Hyperbole Lexical Features of Advertisement

make the clause easy to remember. For example, in B coded advertisement, there is a clause that has repeated word which is “Mauve- glorious mauve”. The word mauve is repeated before and after the word glorious. This means the advertiser wants to emphasize the word mauve and the mauve is the glorious one. The same with a clause from E coded, “… you’ll have hours and hours of luscious, feel- good colour in one smooth step”, that repeating and emphasizing the word hours. It means that the advertiser wants to say that the readers that use the product will get luscious, feel-good colour in so many hours. The other form of repetition is repeated sound. This form can be seen in E coded advertisement, the clause “Flaking or caking?” is repeating the sound –ing in its two words; in F coded advertisement, the clause “Revlon Passion Fussion” that repeats the sound –on in the end of each words and the clause “Behold a ravishing new collection of vibrant violets, burnished brown, and glowing golds” that repeats v, b, and g in the words vibrant violet, burnished brown, and glowing golds.

g. Euphemism

Euphemism is some words which are used to replace other words that are not good to be said in advertisements. Something that taboo to be talked about, can be said using euphemism words. Revlon uses euphemism in one of its printed advertisements. The word plump that means “having full, round shape” Quirk; 2001 is said as the new gorgeous for lashes by Revlon, but the word plump its self, as Quirk 2001 said, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI is “a word meaning pleasantly fat”. When the readers read the clause “Plump is the new gorgeous”, they think that Revlon wants to say fat or round shape but those words are avoided and replaced by plump. Then when the reader read the continuation of the clause, “…when it comes to lashes anyway”, they understand that the plump word is for describing round-shape-lashes.

h. Humor

Humor is used in advertisements because it is easy to catch by the readers. Something funny brings happiness, makes the readers feel interested to read more. There is no humor found in Revlon’s printed advertisement. Revlon uses things that close related to women but there is no humor used to convey those things.

i. Glamorization

Glamour feeling is a common thing that found in advertisements, especially in the advertisements about women products. Glamour feeling is created by using some words that make the products have glamour touch. Revlon ’s printed advertisements use 8 words to give glamour touch to the products. For example, glorious, rich, luxe, glowing, couture, lavish, extravagant, and deluxe are the words that Revlon uses in its advertisements. These words give glamor touch in the products. In the clause “Mauve-glorious mauve”, the word glorious is emphasizing the mauve in the advertisement is the glamor-glorious one. The clause “Fashion forward, rich and refined” has the word rich that adds the glamor feeling in it. The word luxe that means luxurious in English, in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI