading emotions. (Morris, 2006)

By knowing those facts, early children can develop this ability to work in harder or more challenging work. They are more both logical and intuitive. Many people are accustomed to develop one-side brain only. The writers should also know about how they study to give the best way of learning L2.

c. Children’s Way of Studying

Children and adults definitely have different way of thinking. It depends on what development stage they are. This development stage is grouped according to the age ranges. Caswell (1957:175) proposed that the children learn because they are interested in what they want to know. As in the previous discussion in point 2a that children are interested in something they do not know before, they have the willingness to learn anything.

According Bukatko (2008), in age of 6-11, by using the information-processing approach, they show an increase in the deliberate production of memory strategies. The information-processing approach is divided into some types. Those are rehearsal or repeating items; children repeat learning or spelling



the materials many times. The second is organization. Organization is reordering items on the basis of higher-order relationships, the students are asked to reorder or rearrange what they have been memorized. The last is elaboration. Elaboration is linking items in an image or sentence. In the design of the vocabulary game, pictures are mostly used to develop children understanding about the vocabulary. They do trial-and-error activities by playing the game repeatedly also.

3. Media or Teaching Aids

Since this study is about designing an educative game for children, media is needed to accommodate the students to get connected to the game itself. Therefore, the writer must know kinds of media in order to give the most appropriate media or teaching aids. It includes the benefits of media and the types. a. The Benefits of Using Media

According to Namle (2013), media refers to all electronic or digital means and print or artistic visuals used to transmit messages the examples are newspapers, magazines, and billboards, radio, television, videocassettes, video games, and computer games. It means that this media cannot be separated from the learning process because this is the tools to hold the learning activities. Gagne and Briggs (1975) implicitly define that educative media consists of tools that physically are used to deliver the content of the materials which contains of: book, tape recorder, cassette, camera video, video recorder, film, slide (frame picture), photos, picture, graphic, television, and computer. Concluding those two experts‟



definitions, media is a real tool which can be a mediator to convey the materials from the teacher to the students. It activates students‟ interests by using visual or auditory imagery. This aim is to give stimulus for the students to learn better using that physical electronics.

Another benefit from using media is by improving the player‟s moods, promote the relaxation and ward off anxiety. Media especially computer is used to give the solution when students are bored with the usual activities in the classroom. Therefore, it can increase the moods of the students at that time. They are like having something to “play with” if there are computers around them. The freedom of using media in the classroom activity for every student leads the students to be independent learners by practicing something.

Since media used is wide, media plays essential roles for language teaching. Soeparno (1988) stated that language teaching media is a tool to communicate message or linguistic information in the cognitive, affective, psychomotor field from information sender to information receiver. Language teaching media is aimed to make the information can be understood by the receiver.

b. Types of Media or Teaching Aids

Types of media or teaching aids have developed. Teaching aids follows the technology development. According to Seels and Richey in Arsyad (2002:29), teaching aids can be categorized into four categories.



The first one is Visual aid. These aids appeal to someone‟s sight only. These media are more realistic. It gives the real imagery. It is divided into two parts: non projected and projected visual aids. Non-projected visual aids are divided into four other types, those are: graphics, board display, charts and posters, and study prints. Graphics uses a set of illustrations other than pictures of reality. It is usually based on the data that is gained to be presented. It has connection with number and progress of something. Board display uses the elements for building up concepts on felt or magnetic boards. It displays something to be seen by the readers on a board. This is a concrete media that can be used in a classroom activity. Charts and posters are a set of media that can attract students‟ attentions a lot. Posters usually are colorful and have many pictures on it. It makes this media is very interesting when the teacher decides not to use projection visual aids. The last is study prints. It is a set of photographs or printed illustration of reality, mounted on cards. It is like handouts for students. The students will have a hardcopy of papers to learn. The materials of the learning activities are collected there.

Projected visual aids provide pictures using projectors to give the better and factual image of the materials using pictures. The difference between projected and non-projected visual aids is in the object. The object in project visual aids cannot be touched because it is displayed in a viewer. Projected visual aids are divided into two parts; those are still pictures and moving pictures without sound. Still pictures here use a set of 35mm slides in color, film strips,



and overhead projectors (OHP) materials. Pictures are displayed using OHP in a screen. Moving pictures without sound use 8mm and super 8mm movie or 16mm movie. The media is better than the first one because the pictures can move. Those pictures can give the closer image to the thing that is learned through the picture itself.

The second category is auditory aids. This teaching aids or media is using audio to convey the message. These teaching aids appeal to someone‟s sense of hearing. The learners use their hearing sense to learn. This media can be in the form of sound on cassette tape, script for simulated or actual radio broadcasts, and language laboratory programs. The third is audio-visual aids. These aids appeal to someone‟s sight and hearing sense. Following the development, this media that has been started using pictures and then continued by the audio, pictures lately is combined with the sound to make the better imagery for the users. Those are slide or tape programs, film strip, sound movies, scripts for TV broadcasts, and video-taped programs.

The forth is stimulation devices. It is a set of the real objects such as minerals, biological specimens, etc. This gives the clearer image because three dimensional here means there are the weights, heights, and the depth. This can give the exact image for all people who use this media. People will understand better. This is the latest version of teaching aids that combine all media from point 1-3 above. Those examples are multi-media or stimulation kit for individual or group use, resources for a museum display, and simulation game for



individuals or groups. What the writers designs includes in this point because she combines all media from point 1-4 into this educative game for children. The designed game uses stimulation devices because there are pictures, sounds, and moving pictures with sounds that are put in the game itself.

Similar to Kemp classification of media which are quoted by Rohani (1997:16) that media classification is grouped into eight classifications, those are: printed media, display media, overhead transparencies, audiotape recording, slide series and filmstrips, multi-image presentations, video recordings and motion picture film, and the last is computer based instruction. This computer based instruction is the media that is used in this study.

4. Computer-Game

The media that is used is computer. The computer is installed by the designed game. As the designer, it is important to know about computer game before designing and developing a computer game, includes the pro-cons of using computer game and game for children.

a. Pro-cons of the use of game as a teaching media

Many people think negatively about students who like playing games. “It really happens because gamers mostly become addicted. Too much time that is spent to play games can disturb the school, work, and social life. That is the reason why online games are often equated with people who gamble because both of them are addictive.” (Van Rooij, 2011, p.97). However, this addiction to games



can be a „tool‟ for teachers to enhance students‟ literacy skill. By playing interesting games which are full of pictures and colors, it can activate children‟s left and right brain well.

Video games are very engaging and elicit constant activity in which an individual must control every aspect of a character(s) in order to see what happens next in the story line, and make decision along the way on what he or she is going to do next (Kolko & Figueroa, 1985). Relating this theory to the theory of children‟s characteristics, the writer finds that there is a relation between games and in general characteristics where students do trial and errors to find out what happens in the next level. They also use their mental characteristics of curiosity to keep trying solving the problem in the game.

b. Educative game for children

APE (Alat Permainan Edukatif) berbasis Komputer or game-based-computer is the learning source with high technology for children. It does not develop the children‟s motoric sensor, but children are demanded to have the skill of being reflective between eyes and hands. Children should react quickly through the coordination of eyes and hands in order to get the reaction of pressing the button.

According to Gardner which is cited Prihantoro (2013), playing game-based-computer for teaching vocabulary can activate linguistic and visual-spatial intelligences. It develops the linguistic intelligence because they learn language in



that game. It develops the visual-spatial intelligence because they learn using pictures and space. They learn language by recording what they see in the pictures on the screen and redraw it again. They are able to share their ideas in speaking, reading, and writing.

Designing a game for children should consider many things. It should be appropriate for their development stages. Children from age 0-6 have the sense of linguistics. In that age, they are very easy to absorb and understand the meaning and grammatical rules of words. They are also easier to pronounce the words because their tongues are still elastic, so it can be exercised easily. It should be safety. It is not harmful for their physical or psychological development. It is fun. It should be developed some certain intelligence.

5. Macromedia Flash Software

According to Visual Basic Tutorial, “Macromedia Flash, also known as Adobe Flash, has become a popular program to create animations since its introduction in 1996. It is now widely used to create animated and interactive because of the animation well as sound and music that accompanied them”. The designed educative game is made using software named Macromedia Flash. It is developed from adobe systems. Computers nowadays have been installed Adobe. It is software that is used to design an animation or a game. Macromedia Flash



can provide an animation of texts, drawings, pictures, and still images. The way to make it is by inputting some codes (coding) to make the pictures move.

Using this Macromedia Flash Software, the designer can develop more about the design and animation because it is easy to use. This helps the designer a lot to obtain the desired game. The program does not require much installation which makes the game accessible for every user.

6. SD Kanisius Sengkan Curriculum

In SD Kanisius Sengkan, there are two kinds of curriculums that are used. Those are National Curriculum which is Curriculum 2006 and Kurikulum Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (Mathematics, Science, English, and ICT). In the Curriculum 2006, there should be no English course in the class because in Curriculum 2006 (National Curriculum) the courses learned are religiosity, Kewarganegaraan, Indonesian Language, Math, Science, Social, Culture, and Sports. However, some schools use English as the Kurikulum Muatan Lokal. English is grouped as the course in Kurikulum Muatan Lokal. It makes the school has the arrangement from Kurikulum Muatan Lokal for English course together with two other courses which are Javanese and IT.

The materials of English course for the second grade students in the second semester are various. However, by analyzing students‟ English textbooks Rainbow 2 (Christina, 2014), it can be concluded that the materials are divided into two semesters. Materials for semester one are about alphabets, numbers 1-20,



vegetables, and animals, while the materials for the second semester are food and drinks, days, toys, and transportation. The materials in the game are adjusted with the materials that are used in SD Kanisius Sengkan based on Rainbow 2 English Book.

B. Theoretical Framework

The focus of this study was on designing an educative computer game about vocabulary materials. It was to help the students for second grade students of SD Kanisius Sengkan had fun and enjoyable English vocabulary learning through moving the materials in the book into a form of game. In the first section, the writer has explained the theories that would be used in this study. The theories should be the basic for the writer to design a set of computer-based game using Macromedia Flash Software to facilitate the learning activities. This section would discuss the theoretical framework of this study.

The researcher conducted an analysis to prepare developing the design. The target of the analysis was the learners; the thing that needed to be developed was the learning activities; and the facilitation was the media. Designing learning activities for children should be well-prepared. The researcher should understand about the curriculum and the standard competence and basic competence to make lesson plan, the objectives, the indicators, the content of the designed material, and the appropriateness with the students‟ characteristics. Therefore, the researcher started from seeing the school curriculum. SD Kanisius Sengkan used



Curriculum 2006 Muatan Lokal as their basis to hold learning activities included the standard competence and basic competences. This curriculum, standard competence and basic competences would be the foundation in designing the activities. In curriculum 2006, the students were supposed to be able to listen, speak, read, and write. These skills should be the consideration for the researcher to plan and set the goals to obtain successful learning in the whole activities through designed-game.

Since this research is dealing with children, knowing the students‟ characteristics was very needed to develop the designed-material. Children had 5 characteristics that should be understood by the teacher and researcher which are stated in Child Development Seminar (1990). The researcher would utilize children‟s general characteristics which had interests, very active, and enthusiastic. Beside, the researcher would also consider children‟s mental characteristics which were very curious about new thing. It was used to set the interesting designed-game to play. Children had their own way in developing their right and left brain‟s skill or learning new things. Moreover, children showed memorizing strategies such as repeating items and elaboration. This would be the consideration in choosing the best main activities to learn. To maximize the delivering materials, the researcher would design the activities that improve left brain (language skill) and right brain especially visual imagery (Ryan, 1993) or visual spatial and linguistic intelligences according to Prihantoro (2013). Since



language skill that would be developed was vocabulary, the researcher explained about the vocabulary in this research.

Learning vocabulary was the main activity in this research that would be designed by the research in a form of a game. Vocabulary was very rich and the researcher should understand what kind of vocabulary that could be used by the children. However, since it is transferring the materials from the handbook in a form of a game, the process of adding the vocabulary is helpful. Here the researcher used vocabulary theories from Sumardi (1974) and Bukatko (2008) about the children‟s way of studying. The researcher should filter the vocabulary which was frequently used and learnable for children. Since there were a lot of ways to learn vocabulary, the researcher chose to employs Suyanto‟s theory (2007). It focused on learning vocabulary through listening and speaking.

Listening and speaking about the vocabulary would be the main activities in the designed game. The students still read the materials in the game, but it is helped by the provided recording there. The classroom activities that would be designed should let the students practice more in listening and speaking. The researcher also put the materials in the media so it let the students had independent learning and dag their own curiosity. By doing independent learning, the students had the opportunity to practice more by listening and speaking. The speaking and listening could be divided in some task, so the students did not feel bored. Since the learning process relied on a media, the researcher also explained the use of media in the research.



Teaching aid was the main facilitation for children to do the classroom activity. Teaching aids in learning process were various. The researcher applied stimulation devices in a form of computer-game instruction (Rohani, 1997). This was the combination of all teaching sources from moving pictures and sounds. The researcher in developing the designed-game should obtain the appropriate pictures and produced correct sounds to be published.

The stages in designing the instructional materials through educative game can be seen in this following Figure 2.1. below.

Figure 2.1 Steps in Conducting Study

Since the construction of the theoretical framework has been finished, the next step that was taken by the writer in this study was by defining the methodology of the study.

School Curriculum 2006 Muatan Lokal

Children theory

Teaching vocabulary theory

Teaching aid theory Research


Vocabulary materials through speaking and listening activities



This chapter is the methodology used in designing a set of computer game-based instructional materials to teach vocabulary for second grade students in SD Kanisius Sengkan. The methodology is presented to answer the question in the problem formulation which is what does the design of a set of a computer game-based instructional material to teach vocabulary for second grade of elementary school in SD Kanisius Sengkan look like. In detail, the methodology covers the research method, the respondents, the instruments, data gathering, the technique of analyzing data, and the procedures in implementing the methodology.

A. Research Method

To achieve the research objective, the writer employed R&D method. Research and Development (R&D) according to Borg (2005) is a process used to develop and validate educational products. R&D consists of some cycles to validate the educational products, including testing the educational products and making the revision of the products to reach its objectives. In developing educational product, designer has many ways to design the educational development. In this study, the designer used instructional design theory.

Instructional design according to Culatta (2013) is the process by which instruction is improved through the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of learning materials. Instructional designers often use technology



and multimedia as tools to enhance instruction. There were many instructional design models that have been developed. One of them was proposed by Jerrold E. Kemp (2011). Kemp‟s instructional design model (2011) was chosen because it had oval shape. It means that the cycles or the process itself was done continuously from planning, designing, developing, and assessing. The writer used Kemp‟s model because it was systemic, practicable and not complicated. The designer could start from any steps and could choose the following steps randomly.

Before going to the steps, Morrison, Kemp, & Ross (2011) proposed that in designing materials, the designer should think about four essential points. The designer should be able to answer those questions.

First, „For whom is the program developed?‟ The designer should be able to answer this question by finding characteristics of the learners or trainees by doing some observation and analysis first. Knowing the learners characteristics make the design adjusted based on their characteristics.

Second, „What do you want the learners or trainees to learn or demonstrate?‟ This question leads to the objective of the research. It means that when the designer wants to design a material, he or she should be clear with her or his objective. He should construct and recognize the best objective based on what he or she wants to design.

Third, „how is the subject content or skill best learned?‟ The designer should be able to answer this question by finding the instructional strategies that the designer uses in developing the instructional materials design. Designer



should be able to choose what kind of activities that is appropriate for the learners‟ levels. By having the suitable activities based on their level, this material design helps the designer gaining the objectives in the second question above.

Fourth, „how do you determine the extent to which learning is achieved?‟This is interrelated with the result. It is about how we measure the capability of the learners after they have done the learning activities using the designed-game. The writer should know about how the evaluation of the study is done. The writer should prepare and be ready for the evaluation of the design whether there is a development from the learners or not. By knowing the evaluation‟s result, the teacher knows whether the designed-game should be improved and fixed or not.

Those are four fundamental components of Kemp‟s instructional design. By understanding those components, the writers can apply the process in the Kemp‟s nine steps. There are nine steps of Kemp‟s theory (2011) in constructing the instructional materials design which is shown in this Figure 3.1 below.

Figure 3.1 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model



Kemp‟s model has nine steps to be elaborated. Jerrold E. Kemp designed this theory for the development of the education. The brief explanation would be explained in the following discussion. The nine steps of Kemp‟s Instructional Design Model are applicable with the steps that would be done by the designer. Step 1: Identify instructional problems and consider goals, stating the general goals for designing an instructional program.

The first step of the process was to identify the need of the client or the performance problem the client wishes to solve. The designer should decide the general instructional goals or standard competences which were the general goals that want to be achieved in teaching every subtopic. The general goal that the students should reach was the result of the evaluation from applying the designed game.

Step 2: Identify the characteristics of the learners and the context.

One aspects of the analysis was defining the characteristics of the target audience, or those individuals who were not performing as expected. The writers should analyze the students‟ characteristics. This analysis was needed to know what are the students‟ educational backgrounds and the students‟ socio-cultural which were possible to join the program, and what kind of steps that needs to take. Identifying this student‟s characters helped the writer to choose and select the most appropriate way and materials for the students. It was important to know their educational background such as their score average, their ability of understanding, number of students, and level of intelligences. Besides, it was also



important to know their social factors such as age, economic situation, emotional and physical maturity, their special ability, and their learning styles. By knowing those all factors, the designer was careful and pay more attention about what kind of game that she would provide for the children. Understanding these factors also helped the students to be treated better.

Step 3: Analyze the task components related to the general goals and identify the subject content.

This step was important because this process was used to determine what knowledge and procedures designer needed to include in the instruction to help the learners master the objectives. The designer should decide the instructional purpose specifically, operationally, and has the indicators. Therefore, the students knew what they should do, how to do that and what the measurement was if they have been successful. For the teachers, those formulas were useful in arranging achievement test or standardize test and material choosing or finding the appropriate materials. In the first step, the objective that was constructed was the general one, but after knowing the students‟ background, the objectives should be adjusted to be more detail in order to create the successful learning for the students.

Step 4: State the instructional objectives for the learners.

The instructional objectives specified exactly what the learner must master. The writer should decide the materials with the appropriate indicators that have been arranged. The problem that was faced by the teacher was there are so



many subjects that should be taught with the limited time. Moreover, the difficulties appeared in organizing the materials that were provided to the students. The teacher‟s role was to choose and filter the right material sources, media and the procedure of the learning activities. The content of English subject should be adjusted with the objectives that would be reached.

Step 5: Sequence content within each instructional unit for logical learning. Ordering or sequencing the information into logical sequence might help the learner grasp the ideas in a more efficient and effective manner. Teacher should sequence the content of the learning instructional for logical learning. The teacher should know the content that would be given in every topic. This logical learning was aimed to see how good the students know the basic of the knowledge that would be taught in fulfilling the requirements of learning to join the following or designed learning activities. The students were supposed not to be bored. Step 6: Design instructional strategies so that each learner can master the objectives.

In this step, the designer were demanded to be creative. The designer should prepare the design itself to help the learner integrate the new information with ideas they already understand. The designer in this step was designing the strategies of teaching activities. The instruction for the students was developed in this step. Strategies designed were connected to the objectives in the previous steps so that the learners could achieve the indicators and the general objectives of the material.



Step 7: Select teaching learning activity and coordinate support service (delivery). The next step was the delivery or designing the message from the instructional strategies. Designer delivered the message or information from the instructional strategy to direct the learners‟ attention. The teacher should decide the teaching and learning strategies and media and the learning source. The criteria that were appropriate with the specific instructional purpose (indicators) were efficiency, effectiveness, economical and practical through alternative analysis. Coordinating the supporting accommodation needed consisted of cost, facilitation, equipment, time, and energy. Those all supporting services should be considered well because it ould influence the progress of the designed learning activities. In the same time, those all supporting services should be made and considered.

Step 8: Select resources to support instruction and learning activities.

After finishing the analysis and the design, the designer needed to develop the instruction. This step was the process involving all the parts together to produce instructional materials or activities. This was the stage when the designer applied the designed game to the learners. Later, to know what part should be developed, the teacher in the last should hold an evaluation. This evaluation is very needed to control and review the success of the program that was the students, learning program, test or evaluation, and method or strategy used. Step 9: Develop evaluation instruments to assess objectives.



In this step, the designer completed the design of the evaluation instruments after defining the objectives. Selecting the best activity and resources for the students would help the students got closer to the objective that wanted to be reached. After getting so much evaluation in the previous step, the design was supposed to be developed well. By putting the appropriate resources in those learning activities, the learners were led to reach the objectives.

B. Research Setting

The setting of the research was in the SD Kanisius Sengkan in Sengkan, Condongcatur, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The research was done in three weeks. There were 87 students from 3 classes. 30 students were from class 2A, 30 students were from class 2B, and 27 students were from class 2C. The students in three classes learnt using this game in 2 weeks only, another one week was used to collect the data. In the first week, the students learn about listening and speaking new things. In the second week, the students repeated learning about listening and speaking and continued by doing independent learning through playing the games. The researcher was given the chance to replace the teacher position became the full-time facilitator in the classroom in three weeks. Therefore, the use of the designed-game was totally implemented in the teaching learning activities. The setting of time is from April 7 up to April 25, 2015. Since there was no English subject in curriculum 2006, teachers in school made their own lesson plans to give children ability in English, while the researcher doing the research, the lesson



plans were made by the researcher as well. The class would be held in the computer laboratory. The designer designed all materials in the second grade based on Rainbow 2 English book. However, part of the game that would be tested on developing the students‟ knowledge was about „Toys‟. It was chosen because „Toys‟ was taught in April based on the teacher‟s syllabus and semester program.

C. Research Participants

The subjects or respondents in this study of designing a set of computer game-based materials for teaching vocabulary were lecturer, children in the second grade of SD Kanisius Sengkan and the teachers. Lecturer became the expert who validated about the quality of the designed game for the designer. Children as the target of the product would get the direct benefit from this product and teachers as the instructors would control how this product was done and used by the children.

Children were chosen to be the participants because they were the subject of the main goal of the designing game. The game was made for children; therefore the children would be the main participants for the designer. Teacher was the field workers; they knew well about the development of their students. The teacher gave the valid result from the children‟s development. Respondents evaluated the study with the given feedback for the designer as the recommendations, suggestions, and opinions. Respondents later should also



I. Penilaian

Indikator Pencapaian

Penilaian Aspek Pengetahuan

Teknik Penilaian


Instrumen Soal/ Instrumen

6. Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari recording dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar.

7. Menyebutkan kosakata dalam materi numbers.

8. Menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru berdasarkan kosakata baru. Tes Lisan Merespon dengan mengulang secara lisan

Listen to the sentences and repeat!

Guru: One!

Murid: (mengulang dengan ucapan lantang)

Guru: What is ten plus two?

Murid: (menjawab dengan ucapan lantang)

Aspek Kriteria Skor

Sikap * Bersikap sesuai yang diharapkan

* Kadang-kadang bersikap yang diharapkan * Tidak bersikap sesuai yang diharapkan

5 3 1

Yogyakarta, 14 April 2015


Guru Kelas Peneliti




Satuan Pendidikan : SD Kanisius Sengkan Kelas/Semester : II/1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Alokasi waktu : 1 x 35 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi : 2. Mengungkapkan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik

B. Kompetensi Dasar : 2.1 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menanyakan suatu benda, menanyakan di mana suatu benda berada, dan menanyakan jumlah benda.

2.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyebutkan usia dan tanggal lahir serta menyebutkan waktu

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi :

 Menyebutkan kosakata dalam materi numbers.  Menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru

berdasarkan kosakata baru.

 Menyusun pertanyaan berdasarkan kosakata baru.  Menggunakan kosakata tersebut dalam

percakapan sehari-hari secara mandiri.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Peserta didik mampu menyebutkan numbers dengan tepat.

2. Peserta didik mampu memahami dan menjawab pertanyaan sederhana tentang perhitungan angka menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect) Tekun (diligence)

Tanggung jawab (responsibility) Berani (courage)



E. Materi Pokok Pembelajaran


Expression of asking Expression of responding a question

- Can you say numbers 1 to 20? - Can you calculate two plus three - What is nineteen minus four?

- Yes, one two three … - Two plus three is five.

- Nineteen minus four is fifteen.

F. Pendekatan, model, dan metode pembelajaran:

- Pendekatan : PAIKEM

- Model : Eksplorasi, Elaborasi, dan Konfirmasi

- Metode : Communicative Language Learning dan Total Physical Response

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Waktu

1. Pendahuluan



b. Mengecek kehadiran siswa 2 menit

2. Kegiatan Inti


a. Guru mengajak siswa mengulas materi pada pertemuan pertama

b. Guru memancing siswa untuk menyebutkan angka-angka yang mereka ketahui dalam bahasa Inggris berdasarkan pertemuan sebelumnya.


a. Guru dan siswa mendengarkan kembali tutorial numbers

b. Siswa mempraktikkan tanya-jawab mengenai numbers dengan teman-teman dan guru.

c. Siswa belajar mandiri menggunakan game number di dalam Magic English


a. Guru memberi umpan balik positif dan penguatan atas yang telah dilakukan peserta didik.

2 menit

3 menit

5 menit

5 menit

12 menit

2 menit

3. Penutup

a. Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah dari buku „Rainbow 2 English Series‟ halaman 27 .

b. Guru memberikan penugasan kepada siswa untuk menghapal angka-angka secara acak menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

2 menit



H. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran

- Sumber : Kristiyani, Christina. 2014. Rainbow 2: English Book Series for Elementary School Students. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius. - Media : Komputer dan Magic English Educative Computer Game.

I. Penilaian

Indikator Pencapaian

Penilaian Aspek Pengetahuan

Teknik Penilaian

Bentuk Instrume


Soal/ Instrumen

9. Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari recording dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar.

10. Menyebutkan kosakata dalam materi alphabet.

11. Menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru berdasarkan kosakata baru.

Tes Lisan

Merespon dengan mengulang secara lisan

Listen to the sentences and repeat!

Guru: One plus two is three.

Murid: (mengulang dengan ucapan lantang)

Guru: What is three minus two?

Murid: three minus two is one.



Aspek Kriteria Skor

Sikap * Bersikap sesuai yang diharapkan

* Kadang-kadang bersikap yang diharapkan * Tidak bersikap sesuai yang diharapkan

5 3 1

Yogyakarta, 14 April 2015


Guru Kelas Peneliti