Long-noun phrase Syntactic Features of Advertisement

g. Syntactic parallelism

The same pattern in sentence by repeating some words makes the idea becomes one and makes it easier to remember. In other words, there is repeated word and followed by words in the same grammar pattern in one clause. Revlon’s printed advertisement that taken as the data in this thesis, do not use any syntactic parallelism. There is only few repeated word.

h. Association

An advertiser uses association in advertisement by associating the product with other things that sometimes has no connection at all. Association is indicated by the word like or as to connect the two things. However, Revlon’s printed advertisements that taken as data in this thesis have no example of association feature.

i. Ellipsis

Ellipsis means omission some part of the sentence so it becomes shorter but does not change the message that conveyed through the sentence. Revlon’s printed advertisements have this feature in its 2 clause. The clause “Fashion forward, rich, and refined” is omitting a verb. The clause should be Fashion is forward, rich, and refined, because the adjective forward, rich, and refined explain the noun fashion, so there should be a verb, in form of to-be. The second clause is “Lavish colour…extravagant care”. This clause consists of two phrases that have same pattern of part of speech; adjective- noun…adjective noun. The pull stops in the middle of the phrases can be replaced with a conjunction and, so it becomes lavish colour and extravagant care.

j. Incomplete sentence

Little space in printed advertisement is a reason why the sentences are sometimes incomplete. A Complete sentence contains at least a subject noun and a predicate verb, so if one of those aspects disappeared, the sentence will be called incomplete. There are 20 clauses which are incomplete in Revlon’s printed advertisements. Some examples from those clauses are “Undeniably, the most romantic feminine shades under the sun”, “Wild berries”, “Unforgettable”, “Stays on”, and “And kiss off?”. These clauses are incomplete and they will be explained below. The first clause “Undeniably, the most romantic feminine shades under the sun” is a long clause yet incomplete because it has no verb. This clause only contains subject without any predicate. The second clause “Wild berries” only contains adjective and noun without verb. The next clause “Unforgettable” only consists of one word which is adjective. This clause even has no two important elements, subject and predicate. The clause “Stays on” is also incomplete. This clause just consists of predicate without subject, but it can be seen that the subject should be singular or pronoun he, she, or it because of the suffix –s in the word stay. The clause “And kiss off?” is incomplete question clause. A question clause PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI