Permatasari’s Thesis “An Analysis on The Language Style of the

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Stylistics

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics and is derived from the word style. Style is an everyday word that can be defined as “distinctive manner of expression, through whatever medium this expression is given physical shape” Verdonk, 2002:3. It means something, whatever is that, has a unique manner of expression and this expression give physical shape which can be seen by other people. The word style can be found anywhere, for example someone may say that girl has a style which means that other people can see that she is different from the other. Style also can be found in matter of writing. Writers have their own style in writing, means that every writer have their own way in choosing the words to convey their messages. Not only the chosen words but also the way they produce sentence itself is different. This is where stylistics takes place, because stylistics is “the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect” Verdonk, 2002:4. Stylistics does not stop in the different thing in using language but also describes the purpose and effect of that unique and different thing in language. It means that stylistics concerns about unique and different thing in language and also describes the purpose and effect of them. Stylistics approach is “a critical approach which uses the methods and findings of the science of linguistics in the analysis of literary texts” Barry, 2002:203. Meaning that stylistics approach tries to classify the data of a literary text into smaller parts like words, phrases, and clauses, then identifies them to find some PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI features. But not only in the literary text, stylistics can also be applied to any kind of text because every kinds of writing have features of style. For example, is a headline in a newspaper. Its most common feature is ellipsis some words are not there because of the size or limited space in newspaper that results direct yet powerful effect for the readers. Beside of ellipsis, the other important this is intertextuality, “an allusion to another text and, at the same time, an appeal to reader’s awareness of that text” Verdonk, 2002:4, means that a text refers to another text. Same as the headline, other kinds of writing also has style. The style is “the result of the choice of certain forms and structures” Verdonk 2002:5-6. It means that a text has certain style because its distinct forms and structures. Verdonk said “in making a stylistics analysis we are not so much focused on every form and structure in a text, as on those which stand out in it” 2002:6. So stylistics analysis does not concern to the whole text at once but pick out the stand out part that the readers interest in or what in stylistics called as foregrounding. The part of the text that foregrounded has distinct pattern such as in text’s typography, sounds, diction, grammar, or sentence structure. The foregrounded part also can be seen by looking for repetition or the different thing that should be in the particular text type or different thing as general. Style also can be seen from the context of the text because a making of a text including the purpose and effect is affected by the context that writer and reader have. A writer may choose some particular context and assume the reader will understand or has general knowledge about the text in that context. The context is called discourse. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Social function of the text is another factor that affects writer’s style. The writers “expect their readers to be socially tuned in to them” Verdonk, 2002:8. For example, an advertisement’s social function is to persuade the reader, so it is appropriate if many complimentary words or phrases about the products found in the advertisements. In general, the purpose of stylistics is to show how linguistic features sound, grammar, vocabulary, and text organization contribute to the meanings and the effects of a text. It means that the one who do stylistics analysis wants to proof that the style of the text in this case, can be seen through linguistic features also shapes the meaning and the effect of a text that understood by the readers.

a. Feminist Stylistics

Feminist stylistics is not really elaborated from feminism or stylistics as well, but a collaboration of both of two studies. According to Mills 1995, feminist and stylistics are two complex words, but the phrase feminist stylistics can be described as feminist who takes stylistics analysis in providing hard data to prove that some texts have feminism aspects. Feminist stylistics is related to external thing outside the text that affects it and shapes certain style. Feminist stylistics also determines the possibility of the text’s interpretation, which means, feminist stylistics analyzes the differences between male writings and female writings. There are certain characteristics that distinguish them. Mills: 1995 There are certain characteristics used to distinguish male and female characteristics. For example, male always linked to braveness, logic, adventurous,