Linguistic Features of Advertisement

9 Glamorization Glamorization is used in the advertisement to make glamour feeling about the product. The advertisers usually combined some words to make a glamour touch. For example, words that related to diamond, such as sparkling, will give glamor touch if used with other words. 10 Potency Grey said the purpose of using potency words is “to give new value, novelty, or immediacy” 2008. This means that some words can be used to give a new unusual meaning or something unpredictable to attract people.

b. Syntactic Features

Syntactic features are features that related to grammar and form. An advertisement form and grammar is usually simple. This thing can be seen through syntactic features of advertisements. 1 Short Sentences Short sentence is chosen because usually advertisement has no many spaces. Otherwise, short sentence grabs attention easier than a long complex sentence. The sentence in the advertisements usually short but clear and contains complete information. 2 Long-noun Phrases Long-noun phrase is used to describe the specialty of the advertised products. To describe a car, for example, the advertisers may use modern comfortable stylist car rather than a car that is modern, comfortable, and stylist. 3 Ambiguity McArthur said that ambiguity is “actual or potential uncertainty of meaning” 1992. Some sentences may ambiguous when they have more than one meaning. Those sentences may be ambiguous in isolation, but if the sentence is put in a context, the real meaning will be revealed. There are lexical lexical homonymy and polysemy and grammatical ambiguity grammatical homonymy and polysemy. 4 Use of Imperatives Imperative words are used to ask the customers to do something. Some advertisements use imperative words like try this or buy it to ask the customers to do the thing, immediately after read the advertisements. 5 Simple and Colloquial Languages Colloquial means “a semi-technical term for the vernacular form of a language or sometimes mildly pejorative, for informal, everyday speech, including slang” McArthur; 1992. It means that colloquial language is informal language that used in everyday speech and including slang language. Simple and