Humor Glamorization Lexical Features of Advertisement

form for advertisements. The sentences may short but they contain complete information. Short sentences are important for printed advertisements because printed advertisements are usually limited in space. Revlon’s printed advertisements also use short sentence to convey the message in limited space. There are 19 sentences that have this feature. For examples are the clauses “Defy it”, “Wild berries”, “Rich and ripened”, “Stays on”, “Forget it”, and “No way”. These clauses are short but they contain some information about the product. The clause “Defy it” contains information about something that should be defied by the readers and this information leads the readers to read more. The clause “Wild berries” in C coded advertisement indicates the color of the product like the color of wild berries. The clause “Rich and ripened” describes the product that has rich and ripened features. The clause “Stays on” describes that the product will stay on when used. The clause “Forget it” directs the readers to forget something. The clause “No way” directs the readers to say no for something.

b. Long-noun phrase

A long-noun phrase is a group of noun that used to describe the product. Long-noun phrase is more efficient than a group of adjective. However, Revlon’s printed advertisements that taken as the data in this thesis, do not use long-noun phrase to describe its products. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

c. Ambiguity

Ambiguity means that a word has more than one meaning. Sometimes ambiguity in a sentence makes different interpretation. Revlon use this feature in order to direct readers’ curiosity to seek more information, which interpretation that fit with what the advertisement wants to convey. Revlon’s printed advertisements have two clauses that have ambiguity feature. First, the clause “A taste of berry fresh colour”. This clause is ambiguous because of the not connected noun; taste and colour. These words are not connected each other, how someone can taste the color of something. Taste is usually connected to tongue or mouth and connected to something sweet or spicy, so this clause directs the readers’ curiosity, then seek more information. Second clause is “This weightless gloss makes lips pop with color and 5x more shine than patent leather”. The phrase weightless gloss is the ambiguous one. Gloss is an adjective that means “shiny brightness on a surface” Quirk; 2001 and it should have no weight, but Revlon uses it together with weightless that means there is gloss that has weight. This makes the readers curious about what the weightless gloss means, then they seek more information and may buy the product to try the weightless gloss.

d. Use of imperative

An imperative sentence is a sentence that gives a direct to the readers to do something. Imperative sentence is usually started with a verb, such as buy it, or